HKU emerged 1st runner up at the Oxford International Intellectual Property Law Moot
We are pleased to report that HKU has emerged 1st runner up at the Oxford International Intellectual Property Law Moot.
22 Law Schools were invited to participate in this year’s moots on the basis of their written submissions. Teams invited to the oral rounds include Oxford, UCL, LSE, KCL, Boston University, NUS, UBC etc. Over 30 written submissions were submitted to the Oxford organisers this year.
The HKU team, composed of Jacqueline Law (LLB 4), Carmen Chung (PCLL) and Keith Chan (BBA/Law 4), defeated Oxford in the 1st round and Mumbai in the 2nd round. In the semi finals, we defeated NUS, a two-time champion of this moot, and faced off in the grand finals against LSE, which was judged by three English judges: Lord Justices Mummery and Jacob of the Court of Appeal, and Justice Floyd of the High Court. Although HKU put up a stellar performance, the championship was awarded to LSE.
The HKU team wishes to thank Justice Reyes and Winnie Tam SC for judging one moot session each; and its coaches Alice Lee and Po Jen Yap.
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