RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Cora Chan, Liberal Regions in Illiberal States, HK$527,490, 36 months
- Xin He, Appeals and Inequalities in China’s Plea Leniency System, HK$1,040,000, 36 months
- John Zhuang Liu, The Rise and Limits of the Chinese Judiciary: Administrative Litigation in China during the Reform Period, HK$716,000, 36 months
- Sida Liu, The Work Conditions of Early-Career Lawyers in China, HK$840,000, 36 months
- Michael Ng, Judicial Independence on Trial: Archival Study of Political Interference with the Colonial Hong Kong Courts (1842-1997), HK$742,000, 36 months
- Ryan Whalen, Artificial Intelligence in the Administration of the Patent System, HK$366,626, 30 months
- Amanda Whitfort, Responding to Animal Rescue Hoarding in Hong Kong: A Comparative and Empirical Review, HK$407,644, 24 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Thomas Cheng, Abuse of Dominance in the Digital Age, HK$664,340, 36 months
- Wilson Chow, Hong Kong Tax System: New Era! New Wine in New Bottle?, HK$850,000, 30 months
- Eric Ip, Judging the Automated State: The Reformation of Administrative Law for the Coming Age of Algorithmic Government in Hong Kong under Chinese Sovereignty, HK$457,140, 36 months
- Rebecca Lee, Trust and Succession Planning in Hong Kong and Singapore: A Critical Evaluation of the Process of Transnational Law-making and its Boundaries, HK$405,800, 24 months
- John Zhuang Liu, Cameras in the Courtroom: Field Experiments in Real Trials, HK$848,000, 36 months
- Haochen Sun, The Rise of the Chinese Music Streaming Market: Implications for Enhanced Intellectual Property Protection in China, HK$608,400, 36 months
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS)
- Hui Jing, Controlling Trustees’ Discretionary Powers in Express Private Trusts: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Australia, and England, HK$473,000, 24 months
- Julius Yam, Political Crowdfunding in Authoritarian Regimes, HK$570,000, 36 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Calvin Ho, Regulatory Governance of AI in Medicine in the Greater Bay Area, HK$554,741, 18 months
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS)
- Ying Xia, The Changing Social Spaces under Authoritarian Environmentalism: NGOs’ Environmental Legal Mobilization in China, HK$778,280, 36 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Shahla Ali, Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Assessing the Development of Dispute Prevention Mechanisms along the Belt and Road, HK$780,059, 36 months
- Daisy Cheung, Deciding What is Best for You: Best Interest Determinations on Behalf of Persons Without Capacity in the Chinese Context, HK$443,426, 36 months
- James Fry, The Role of Peace Movements in the 1899 Creation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, HK$291,904, 36 months
- Weixia Gu, The Global Rise of the International Commercial Courts: Power Dynamics and Transnational Legal Order, HK$644,385, 36 months
- Jedidiah Kroncke, The Modern Re-Engineering of East Asian Lawyers, HK$540,881, 36 months
- Shitong Qiao, The Authoritarian Commons: The Co-Evolution of Law and Social Norms in China’s Urban Residential Neighbourhoods, HK$1,255,474, 36 months
- Angela Zhang, Decentralizing Platform Governance: Innovations from China, HK$656,825, 32 months
- Anya Adair (joint appointment with Faculty of Arts), The ‘Statuta Vetera’ Manuscript, c. 1280-1520: Production and Use of a Medieval Legal Bestseller, HK$599,209, 24 months
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS)
- Benjamin Chen, The Socialist Reception of Precedent: A Computational Analysis of Guiding Cases in the People’s Republic of China, HK$746,320, 36 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Clement Chen, Accountability in Algorithm-assisted Sanctions: Public Law Scrutiny of China’s Social Credit System, HK$705,920, 36 months
- Xin He, The Personal Safety Protection Order against Domestic Violence in China, HK$924,000, 24 months
- Lusina Ho, A Comprehensive Examination of Judicial Practice on the Chinese Trust Law, HK$650,064, 24 months
- Rebecca Lee, Rebuilding Trust and Legitimacy for Charities in Hong Kong, HK$375,000, 24 months
- Michael Ng, Liberating Hong Kong: The Awakening of Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law in British Hong Kong (1978-1997), HK$591,400, 24 months
- Marco Wan, The Construction of Sexual Minority Identities in Legal and Political Discourse in Hong Kong, HK$585,080, 36 months
RGC Senior Research Fellowship
- Douglas Arner, Digital Finance, Financial Inclusion and Sustainability: Building Better Financial Systems, HK$7,798,380, 60 months
Public Policy Research (PPR)
- Amanda Whitfort, An Empirical Study of the Nature of Animal Abuse Cases in Hong Kong from 2013-2019, HK$462,019, 12 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Giuliano Castellano, Creating Credit: Law Reforms, Policy Tensions, and Disruptive Technologies, HK$686,476, 36 months
- Felix Chan, The Establishment and Administration of British Admiralty law in Hong Kong and Other Treaty Ports under the Treaty of Nanking: 1861-1943, HK$574,000, 36 months
- Weixia Gu, Enforcement of Arbitral Awards under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Regional Harmonization of the Public Policy in Context of the BRI Asia, HK$449,000, 36 months
- Alex Schwartz, Court Curbing: Elites and Judicial Power in the Age of Populism, HK$685,320, 36 months
- Simon Young, An Empirical Study of Money Laundering Offending in Hong Kong, HK$719,984, 24 months
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS)
- Alex Green, Political Community and the Legal Status of Established States, HK$455,520, 36 months
RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (HSSPF)
- Johannes Chan, Constitutional Review and Judicial Independence underOne Country, Two Systems: Convergence or Divergence?, HK$508,949, 12 months
- Xin He, Gendered Divorce Litigation in China, HK$494,000, 12 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Shahla Ali, Soft Law from the Ground Up: The Role of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific in the Formation of Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms, HK$688,080, 36 months
- Peter Chau, Examining Non-instrumental Justifications for Tort Compensation, HK$260,000, 24 months
- Albert Chen, Constitutional Governance in ‘Greater China’ and the Unfinished Project of Chinese Constitutionalism, HK$491,980, 24 months
- Thomas Cheng, Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement in China, HK$594,100, 36 months
- Weixia Gu, The (Recognition and) Enforcement of Mainland Judgments in Hong Kong: A Regional Conflict of Laws Study, HK$590,000, 36 months
- Lusina Ho, Legal Reform of Enduring Powers of Attorney: A Comparative Analysis,HK$434,298, 24 months
- Rebecca Lee, Rationalising Recovery for Mistaken Transfers at Common Law and in Equity?, HK$347,200, 24 months
- Shitong Qiao, Eminent Domain in Chinese Courts: An Empirical Study, HK$450,653, 36 months
- Haochen Sun, Buildinga Robust Trademark Fair Use Mechanism in China, HK$540,500, 36 months
- Richard Wu, An Empirical and Comparative Study of Law Students’ Perceptions of Their Values in Four Emerging and Transitional Economies: China, Russia, South Africa and Kazakhstan, HK$918,160, 36 months
- Angela Zhang, Antitrust and the Rise of China: An Institutional Analysis, HK$637,440, 36 months
RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
- Jianlin Chen, Law, State and Emerging Natural Resources: Theoretical Perspective and Case Study of Climate Resource Management in China, HK$570,000, 36 months
- Hualing Fu, Police Power in Transition Societies: China in Comparative Perspectives, HK$1,058,488, 36 months
- Lusina Ho(Co-I: Rebecca Lee), Developing Compensatory Remedies for Breaches of Trust and Fiduciary Duties, HK$512,198, 24 months
- Eric Ip, The Constitutional Foundations of Free Markets: Economic Provisions of the Hong Kong Basic Law in Comparative Perspective, HK$892,484, 36 months
- David Law, The Language and Ideology of Constitutions: A Computational Linguistics Analysis, HK$784,538, 36 months
- Rebecca Lee (Co-I: Lusina Ho), The Modern International Trust Under Siege: Legislature, Judiciary, and Theoretical Implications, HK$361,675, 24 months
- Kelley Loper, International Human Rights Law and Refugee Protection in Asian States not Party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, HK$563,640, 24 months
- Michael Ng, Freedom of Expression, Media Censorship and the Rule of Law in British Hong Kong (1850s-1980s), HK$848,000, 36 months
- Richard Wu, An Empirical and Comparative Study of Law Students’ Perceptions of Their Values in Four Fastest-Growing Asian Countries: China, India, Thailand and Philippines, HK$844,880, 36 months
- Po Jen Yap, Courts and Democracies in Asia, HK$736,600, 36 months
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS)
- Daisy Cheung, Finding the Right Balance: Constructing a Theoretical Approach for the Assessment of Guardianship Systems for the Mentally Incapacitated in East Asia, HK$446,560, 36 months
- Dan Matthews, The Aesthetics of Sovereignty in the Age of the Anthropocene, HK$289,032, 24 months
- Shitong Qiao, National Laws and Local Land Reforms: The Spectrum of Legality, HK$555,400, 36 months