Prof. Weixia Gu 顧維遐教授
Associate Professor
LLB (ECUPL); MCL, SJD (HKU); Fulbright Fellow (NYU); MCIArb; FHKIArb.
Dr. Weixia Gu is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. She was the youngest recipient in Hong Kong of the Fulbright Award from the US State Department and was appointed an Honorary Young Fellow at New York University before she joined HKU.
Gu’s research focuses on arbitration, dispute resolution, private international law and cross-border legal issues. She has published 2 monographs, 3 edited books, and authored over 60 articles a few of which have appeared in (or forthcoming with) leading international law journals such as the American Journal of Comparative Law, Harvard International Law Journal, Chicago Journal of International Law, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Cornell International Law Journal, Washington International Law Journal, Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, among others. Her Chinese publications have appeared on leading Chinese law journals such as the Peking University Law Journal, The Jurists, etc. She is one of the most prolific authors at the Faculty of Law.
She has been sitting on the editorial board of the Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI) and Asian Journal of Law and Society (CUP). She has an impressive grant record and is a five-time recipient of the competitive Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (GRF) in capacity as principal investigator.
Her second monograph, Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and Their Interactions (Routledge, 2021), is reviewed by leading international and Asian law journals. Her second co-edited book, The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific (Hart, 2018), is reviewed in the American Review of International Arbitration and has been commended by the Singapore Law Gazette as “the treatise of arbitration study in Asia”.
Her scholarship has informed legislative reforms as well as judicial decisions. She has been consulted by the China International Commercial Court for international arbitration law reform in China. Her scholarship has been cited by leading judiciaries in the world including the US Court of Appeals Eleventh Circuit, the US Texas Supreme Court, and the Hong Kong High Court. Her works are covered in leading English and Chinese media.
Gu is a recipient of HKU’s Outstanding Young Researcher Award and HKU’s Outstanding Teaching Award in Law. She has twice been awarded the Faculty of Law’s Research Output Prize. She has also three times been awarded a top prize by the China Society of Private International Law which honors best scholarship in the field.
She has been invited to give keynote speeches at British Institute of International & Comparative Law, University of Lausanne, Renmin and Fudan Universities, and is frequently invited to speak at international conferences including those at Harvard, Yale, NYU, Chicago, UPenn, Oxford, Cambridge, Munich, Erasmus, Sydney, NUS, Kyoto, Seoul, Peking and Tsinghua Universities.
Gu is the first from Hong Kong and China to co-chair the American Society of International Law Asia-Pacific Interest Group (2018-2021). She now sits on the Governing Council of the China Society of Private International Law and Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators. She is also one of the few scholars elected from Hong Kong to the International Academy of Comparative Law, members of which consist of respected academics and judges of courts of supreme and international jurisdiction. Since 2012, she has been sitting on the editorial board of the Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI).

Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Private International Law
- Chinese Private Law

Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Private International Law
- Chinese Private Law
Selected Journal Articles
1. Dispute Resolution in China: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and their Cross-Interactions (London, New York: Routledge, 2021),
2. Arbitration in China: The Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues (Hong Kong, Singapore: Sweet & Maxwell, 2012), 359pp.
1. Multi-Tier Approaches to the Resolution of International Disputes: A Global and Comparative Study (Cambridge University Press) (with A.T. Reyes)
2. The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018) (with A.T. Reyes), 335pp. Cited by the Singapore Law Gazette as the “treatise of arbitration study in Asia”.
1. “China’s Law and Development: A Case Study of the China International Commercial Court”, (2021) 62 Harvard International Law Journal, pp. 67-104.
2. “A Conflict of Laws Study in Hong Kong-China Judgment Regionalism: Legal Challenges and Renewed Momentum”, (2020) 52 Cornell International Law Journal, 591-642.
3. “Hybrid Dispute Resolution beyond Belt and Road: Towards a New Design of Chinese Arb-Med(-Arb) and Its Global Implications”, (2019) 29 Washington International Law Journal, pp. 117-172.
4. “The Dynamics of International Dispute Resolution Business in the Belt and Road”, (2019) 113 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, pp. 370-374.
5. “China’s Belt and Road Development and A New International Commercial Arbitration Initiative in Asia”, (2018) 51 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 1305-1352.
6. Extraterritorial Arbitration in Non-Foreign-Related Disputes, (2018) 3 Peking University Law Journal, pp. 651-670. ( 无涉外因素争议的域外仲裁问题 ,载北京大学《中外法学》,2018年,第30卷,第3期,651-670页。)
7. “Looking at Arbitration through A Comparative Lens: General Principles and Specific Issues”, (2018) 13 The Journal of Comparative Law, 164-188.
8. “Piercing the Veil of Arbitration Reform in China: Promises, Pitfalls, Patterns, Prognoses and Prospects”, (2017) 65 American Journal of Comparative Law, 799-840.
9. “Securities Arbitration in China: A Better Alternative to Retail Shareholder Protection”, (2013) 33 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, pp. 283 – 323.
10. “15 Years of the Handover: The Rise, Discontent, and Positive Interaction of Cross-border Arbitration in Hong Kong with Mainland China”, (2013) 9 University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, pp. 42-98.
11. “The Keeneye Case: Rethinking the Content of Public Policy in Cross-border Arbitration between Hong Kong and Mainland China” (with X.C. Zhang), (2012) 42 Hong Kong Law Journal, pp. 1001 – 1029.
12. “Public Policy under the New York Convention: Regional Development in Greater China”, (2010) 1 Journal of Comparative Law, pp. 90 – 99. (《纽约公约》下的公共政策解毒:两岸四地的区域性发展与合作,载中国政法大学《比较法研究》,2010年第1期,90-99页。)
13. “Cross-border Review of Arbitral Awards: Lessons and Convergence between Two Jurisdictions in China”, (2009) 4 The Jurist, pp. 106 – 117. (香港与内地仲裁裁决司法审查制度的借鉴和融合,载中国人民大学《法学家》,2009年第4期,106-117页。)
14. “Judicial Review over Arbitration in China: Assessing the Extent of Latest Pro-Arbitration Move by the Supreme People’s Court in the People’s Republic of China”, (2009) 27 Wisconsin International Law Journal, pp. 221 – 269.
15. “The NYPE 93 Arbitration Clause: Where Ends the Open-End?”, (2006) 37 Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, pp. 245 – 260.
16. “Confidentiality Revisited: blessing or curse in international commercial arbitration”, (2005) 15 American Review of International Arbitration, pp. 607 – 637.
17. “Security for Costs in International Commercial Arbitration”, (2005) 22 Journal of International Arbitration, pp. 167 – 206.