Admission Procedures and deadlines 

The Faculty of Law welcomes applications from exchange and visiting students.  If your home university already has exchange agreement with the University of Hong Kong, and you desire to pursue that programme, please contact your home university for more details.  Partner universities are required to submit the nominations via the online nomination system ( and upload the official transcript and English proficiency test report (if applicable) to the system.  Nominees will be informed of the online application procedures by email (via our International Affairs Office) and are required to upload the passport copy, personal statement and CV during the online application.

Deadline for students applying for the September term: April 30 in the same calendar year
Deadline for students applying for the January term: September 30 of the previous calendar year. 

Course enrollment

Incoming exchange students should select courses according to the Faculty’s regulations, procedures and rules.  The normal course load for HKU LLB students is 30 credits each semester or 60 credits for one academic year.  Acceptance into selected courses will be determined by the Director of Incoming Exchange, in consultation with the course teacher, if necessary. Students are advised to indicate their choices on the application form for preliminary consideration by the Faculty.  For students who are interested to enroll in courses offered outside the Faculty, approval must be sought from the respective departments and final approval rests with the offering department. However, students are not permitted to choose more than 6 credits worth of non-law courses in each semester.

You are strongly advised to consult the Director of Incoming Exchange and your home institution should you wish to change your intended courses of study on arrival.

Students are invited to visit our websites (List of undergraduate electives / postgraduate courses) for details of the courses offer in 2023-24 and the corresponding Guidelines for the Selection of Courses for Incoming Exchange students to prepare for their study plans in 2024-25.

Course availability does change from year to year, subject to the availability of enrollment quota. Exchange students are usually given more flexibility in selecting their courses. There is a two-week add/drop period during the start of each semester when students have the opportunity to attend the first one or two lectures before finalizing their study plans.  Undergraduate courses listed under “Core Courses” are NOT open to incoming exchange students. 


Students should check with the offering lecturers to ascertain the means of evaluation and provisional dates of examinations in the beginning of the courses. In case of time clash, it is the responsibility of students to approach the lecturer concerned and arrange a separate examination.

Assessment results for 1st and 2nd semester enrollments will normally be released in mid-January and mid-June of the year respectively.  Exchange and visiting students who need to provide examination results to their home universities earlier than grade release date may submit a request to sit for early examinations and/or receive early indication of pass/fail. The request must be made in a prescribed form and sent to the Faculty of Law for consideration before the end of the add/drop period.


Credit Transfer

Exchange and visiting students should communicate with their home institutions on the courses they intend to study at HKU before their arrival in Hong Kong. It is also your responsibility to keep your home institutions informed of any changes in your study plan here.

For exchange students, we will arrange official transcripts to be sent direct to your home institutions in early February (for first semester) and early July (for second semester) each year. Visiting students will have to apply for official transcripts on their own if your home institution requires it for credit transfer purpose. No matter you are exchange or visiting students, you will have to apply for official transcripts if you need one yourself.

For details on application for transcripts, please refer to the webpage of Academic Service Office (



Please refer to Accommodation Information ( from Center of Development and Resources for students (CEDARS) Accommodation Office. Students should make application online through CEDARS ( (with 10-digit exchange application reference number) on or before the accommodation application deadline. Apart from applying direct to the CEDARS, there are off-campus housing, other self-financed halls and residences for students’ information through the above link.

Given the increasing number of international students, the University will make every reasonable effort to assist students to find living accommodations upon receipt of their applications, but is not obliged to secure on-campus accommodation for exchange students.

For accommodation application enquiries, please refer to our FAQ ( or contact CEDARS Accommodation at .


Visa Application

All non-local students are required to apply for student visas in order to study in Hong Kong.  Depending on student’s nationality, student’s visa application will go through two different application paths:

  1. Applications from Mainland students (using Exit-entry Permit as travel document and enter Hong Kong from Mainland China)

     Online Application system:

  1. Applications from international/Macao/Taiwan students (nationalities other than Chinese or, Chinese nationals with permanent residency in overseas entering Hong Kong from any other places other than Mainland China)

     Online Application system:

Please visit HKU Student Visa page ( for instructions and application procedures.

Please be reminded to complete online application IMMIDATELY after receiving the admission offer letter and mail hard copies of application documents following the instructions provided by our visa team.  You should reserve around 10 weeks to process student’s visa application and the visa application fee is non-refundable. During visa application, students are required to upload the Notice of Admission to the visa application system as the Immigration Department requires all necessary documents to be submitted for approval assessment.


The Orientation is usually organized in end of August.  Details can be viewed at the website of the CEDARS at near the time.


Budget planning

Tuition fees

If your University already has exchange agreement with the University of Hong Kong, you do not need to pay the tuition fee in HKU for your exchange study. However, if there is no agreement established between your University and HKU, you have to pay the tuition fee of your study here. The tuition fee is HK$182,000 (full-year) or HK$91,000 (one semester), for the year 2023-24 for non-local students. Students who are applying for admission as visiting students to any of our taught postgraduate programmes will be required to pay a higher fees.


Lodging fees for university undergraduate halls range from HK$15,000 to HK$20,000 per annum. Students who would like to apply for non-hall housing or other privately rented accommodations should expected to pay a higher lodging fees. Electricity bill vary greatly in seasons.


Around HK$4,500 per month in campus restaurants.

Local transport
Around HK$1000 per month.

Other reference materials

Exchange programme in 2023-24 academic year

Exchange programme in 2024-25 academic year

Other useful information

Contact us

Director for Incoming Exchange: Dr. Giuliano Castellano  ()

Deputy Director for Incoming Exchange:  Ms. Stephanie Biedermann ()

Administrative Coordinator: Ms Jacqueline Wong ()

                                                     Ms Angela Mak ()