Prof. Cora Chan 陳秀慧教授


Director, Centre for Comparative and Public Law

BSocSc (Govt & Laws) (HKU)
BCL (Oxon)
DPhil (Oxon)


Professor Cora Chan’s research interests are in constitutional law and theory, administrative law, and human rights. She has written on such topics as proportionality, judicial deference, national security and human rights, law and authoritarianism, legal pluralism, subnational constitutionalism, and China-Hong Kong constitutional relations. She is the author of Deference in Human Rights Adjudication (Oxford University Press, 2024). She is currently working on a project on liberal regions in illiberal states.

Cora has received numerous research awards, including the Society of Legal Scholars Best Paper Prize (2012), Hong Kong Research Grants Council Early Career Award (2013), University Research Output Prize (2013), Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2017), and the inaugural Rosie Young 90 Medal for Outstanding Young Woman Scholar (2021). In 2017, she and Fiona de Londras (Birmingham) were awarded a British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grant.

Cora serves on the editorial boards of Public Law, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Hong Kong Law Journal, Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, and Revista de Investigações Constitucionais (Journal of Constitutional Research), and the advisory boards of the International Journal of Constitutional Law, Hart Studies in Constitutional Theory Series, and Springer series in Contemporary Chinese Civil and Commercial Law. She was a member of the General Council of the International Society of Public Law and a member of the Law Panel for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 conducted by Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee.

Cora holds a BCL and a DPhil in Law from the University of Oxford and a double degree in LLB and political science from the University of Hong Kong.

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