Prof. Gary Meggitt
Associate Professor
MA (Oxon), MPhil (HKU), FRSA, ACII, MCIArb
Solicitor Advocate (England & Wales) – non-practicing, Barrister at Law (Lincoln’s Inn) – non-practicing, Mediator (CEDR Accredited)
Gary was admitted as a solicitor in England & Wales in 1993 and spent 12 years in practice with several leading UK law firms. He is also Called to the Bar in England & Wales.
He taught at BPP Law School in London from 2000 to 2007. Gary also served as a Director of BPP Professional Development, with responsibility for its Professional Skills Course (PSC), and was the Course Director of BPP Law School’s Full-Time Bar Vocational Course (BVC).
Gary joined the Faculty in 2007 and teaches civil litigation, commercial dispute resolution and professional practice & management, for which he is also the course co-ordinator, on the PCLL programme. He also teaches insurance law on the Faculty’s LLM and JD programmes.
Gary has written extensively on civil litigation, ADR, lawyers’ professional conduct and insurance-related subjects. He is a contributing author to A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Sixth Edition, LexisNexis, 2017); author of Wilkinson’s Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Sixth Desk Edition, LexisNexis, 2022); author of Mediation and ADR Confidentiality in Hong Kong (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2019); author of Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong volume on Limitation of Actions (LexisNexis, 2015); and the general editor of Civil Justice Reform – What has it achieved?(Sweet & Maxwell, 2010).
He was the Director of AIIFL from 2015-2019 and served as Deputy Head of the PLE Department from 2009 to 2012.
Gary is a member of the Hong Kong Law Society’s Insurance Law Committee. He is also serves as Convener for Head IV (Accounts & Professional Conduct) of the Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination (OLQE). In addition, Gary is a member of the Future Task Force of the Hong Kong Insurance Authority. He is also a member of the Professional Ethics Committee of the International Bar Association and a member of the Editorial Board of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation.

Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Insurance Law
- Professional Liabilities
- Professional Ethics
- Civil Litigation and Advocacy

Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Insurance Law
- Professional Liabilities
- Professional Ethics
- Civil Litigation and Advocacy
Research Grants
Conference papers/invited lectures
Other output
Civil Justice Reform in Hong Kong – Its Progress and its Future (2008) 38 HKLJ 89
Expert Evidence – The New Rules (2009) HKLJ: Law Lectures for Practitioners 17
Civil Justice Reform in Hong Kong – A Critical Appraisal (2009) 28 CJQ 111
The CPR and the CJR – applying English authorities on civil procedure in Hong Kong (2010) 29 CJQ 235
Privilege – A Hong Kong Perspective (2011) 30 CJQ 429
Mediation in Hong Kong – A work in progress (2011) 6.2 JCL 220
The Discovery of Documents in Hong Kong—Two Recent Decisions in the Court of First Instance (2012) 42 HKLJ 321
The Hong Kong Independent Insurance Authority (2012) 7.2 JCL 258
An “Unhappy Process”: Brit Inns Ltd (In Liquidation) v BDW Trading Ltd (2013) 32(3) CJQ 323
Class Actions in Hong Kong – Yes, No, Maybe (2013) 43 HKLJ 217
The ‘Rock of Uncertainty’ – mesothelioma, insurers and the courts (2013) JBL 563
Who is a Quasi Client? (2013) 43 HKLJ 869
Hong Kong Insurance Regulation Revisited (2014) 8.2 JCL 389
PGF II SA v OMFS Co and Compulsory Mediation (2014) 33 CJQ 335
Insurable Interest – the doctrine that wouldn’t die Legal Studies, Vol.35, No.2, 2015 pp.280-301
The regulation of mediators in England & Wales, the United States and Australia – Lessons for Hong Kong (2016) 46 HKLJ 445
A Leap of Faith–Insurtech and the doctrine of uberrimae fidei (2018) 13.2 JCL 261
Business not as usual—The Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd (2022) J.B.L., Issue 4 pp 257-281
A British Bundesrat? The Brown Commission and the Future of the House of Lords (2023) Amicus Curiae, Series 2, Vol 4, No 3, 523-541
Seed Funding Programme research grant for project ‘The Regulation of Mediators in the UK, US and Australia – lessons for Hong Kong’ (HK$35,800)
Contributing author, A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Third Edition, LexisNexis, 2008)
General Editor, Civil Justice Reform – What has it achieved? (Sweet & Maxwell, 2010)
Contributing author, A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Fourth Edition, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2011)
Author, Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol. 37, Limitation of Actions (Second Edition, 2011 Re-issue)
Contributing author, Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China’s Hong Kong (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
Contributing author, A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Fifth Edition, LexisNexis, 2015)
Author, Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol. 37, Limitation of Actions (Second Edition, 2015 Re-issue)
Contributing author, A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Sixth Edition, LexisNexis, 2017)
Co-author, The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Fourth Desk Edition, Lexis Nexis, 2018)
Author, Mediation and ADR Confidentiality in Hong Kong (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2019)
Co-Author, The Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Looseleaf Edition Issues 52-54 and 63-67, LexisNexis, 2019 – ongoing)
Author, Wilkinson’s Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Fifth Edition, Lexis Nexis, 2019)
Contributing author, Comparative Dispute Resolution (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020)
Author, Wilkinson’s Professional Conduct of Lawyers in Hong Kong (Sixth Edition, Lexis Nexis, 2022)
Contributing author, A Guide to Civil Procedure in Hong Kong (Seventh Edition, LexisNexis, 2022)
Contributing author, The Global Insurance Market and Change: Emerging Technologies, Risks and Legal Challenges (Routledge, 2023)
Contributing author, Research Handbook on Marine Insurance Law (Edward Elgar, 2024)
Contributing author, Emerging Risks in Insurance – Insuring the Uninsurable? (Hart, 2025)
Contributing author, Elgar Encyclopedia of Maritime and Oceans Law (Edward Elgar, 2025) – forthcoming
Author, Insurtech and the Future of Insurance Law (Routledge, 2025) – forthcoming
The Case For (And Against) Compulsory Court-Annexed Mediation in Hong Kong
5th Asian Law Institute Conference, 22 and 23 May 2008, Singapore
How mediators handle ethical & confidentiality dilemmas
ADR in Asia Conference – Arbitration & Mediation – Global Platforms for Dispute Resolution, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, 12 September 2008
From Litigation to Dispute Resolution – The Broader Perspective
ADR – Conference on Social Justice and Dispute resolution, University of Hong Kong, 8 November 2008
Civil Justice Reform In Hong Kong – A Commentary
Invited address to Hong Kong SAR Department of Justice, 9 March 2009
The CFA and civil procedure
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal: The Andrew Li Court 1997-2010, University of Hong Kong, 5 & 6 March 2010
Mediation in Hong Kong – A work in progress
Peking University & University of Hong Kong Joint Research Centre Conference, 9 & 10 December 2011
Legal training and assessment methods: knowledge v skills (Hong Kong) Conference on Reform of Legal Education in Asia Part III, University of Hong Kong, 18 February 2012
Limited Liability Partnerships in Hong Kong: Challenges and Conundrums
Law Lectures for Practitioners, University of Hong Kong, 19 October 2012
Qualifying as a lawyer in Hong Kong
Guest Lecture, Japan and Korea Programme, University of Hong Kong, 18 February 2013 and 18 February 2014
From OCI to IA – the regulation of the Hong Kong insurance industry
Law Lectures for Practitioners, University of Hong Kong, 27 October 2017
The Covid 19 Pandemic and Business Interruption Insurance (BII)
AIIFL Seminar, University of Hong Kong, 28 February 2023
Future Challenges for Professionals and their Insurers
AIIFL Seminar, University of Hong Kong, 2 October 2024
Submissions to the Hong Kong Legislative Council’s Subcommittee on Draft Subsidiary Legislation Relating to the Civil Justice Reform at 2008)
The CPR and the CJR: applying English authorities on civil procedure in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Lawyer (May 2010)
Perspectives – civil procedure, Hong Kong Lawyer (August 2010)
Chaired Session on Conduct Requirements at the Hong Kong Insurance Law Association Forum on Insurance Companies (Ammendments) Bill, 13 May 2014