RTHK Programme “A Legal Journey”
The rule of law is a core value of Hong Kong as well as a cornerstone of the city’s prosperity. To uphold this value and safeguard our system, HKU Faculty of Law is instrumental by nurturing not only members of the legal profession but also committed community leaders.
Through the 6-episode TV docudrama “A Legal Journey”, let us trace the journey of local legal education in the past five decades and how it contributes to the legal system and the rule of law in Hong Kong when meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing environment.
“A Legal Journey” will be aired on Sunday, 24 March 2019 at 8:30pm on RTHK31 and Wednesday, 27 March 2019 at 6pm on TVB Jade for six consecutive weeks.
Back to News《現身說法》將於2019年3月24日起,逢星期日晚上八時半於港台電視31,以及3月27日起,逢星期三晚上六時無綫電視翡翠台播出。