Alexander Mak

Principal Lecturer

B.Com (Accounting) LL.B. LL.M. MA(ArbDR)
Solicitor (HK) Lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW, Australia


Mr. Alexander Mak joined the Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong in 2004. He is a qualified lawyer in both Australia and Hong Kong.  His research interests focus on a variety of issues pertaining to Art Law, Taxation and Revenue Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) including Arbitration and Mediation and Civil Procedure, Contract Law, Corporate and Commercial Law.  Alexander regularly delivers talks and publishes widely on contemporary issues relating to Art Law, in the Asia-Pacific and internationally. He is currently teaching Contract Law and Legal System & Methods including Tort Law for our LLM programmes in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Information Technology and Intellectual Property and Corporate & Financial Law as well as Contract Law and Legal Writing for our LLB programme.