Nigel Davis
Adjunct Associate Professor
M.A., Solicitor England & Wales and Hong Kong
Nigel Davis (MA) is a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Professional Legal Education. Nigel is admitted as a solicitor both in Hong Kong (2003) and in England & Wales (1999). Before joining Hong Kong University in December 2006, Nigel practiced as a solicitor in an international law firm in London and Hong Kong, where he specialised in cross-border mergers & acquisitions, corporate finance, company law and financial regulation and Nigel is currently a consultant to an international law firm in Hong Kong. Nigel is the Course Coordinator of the Listed Companies course on the PCLL course and his other teaching duties also include teaching Corporate and Commercial Transactions on the PCLL. Nigel was a member of the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2014 and is a co-author of “Hong Kong Listed Companies: Law and Practice”.