20242023 │2022 │ 2021 │ 
2019201820172016 │ 2015 │ 2014 │ 2013 │ 2012 │ 2011
2010 │2009 │ 2008 │ 2007 │ 2006 │ 2005 │

55th Anniversary | 50th Anniversary45th Anniversary 
40th Anniversary35th Anniversary 30th Anniversary 25th Anniversary

❈55th Anniversary❈

15 June 2024: HKU Law Alumni Choir Concert “Popera”

3 March 2024: The Sports Trial – Sports Family Fun Day


18 October 2024: The Art of Mindful Writing – Calligraphy Workshop

22 February 2024: Law Mentorship Dinner


14 November 2023: Law Mentorship Programme – First Gathering

23 September 2023: Online Career Sharing “Ask me anything”

15 September 2023: Law Mentorship Programme – Briefing Session

15 May 2023: Alumni Gathering (with Professor Rick Glofcheski, Ms Julienne Jen and Ms Charmaine Yip)

28 February 2023: Law Mentorship Dinner


14 December 2022: Alumni Gathering (with Professor Hualing Fu, Professor Albert Chen, Ms Alice Lee, Ms Julienne Jen and Ms Charmaine Yip)

16 November 2022: Law Mentorship Programme – First Gathering

4 November 2022: Stretching at Work – Online Workshop for Law Alumni

14 October 2022: Online Effective & Efficient Sleep Management Workshop

17 September 2022: “Ask me a question” – Zoom Chat with HKU Law Alumni about Legal Career

14 September 2022: Law Mentorship Briefing

20 & 21 June 2022: Law Mentorship Dinners

29 April 2022: Online Mindfulness Workshop

20 January 2022: Up Close and Personal: Hear their stories! – An evening with partners from international, HK and mainland law firms


15 November 2021: Law Mentorship Programme – First Gathering

8 September 2021: Law Mentorship Briefing

❈50th Anniversary❈

24 November 2019: Gala Dinner

17 March 2019: Sports Spectacular

17 November 2018: Law Alumni Concert: Pop through 50 Years


26 February 2019: Law Mentorship Dinner


6 November 2018: Law Mentorship Gathering

13 September 2018: Law Mentorship Briefing

7 September 2018: Alumni Drinks Event

10 April 2018: Meet the Mentors Dinner

7 April 2018: Hike to Lung Fu Shan

13 March 2018: Law Mentorship Dinner


7 November 2017: Law Mentorship Gathering

5 November 2017: Law Alumni Concert: And the Award Goes to

12 September 2017: Law Mentorship Briefing

25 August 2017: Alumni Drinks Event

5 April 2017: Meet the Mentors Dinner #4

23 March 2017: Law Mentorship Dinner

21 February 2017: Meet the Mentors Dinner #3


5 December 2016: Delegate visit from NTU Law Alum

23 November 2016: Law Mentorship Gathering

21 November 2016: Meet the Mentors Dinner #2

12 November 2016: Law Alumni Choir Concert: Imagine

26 October 2016: Meet the Mentors Dinner #1

13 October 2016: Meet the Mentors Evening

14 September 2016: Law Mentorship Briefing

30 July 2016: 對話: 大陸法與普通法 – 協作與機遇

17 April 2016: Hong Kong GeoPark – Northeast Sedimentary Rock Region

15 March 2016: Law Mentorship Dinner


14 November 2015: Law Alumni Choir Concert: Musical Encounters

17 September 2015: Law Mentorship Briefing

8 March 2015: Homecoming Family Fiesta (Photos)

5 February 2015: Meet the Mentors Evening

29 January 2015: 港大法律畢業生講座系列 – 僱傭結束時所收款項與薪俸稅 (Photos)

❈45th Anniversary❈

8 March 2015: Homecoming Family Fiesta

29 November 2014: 45th Anniversary Reunion Dinner (Photos)

15 November 2014: Law Alumni Choir 5th Anniversary Concert: When you wish upon a star (Flyer)

January to May 2014: Slogan and logo competition


16 November 2013: HKU Law Alumni Choir Concert – Hooray for Hollywood

13 November 2013: Seminar on Penalty Clause in Contract

29 & 30 October 2013: Law Mentorship Dinner

5 October 2013: Visit to SWIMS (The Swire Institute of Marine Science)

3 October 2013: Law Mentorship Programme 2013 – Briefing Session

25 September 2013: Job Interview Workshop for Law Students

16 April 2013: HKU Law Alumni Lecture Series: Secondary Creation – Issues in Copyright and Related Rights by Ms Winnie Tam, SC

25 March 2013: HKU Law Alumni Lecture Series: Adverse Possession – Landlord v Tenant by Mr Edward Chan, SC


12 December 2012: 港大法律畢業生講座系列: 法治對談(粵語)

5 December 2012: 港大法律畢業生講座系列: 稅務上訴- 實務與程序(粵語)

2 December 2012: Law Alumni Choir: Celebration in One Voice (Poster)

29 November 2012: 港大法律畢業生講座系列: 法庭使用中文的深層影響 (粵語)

24 November 2012: Reunion Fun Day

30 & 31 October 2012: Law Mentorship Dinners

17 October 2012: Dinner with the Vice Chancellor

3 October 2012: Briefing Session of the Law Mentorship Programme 2012-2013

7 September 2012: “From law degree to PCLL at HKU”


November – December 2011: 法律中文的寫作與運用課程

5 November 2011: HKU Law Alumni Choir Concert : The Wonderful World of Love 


Message from Professor Johannes Chan SC, Dean of Faculty of Law

Dear Cleresa,

Let me congratulate you and the alumni on organizing the very successful 2nd Law Alumni Choir Concert on 5 November 2011.  I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and noticed that this sentiment was shared by many friends who joined the concert that evening.

I fully appreciate how much work is involved in organizing such a concert, particularly when all of our alumni members have to set aside time for choir practice, and am thus particularly grateful to all the members of the choir and the organizing committee.  It is unfortunate that I cannot join the celebration dinner on 26 November to share the joy and pride of the members, but please pass on my appreciation and thanks to all the choir members, and in particular, the conductors Mr Raymond Cheng and Mr Jeffrey Sham and the master of ceremony Edwin Choi, whose lively performance made the whole evening especially enjoyable, as well as all the members of the organizing committee.

We are planning to move to the new building in the early summer of 2012, and are thinking of organizing a celebrating event, maybe around the first week of December 2012.  It would be a milestone in the development of the law school to have our own building again after its initial home at Caine Road in 1969-1973, and it would be most appropriate if the Law Alumni Choir could do another performance at that time to share the pride of the law school.  I hope this would not pose too much a burden on our alumni, and do look forward to this 3rd concert.  I would of course be pleased to leave the details in your able hand, and do let me know if there is anything I can help.

Best regards,


22 October 2011: Visit to SWIMS (The Swire Institute of Marine Science)

8 & 17 November 2011: Law Mentorship Dinners

28 September 2011: Briefing Session of the Law Mentorship Programme 2011-2012

2 September 2011: “From law degree to PCLL at HKU”

31 August 2011: LLB Opening Ceremony 2011-2012 (President’s Speech)

26 April 2011: 陳振鴻法官紀念專題講座 – 以中文進行民事訴訟的窘局 ; 講者: 高等法院上訴法庭關淑馨法官 (Jerome Chan Memorial Lecture – Conducting Civil Litigation in Chinese by The Hon Madam Justice KWAN (in Cantonese))

9 March 2011: Lecture “A Delicate Balance – An Analysis of IRD Discretions and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong” by Professor Andrew Halkyard (Powerpoint)


4 December 2010: Law Alumni Choir Concert (Poster)


Message from Professor Michael Wilkinson, The Public Orator

Dear Kenneth,

The Alumni Christmas Concert was brilliant. I really enjoyed it. Indeed the rendition of “Memories” brought tears to my eyes (not because of the singing!). The soloists were also superb and moving. And lovely to have current students playing their part. A wonderful evening which was especially happy for me in seeing so many “old” friends again. I very much hope there will be many more to follow.

Best wishes,


Message from Professor Johannes Chan SC, Dean of Faculty of Law

Dear Kenneth,

Many congratulations on the success of the inaugural concert of the Law Alumni Choir on 4 December. I was on my way back from Sydney after attending the first HKU-UNSW Research Symposium that night, but I know what I have missed – an enjoyable concert and a lovely evening, as I have heard from my colleagues and friends.   

The idea of having a choir in which law graduates of different years and current students can get together and share their common love in music was brilliant. Yet what was even more amazing is to have busy practitioners to practise the pieces in a couple of months. May I congratulate and thank you and your Exco members, conductors and other choir members who have made this possible and successful.

I very much hope there will be many more to follow and ultimately, the choir could perform at the opening of the law building and moot court in 2012. Nothing could be more exciting than having generations of law graduates singing Law Anthem in our own Moot Court.

Best regards,


2 & 3 November 2010: Law Mentorship Dinners

27 September 2010: Law Mentorship Briefing Session

21 September & 8 October 2010: Job Interview Workshop for Law students

24 June 2010: Disclosure of Price Sensitive Information – Statutory Obligation? by Mr Brian Ho, Executive Director, Corporate Finance Division, Securities and Futures Commission Hong Kong

9 May 2010: Lung Fu Shan Nature Tour

28 April 2010: The Duke of Westminster: How Graven an Idol? by Professor Andrew Halkyard

❈40th Anniversary❈

18 June 2010: Law Alumni Reunion Dinner (Shenzhen)

2 April 2010: Law Alumni Reunion Dinner (Beijing)

27 November 2009: Law Alumni Reunion Dinner

The University of Hong Kong Law Alumni Association Fund


3 November 2009: Guest lecture “The Law of Networking” by The Honorable Madam Justice (Carlye) Chu


23 May 2008: Evening Drinks Party

First Day in Legal Practice


24 September 2007: A Report on the Job Interview Workshop for Law Students 2007

26 March 2007: First Day in Legal Practice

13 March 2007: Dinner organized by Dean Johannes Chan for current members and friends of The University of Hong Kong Law Alumni Association Executive Committee


28 September 2006: A Report on the Job Interview Workshop for Law Students

27 June 2006: Lunch Gathering with Patrick Chan PJ

21 April 2006: First Day in Legal Practice


18 November 2005: Fifth informal lunch with junior alumni

29 September 2005: A Report on the Job Interview Workshop for Law Students

23 September 2005: Fourth informal lunch with junior alumni

26 August 2005: Third informal lunch with junior alumni

22 July 2005: Second informal lunch with junior alumni

4 June 2005: Alumni members invited to join the PCLL drinks party

27 April 2005: Informal lunch gathering with junior alumni

2 March 2005: Alumni Talk for Law Students: “First day in Legal Practice”

❈35th Anniversary❈

4 Dec 2004: 35th Anniversary reunion dinner

6 Nov 2004: 35th Anniversary homecoming

35th Anniversary Publication

❈30th Anniversary❈

15 November 1999: 30th Anniversary Dinner @ Loke Yew Hall, HKU

Law Alumni Dinner Programme

❈25th Anniversary❈

Silver Jubilee Dinner Programme

Silver Jubilee Publication
