李 雪菁 教授
李雪菁(香港大學法學士和牛津大學法學碩士)是香港大學法律學系副教授。她於2011年至2020年擔任副院長(學術事務)和法律學院教與學質素委員會主席。她還於2017年至2021年擔任香港大學教學交流獎學金計劃的主席。李雪菁專攻產權法和知識產權教育,並聯合創立香港知識共享(https://hk.creativecommons.org/)和與香港特區政府知識產權署合作發起知識產權大使計劃,讓大學生到中學分享他們的知識,並參加知識產權研討會向從業者學習。她曾在諮詢委員會和法定機構任職,包括專利制度檢討諮詢委員會(促成《2016 年專利(修訂)條例》)。她出版了YouTube動畫系列「版權課堂」(https://hku.to/Copyright_Classroom)與更廣泛的社區分享版權知識和“Lawlypop”系列(https://www.youtube.com/c/HKULawlypop)以支持學生的職業規劃。
作為副院長(學術事務),她於2012年發起法律學系教學獎勵計劃,並協辦會議「共建卓越:大學學與教的認可、支架和建設卓越」和「U21教育創新領導力研討會」 (2018)。她在香港大學真實評估研討會、香港大學學習反饋研討會、法律教育體驗式學習與創新國際會議(香港大學)、法律教育的未來論壇 (香港城市大學)、2018 年澳大利亞專業法律教育委員會會議、2018 年高級高等教育教學會議(伯明翰)、2019年首屆中國高等教育會議(上海)和2020年法律教育方向會議(香港中文大學)等分享了她的教學和評估實踐。
She has published books and book chapters on land law and intellectual property law for students, teachers and practitioners. She is a contributing author of the LexisNexis looseleaf publication Intellectual Property Rights: Hong Kong SAR and PRC (with Michael Pendleton and Jared Margolis).
Her other publications include:
“From Fair Dealing to User-Generated Content: Legal La La Land in Hong Kong” (with Brendan Clift) in The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions (edited by Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Wee Loon Ng-Loy and Haochen Sun), Cambridge University Press 2021, 364-376 (Chapter 19)
“Discrepancy between legal approaches and policy goals: A case study of subsidized housing in Hong Kong” (with Phoebe Woo) in Global Perspectives in Urban Law: The Legal Power of Cities (edited by Nestor M Davidson and Geeta Tewari), Routledge 2019, 43-62
“Well-Known Trade Marks and Dissimilar Goods: HK, UK and EU Law” (2017) 47 HKLJ 89-113
“Land Registration: Validity, Priority and Statutory Interpretation” (2016) 46 HKLJ 415-443
Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong (with Kenny Wong), Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd ed, 2017 (first published in 2002)
Land Law in Hong Kong (with SH Goo), LexisNexis Butterworths, 4th ed, 2015
“Property Law” (Chapter 8) and “Intellectual Property Law” (Chapter 12) in General Principles of Hong Kong Law (in Chinese) (edited by Albert Chen, Johannes Chan, Alice Lee et al), Joint Publishing Ltd, 3rd ed, 2015 (first published in 1999)
“Flexibly Applying the Law to Regulate Illegal Buildings in Hong Kong” in Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia (edited by Hualing Fu and John Gillespie), Cambridge University Press, 2014, 392-410
Hong Kong Chapter in The Enforcement of Patents – Max Planck series (edited by Kung-chung Liu and Reto M Hilty), Kluwer Law International, 2012
Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Chapters 17 to 19 (with Kenny Wong), Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd ed, 2014 (first published in 2005)
Intellectual Property in Hong Kong (with Michael Pendleton), LexisNexis, 2008 (first published in 2001)
Butterworths Hong Kong Copyright Handbook, 3rd ed, 2011
Butterworths Hong Kong Trade Marks Handbook, 2nd ed, 2011
Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Intellectual Property: Trademarks, Vol 15(3), LexisNexis Butterworths, 2010 Reissue
“Rule Against Perpetuities” (Chapter 12) in SH Goo, Land Law in Hong Kong, Butterworths, 1997
“Adverse Possession and Proprietary Estoppel as Defences to Actions for Possession” (1999) 29 HKLJ 31-44
“Leases Beyond 2047?” in Law Lectures for Practitioners 1998 (edited by Alice Lee), Hong Kong Law Journal Ltd, 1998, 177-186
“Language and the Law in Hong Kong: From English to Chinese” in One Country, Two Systems, Three Languages: A Survey of Changing Language Use in Hong Kong (edited by Wright and Kelly-Holmes), Multilingual Matters, 1997, 50-56
“An Unsolved Problem For Adverse Possessors of New Territories Land”, (1996) 26 HKLJ 7-20
“Protecting Trade Marks in Hong Kong: Re Omega”, (1996) 26 HKLJ 180-193