Prof. Kelvin Kwok 郭曉暉教授

Associate Professor


Kelvin HF Kwok is Associate Professor of Law at The University of Hong Kong. He is also Deputy Director of the Asian Institute of International Financial Law, where he is the convenor of the Consumer Law and Policy Seminars. He has recently served as the Associate Dean in Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Law.  

His research interests centre around contract theory and applications in competition and consumer protection. His articles are published (or forthcoming) in peer-reviewed law journals such as Antitrust Law Journal, European Business Organization Law Review, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, European Law Review, Common Law World Review, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, World Competition, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, as well as interdisciplinary/non-law journals such as Yale Journal of Law & Technology and BMC Medical Ethics. His monograph Hong Kong Competition Law: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives (co-authored with Thomas Cheng) is published by Cambridge University Press.

He has advised on a wide range of competition and consumer matters as a practising barrister at Des Voeux Chambers, a non-governmental advisor to the International Competition Network, and a co-opted member of the Consumer Council. 


Research Area

  • Competition Law
  • Consumer Law
  • Private Law
  • Law and Technology
  • Law and Economics
  • Legal Theory / Jurisprudence

Select Publications