Yi Seul KIM
Yi Seul Kim is a postgraduate research student focusing on the studies of food law and rule of law in China. Kim worked as a C.V.Starr Lecturer at Peking University School of Transnational Law prior to her studies at HKU. She earned her LL.M. from Harvard Law School, and J.D. and J.M. from Peking University School of Transnational Law. She was a visiting lecturer at Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University in May 2016.
Yi Seul Kim, The Case of Anticipating Changes in the North Korean Food Safety Regime, 35 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (University of Oregon) (forthcoming in 2020)
Yi Seul Kim, Reconfiguring Children in Food Law as an Essential Subset: Review of Food Nutrition Facts Labels, 24 Drake Journal of Agricultural Law (forthcoming in 2019)
Yi Seul Kim, Who Banned My Cheese? Is China’ s 2018 Cabinet Restructuring Enough?, International Trade Law & Regulation Issue 1, 7 (Sweet & Maxwell) (peer-reviewed journal) (2019)
Yi Seul Kim, Encouraging Food Safety Standard Negotiations in the One-Belt-One-Road Initiative, 2 Cardozo International Comparative, Policy & Ethics Law Review 475 (2019)
Francis Snyder & Yi Seul Kim; China’s 2015 Food Safety Law: Crossing the River but Feeling the Stones and Avoiding Low Branches?, 6 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 1 (2018) (Oxford University Press)
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Grant (Research Grants Council)
2017 17th Peking University Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition (Third Prize; Peking University Humanities and Social Sciences)