Prof. Massimo Lando
Assistant Professor
LLM, PhD (Cantab.)
LLB (Milan)
Member, Bar of England and Wales (Gray’s Inn)
Massimo is a general international lawyer.
Before joining HKU, he was Assistant Professor at the School of Law of City University of Hong Kong (2020-2023). Previously, he was an Associate Legal Officer at the International Court of Justice, working with Judge Dalveer Bhandari and Judge ad hoc Charles N. Brower (2017-2020).
Massimo completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge. He obtained an LLM also from the University of Cambridge and an LLB from the University of Milan. He is a member the Bar of England and Wales (Gray’s Inn).
Massimo is a Global Fellow at the Centre for International Law of the National University of Singapore.
He will be Director of Studies at the 2027 Winter Session of The Hague Academy of International Law.
Research Area
- Sources of International Law
- Law of the Sea
- International Dispute Settlement
- International Law & National Law
- Immunity
- International Economic Law
Research Area
- Sources of International Law
- Law of the Sea
- International Dispute Settlement
- International Law & National Law
- Immunity
- International Economic Law
Editorial Positions and Professional Affiliations
Selected Publications
- Member of the Bar of England and Wales (Gray’s Inn)
- Global Fellow, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
- Editorial Board, Ocean Development & International Law
- Academic Review Board, Cambridge International Law Journal
- Co-chair, International Courts and Tribunals Interest Group, American Society of International Law
- Member, American Society of International Law
- Member, Italian Society of International Law
Maritime Delimitation as a Judicial Process (Cambridge University Press 2019)
Journal Articles
“Baseline Preservation as a Response to Sea-level Rise” (2025) 56 Ocean Development & International Law (forthcoming)
“Reframing the English Foreign Act of State Doctrine” (2024) 87 Modern Law Review 343–370
“The Limits of Deduction in the Identification of Customary International Law” (2024) 14 Asian Journal of International Law 268–292
“An Exploratory Empirical Outlook on the Authority of Annex VII Arbitral Tribunals” (2023) 38 International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law 302–325
“Jurisdiction ratione materiae of the International Court of Justice in Compromissory Clause Cases” (2023) 139 Law Quarterly Review 52–78
“Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice in Respect of Disputes” (2022) 61 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 67–132
“Identification as the Process to Determine the Content of Customary International Law” (2022) 42 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1040–1066
“Secret Custom or The Impact of Judicial Deliberations on the Identification of Customary International Law” (2022) 81 Cambridge Law Journal 550–580
“Stability of Maritime Boundaries and the Challenge of Geographical Change: A Reply to Snjólaug Árnadóttir” (2022) 35 Leiden Journal of International Law 379–395
“Enhancing Conflict Resolution ‘ASEAN Way’: The Dispute Settlement System of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (2022) 13 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 98-120
“Judges ad hoc of the International Court of Justice” (2020) 33 Leiden Journal of International Law 467–493 (with Charles N. Brower)
“Provisional Measures and the Link Requirement” (2020) 19 Law & Practice of International Courts & Tribunals 174–196
“Plausibility in the Provisional Measures Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice” (2018) 31 Leiden Journal of International Law 641–668
“Judicial Uncertainties concerning Territorial Sea Delimitation under Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” (2017) 66 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 589–623
“Delimiting the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles at the International Court of Justice: The Nicaragua v. Colombia Cases” (2017) 16 Chinese Journal of International Law 137–173
“Compliance with Provisional Measures Indicated by the International Court of Justice” (2017) 8 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 22–55
“The Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Comments on the Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission” (2016) 29 Leiden Journal of International Law 441–461
“Intimations of Unconstitutionality: The Supremacy of International Law and Judgment 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court” (2015) 78 Modern Law Review 1028–1041
“State Jurisdiction and Immunity of Warships in the ARA Libertad Case” (2015) 58 Japanese Yearbook of International Law 336–355
Book Chapters
“Binding Advisory Opinions” in N. Tsagourias, R. Buchan and D. Franchini (eds.), The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Prospects (Cambridge University Press 2023) (forthcoming)
Shorter Articles and Notes
“Three Goals of States as they seek Advisory Opinions from ITLOS” (2023) 37 AJIL Unbound (forthcoming)
“How to Complicate a Simple Case: The Judgment on the Merits in Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Somalia v. Kenya)” (2022) 37 International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law 350-357 (with Jessica Joly Hébert)
“International Procedure between Past and Future – Procedural Developments in Law of the Sea Dispute Settlement in 2021” (2022) 21 Law & Practice of International Courts & Tribunals 198-224 (with Nilüfer Oral)
“Jurisdictional Challenges and Institutional Novelties – Procedural Developments in Law of the Sea Dispute Settlement in 2020” (2021) 20 Law & Practice of International Courts & Tribunals 191–221 (with Nilüfer Oral)
“The Croatia/Slovenia Arbitral Award of 29 June 2017: Is there a Common Method for delimiting all Maritime Zones under International Law?” (2017) 100 Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 1184–1190
“The Road along the San Juan River is Paved with Good Intentions: Provisional Measures and the Quest for Compliance in the Costa Rica/Nicaragua Joined Cases” (2016) 99 Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 179–183
“Questions relating to the Seizure and Detention of Certain Documents and Data” (2014) 3 Cambridge Journal of International & Comparative Law 616–624