HKU Law is enriched by its international and greater China partnerships. We are proud to work with a diverse array of top law schools representing the major common and civil law jurisdictions throughout the world. Our 67 exchange partners, 6 dual degree and 5 pathways programmes in diverse regions broaden our students global experience. Our Faculty members are part of a global network of research and teaching collaborations with over 17 institutions globally. We welcome you to explore our partnership opportunities.
Partner Institutions and Organizations (as at 24 March 2022)

International Network
The Faculty of Law is pleased to be part of a larger University environment highly regarded for its international outlook. Out of the past five years, the University of Hong Kong has ranked amongst the top three most international universities in the world according to the Times Higher Education.
Exchange Studies, Pathways Programmes and Visiting Arrangements
The Faculty has been enriched by a steady flow of incoming exchange students every year from more than 67 overseas partner universities globally and from the greater China region. Likewise, our students have benefited from outgoing exchange opportunities with these same partner institutions.
HKU Law is also pleased to offer a “Pathway Programmes” with key partners by which selected top students from both Faculties may be admitted to the partner University to do a year of study, at the end of which they are awarded an LLM degree by our partner University.
The Faculty has established visiting student arrangements with Oxford University, Cambridge University and Cornell University, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Outgoing Exchange Programme
Pathway Programme with King’s College London
Pathway Programme with the University of New South Wales
Pathway Programme with the University of California, Berkeley
Visiting and PRC Students
Incoming Exchange & Visiting Programme
Dual Degree and Joint Programmes for Global Student Learning
Students have benefited from HKU Law’s international and greater China collaborations. In particular, our partnerships have enabled students to benefit from a wide array of double degree arrangements beyond exchange opportunities available at the Faculty and University levels.
Double Master Degree Programme with Peking University
HKU-PKU Dual Degree Programme in Law
HKU-UCL Dual Degree Programme in Law
JD/LLM Joint Degree Programme with University of Pennsylvania
Joint Legal Education Programme with the Peter A. Allard School of Law at UBC
LLB/MLaw Double Degree Programme with University of Zurich
Summer Programmes in China
International Research Collaboration
The close relations the Faculty enjoys with leading institutions have advanced inter-disciplinary research of the Faculty and also the learning experience of its students.
Asian Institute of International Financial Law
Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law
Centre for Comparative and Public Law
Centre for Medical Ethics and Law
Law and Technology Centre
Greater China and Greater Bay Area Collaboration
The Faculty has been building collaborative academic links with major law schools in the Mainland.