Knowledge Exchange (KE) Excellence Award of The University of Hong Kong
Rebecca Lee and Lusina Ho, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Introducing the Special Needs Trust to Hong Kong‘
Ms Amanda S. Whitfort, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law
‘Review of Animal Welfare Legislation in Hong Kong‘
Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award
Daisy Cheung, Rebecca Lee and team member, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Legislating and Promoting Advance Medical Directives in Hong Kong’
Shahla Ali, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Advancing the Global and Regional Impact of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration’
Anne Cheung and team members, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Benjamin C.M. Kao and Reynold Cheng, Department of Computer Science; Eric Cheung and Michael Cheung, Department of Law; Felix Chan, Department of Professional Legal Education
‘HKU AI Lawyer: Sentencing Predictor for Drug Trafficking’
Richard Wu, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law
‘From Research into Values of Future Lawyers to Promoting Legal Professionalism in Greater China Region: Informing and Implementing Legal Ethics Education in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan’
Haochen Sun, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Intellectual Property and the Public Interest‘
Shahla Ali, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Increasing Access to Consumer Financial Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong‘
Rebecca Lee and Lusina Ho, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Introducing the Special Needs Trust to Hong Kong‘
Kapai Puja Paryani, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Plugging the Justice Gap for Minorities under the Law: Applied Intersectionality Research and Substantive Equality‘
Benny Tai and team members – Johannes Chan, Karen Kong and Isabella Liu, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Rule of Law Education Project (ROLE)‘
Eric Cheung , Department of Law, Faculty of Law, and team members – Edmond Lam and Edward Chan
‘Clinical Legal Education Programme‘
Anne Cheung, Department of Law, Faculty of Law, and team members – Kevin Pun, Felix Chan and Eric Cheung
‘The Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC) Series’
HKU KE News Issue 7 ‘ One CLIC to Knowing the Law’
Simon Young, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
‘Human Rights Portal‘
HKU KE News Issue 5 ‘A Portal on Human Rights‘
Thomas Cheng, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law
‘The Introduction of Competition Law in Hong Kong’
HKU KE Newsletter Issue 3 ‘Keen on Competition‘
Amanda Whitfort, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law
‘Review of Animal Welfare Legislation in Hong Kong‘
HKU KE Newsletter Issue 1 “Making the Case for Animal Welfare“