Ziying LIANG
Ziying is a PhD candidate at the University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law. Her research interests are in procedure law and public interest litigation and her doctoral research currently focuses on the public interest litigation against wildlife crimes in Mainland China.
Prior to her doctoral research at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), she obtained her Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from South China Normal University (SCNU, 2013-17). Afterwards, she obtained a MPhil’s degree in Procedure Law from the Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL, 2017-20).
During her PhD studies at HKU, Ziying also works as a research assistant at the Faculty of Law, assisting in editing books and participating in research projects of the Faculty. She is a student fellow of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies at HKU. Ziying has published articles on public interest litigation in both English and Chinese Journals and delivered speeches at relevant conferences in Asia. Her articles have received several awards for their contributions. Additionally, she has been appointed as one of the student representatives of the RPg students of the Faculty of Law for the academic year of 2023-25.
[Journal Article] Ziying LIANG, “Restorative Compensation Mechanism for Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation Relating to Marine Ecology in the Greater Bay Area of Mainland China – A Sample of First-instance Judgements on Marine Ecological Offences” (in Chinese), Nomocracy Forum (CSSCI) (forthcoming April 2025). (“大湾区涉海洋生态刑事附带民事公益诉讼修复赔偿机制刍议——以涉海洋生态犯罪一审判决为样本”, 载《法治论坛》(CSSCI集刊),2025年4月)
[Journal Article] Amanda WHITFORT & Ziying LIANG, “A Basin-wide Collaborative Model for Restorative Compensation in Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation Involving Marine Ecology in the Greater Bay Area of China” (working title), Wild (forthcoming 2024/2025)
[Conference Paper Abstract & Presentation] Ziying LIANG, “Environmental Public Interest Litigation in Mainland China: A Tug-of-War Between NGOs and China’s Procuratorate”, the 2024 Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) Annual Meeting (Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate School of Law, Korea, December 2024)
[Conference Paper Proposal & Presentation] Ziying LIANG, “Constitutionalization of the Concept of ‘Legal Supervision’ and Its Evolution in China”, the 10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum (ACLF): Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century (Faculty of Law, Centre for Comparative and Public Law, The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, December 2024)
[Conference Paper] Ziying LIANG, “Restorative Compensation Mechanism for Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation Relating to Marine Ecology in the Greater Bay Area of Mainland China – A Sample of First-instance Judgements on Marine Ecological Offences” (in Chinese, 大湾区涉海洋生态刑事附带民事公益诉讼修复赔偿机制刍议——以涉海洋生态犯罪一审判决为样本), awarded the Third Prize by the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Forum (Guangzhou, China, August 2024)
[Conference Paper Abstract & Presentation] Ziying LIANG, “Public Interest Litigation and Wildlife Crimes in Mainland China”, Conference on Law: An exploration of the past, present and future of interdisciplinary legal studies (The Centre for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, the University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, May 2024)
[Conference Paper] Ziying LIANG, “An Empirical Study on Wild Animal Conservation under the Threshold of the Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation in the PRC – Analysis Based on 1747 Judgements” (in Chinese, 刑事附带民事公益诉讼视阈下野生动物保护的实证研究——基于1747份裁判文书的分析), the 6th China Natural Resources Rule of Law Forum (Fuzhou University, China, April 2024)
[Journal Article] Ziying LIANG, “The PRC’s New Approach to Deterring Pangolin Crime and the Concept of Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation”, Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp.179-208 (2023)
[Conference Paper Abstract & Presentation] Ziying LIANG, “Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation: the PRC’s New Approach to Deterring Pangolin Crime and Maintaining Ecological Sustainability”, the 2023 Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) Annual Meeting (Sunway University, Malaysia, December 2023)
[Conference Paper] Ziying LIANG, “An Empirical Study on Wild Animal Conservation under the Threshold of the Criminal Incidental Civil Public Interest Litigation in the PRC – Based on 496 Judgments” (in Chinese, 刑事附带民事公益诉讼视阈下野生动物保护的实证研究——基于496份裁判文书的分析), awarded the Second Prize by the Symposium on Strictly Preventing and Controlling Environmental Risks and Safeguarding National Ecological Security in accordance with the Law (Tianjin University, China, December 2022)
[Journal Article] Ziying LIANG, “Identification rules for criminal electronic data from the perspective of big data” (in Chinese), Journal of Liaoning Administrators’ College of Police and Justice, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp.54-60 (2020). (“大数据视域下的刑事电子数据认定规则”,载《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》2020年第5期,第54-60页)
[Conference Paper & Presentation] Ziying LIANG, “The Validation Rules of The Criminal Electronic Data Based on Big Data” (in Chinese, 大数据背景下的刑事电子数据的认定规则), awarded the Third Prize by the Symposium on Big Data and Social Governance (Guangzhou, China, January 2020)
HKU Foundation First Year Excellent PhD Award 2023/24, HKU, 2024
2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Forum, Third-Prize Winner, China, 2024
Symposium on Strictly Preventing and Controlling Environmental Risks and Safeguarding National Ecological Security in accordance with the Law, Second-Prize Winner, China, 2022
Postgraduate Scholarship, HKU, 2021-25
Outstanding Graduate Student, School of Criminal Justice, CUPL, 2020
Symposium on Big Data and Social Governance, Third-Prize Winner, Guangzhou, China, 2020
Academic Scholarship, CUPL, 2018-19
Academic Scholarship, CUPL, 2017-18
Freshmen Scholarship, CUPL, 2017
Academic Scholarship, SCNU, 2016-17
Essay Contest of Research of Community Correction’s Theory, Third-Prize Winner, Guangzhou, China, 2015