HKU Law kicks off its 55th Anniversary Celebration with Iconic Tramcar
Established in 1969, the Faculty of Law of The University of Hong Kong is the first law school in Hong Kong and one of the most prestigious law schools internationally. The Faculty kicks off its 55th Anniversary Celebration with an iconic tramcar on the road during 19 January – 15 February 2024.
For more than a century, trams have been running between the east and the west along the northern coast of Hong Kong Island. HKU Law too, has been witnessing and contributing to the development of the city. To launch the Iconic Tramcar, a tram party was organized earlier and attended by students, Faculty members and alumni.
To celebrate its 55 years of excellence, a variety of events will be organized in 2024. Please stay tuned to our website ( and social media platforms (Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; LinkedIn) for updates!
香港大學法律學院五十五周年院慶 以特色電車揭開序幕
香港大學法律學院於1969年成立,為本地首間法律學院,時至今日,已發展成國際知名學府。2024年為學院成立五十五周年紀念,港大法律的特色電車會由1月 19日至2月15日期間沿港島行駛,為院慶揭開序幕。早前學院師生及校友舉行小型派對,慶祝特色電車啟航。
學院將舉辦各類慶祝活動,請留意學院網頁 ( 及社交平台 (Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; LinkedIn),了解更多院慶消息。