HKU Faculty of Law kicks off its Golden Jubilee Celebration with an international conference on Public Law
Established in 1969, The Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong is the first law school in Hong Kong and one of the most prestigious law schools internationally. The Faculty kicked off its Golden Jubilee celebration with the Annual Conference of The International Society of Public Law (ICON-S 2018) on 25 June 2018.
It was the fifth Annual Conference of ICON-S and the first time the conference was held in Asia since the foundation of the Society in 2013. The conference featured top scholars in public law and eminent judges, and more than 700 scholars and researchers from all over the world, who gathered to examine and exchange ideas on a wide range of topics central to public law scholarship and practice today, under an overarching theme of “Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law”. To kick off the 50th Anniversary Celebration, a short ceremony was held at the evening, attended by conference participants, friends, donors, supporters, partners, alumni of the Faculty. The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma, the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal congratulated the success of the Faculty, “The statistics, the accomplishments, the many alumni who have made great achievements[1] all evidence the remarkable development of the Faculty over the past 50 years. Yet, for me, all these facets of a successful faculty within a modern, prestigious university, important as no doubt they are, nevertheless do not represent the ultimate achievement of the Faculty. And this achievement can be described as the contribution it has made to the community and the Faculty’s proper role within it”.
Professor Michael Hor, Dean of Law, joined Professor Andy Hor, Acting President and Vice-Chancellor of the University in thanking different stakeholders in supporting the Faculty in the past 50 years, enabling the Faculty to make significant contributions in major areas of law and venture into new dimensions of development. With the theme “Law, Justice and Humanity: 50 Years and Beyond”; a variety of events will be organized until the end of 2019. Some academic and social events have already been scheduled in 2018:
HKU Law Alumni Choir Alumni Concert (November 17, 2018)
Distinguished Lecture by Professor Scott Veitch (October 4, 2018)
Distinguished Lecture by Professor Douglas Arner (November 8, 2018)
Asian Philosophy of Law Conference (December 12, 2018)
Other celebration activities will include but not limited to the following:
Anniversary Publication: A commemorative volume by Dr Christopher Munn on the Faculty’s 50 years of service and its impact on the local community, including interviews with current and former students and members of the Faculty.
Walking Tour: A walking tour route (about 2 to 3 hours, in Central/Western District) will be customized to trace the path of the Faculty development in parallel with the evolution of the legal systems in Hong Kong.
RTHK Programme: A documentary in collaboration with RTHK on the impact and contribution that the Faculty has made in the last 50 years in shaping the development of legal education, legal system and the rule of law in Hong Kong.
Video Archive: The Faculty is building a Video Archive of major public lectures, conferences and speeches by prominent legal figures, both local and overseas. The treasure trove of knowledge, with more than 1,000 recordings, will be open to the public through online viewing.
Gala Dinner: Finale of the Celebration in November/ December 2019.
Please visit for the latest information of the activities.
Note 1. Such as, most recently, The Honourable Mr Justice Andrew Cheung, the present Chief Judge of the High Court who will join the Court of Final Appeal in October.
香港大學法律學院於1969年成立,為本地首間法律學院,時至今日,已發展成國際知名學府。2019年為學院成立五十周年紀念,日前學院以國際公法學學會周年會議 (Annual Conference of The International Society of Public Law (ICON-S 2018)) 揭開院慶序幕。
是次會議是國際公法學學會於2013成立以來第五次、亦是首次於亞洲舉行之周年會議。在公法研究上享負盛名的學者和各國資深的法官、以及超過七百多名來自世界各地的法律學者、研究者雲集法律學院,以「身份、安全、民主:對公法的挑戰」(Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law)為主題,就各種公法議題探討及交流意見。會議首日晚上,學院舉行簡單而隆重的啟動禮,正式為五十周年院慶活動揭開序幕,參與會議的學者、學院的捐贈者、校友、各方友好及合作夥伴歡聚一堂。終審法院首席法官馬道立恭賀法律學院成立半世紀:「學院的排名、成果、眾多成就非凡的校友[1],都引證了學院過去五十年的卓越發展。但對我而言,在這所現代化、地位崇高的大學裡,這所成功學院的不同成就固然重要,但並非是學院的最終成就;學院的最終成就,應該在於對社會的貢獻、以及在社會上應擔當的角色。」
11月17日 香港大學法律畢業生合唱團音樂會
10月4日 傑出學者講座 – 韋卓思教授
11月8 日 傑出學者講座 – 安納德教授
12月12 日 東亞法哲學大會
周年晚宴 :將於2019年底舉行,為金禧院慶的壓軸活動。
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