Prof. Albert Hung-yee Chen 陳弘毅教授
LLB (HKU) 1980; PCLL (HKU) 1981; LLM (Harvard) 1982; Solicitor (HK) 1984
Lecturer 1984; Senior Lecturer 1988; Reader 1993;
Head, Department of Law 1993-1996; Dean, Faculty of Law 1996-2002;
Chan Professor in Constitutional Law 2007-2015;
Cheng Chan Lan Yue Professor in Constitutional Law from 2015; Chair of Constitutional Law from 2021
Albert H Y Chen was born in and grew up in Hong Kong. He graduated from the Bachelor of Laws programme of the University of Hong Kong in 1980, and obtained the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws there in 1981. He then undertook postgraduate study in comparative law and theories of law and development at Harvard University, and was awarded the Master of Laws in 1982. Between 1982 and 1984 he worked in a solicitors’ firm in Hong Kong and in 1984 became qualified to practise as a solicitor in Hong Kong. In the same year he began his academic career as a Lecturer in Law at the University of Hong Kong. He served as Head of the Department of Law in 1993-96, and Dean of the Faculty of Law in 1996-2002.
He is currently the Cheng Chan Lan Yue Professor and Chair of Constitutional Law in the Department of Law. He has taught the subjects of Legal System and Legal Method, Constitutional Law, Administrative law, the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China, Rule of Law in Modern China, Jurisprudence, Legal Theory, the Use of Chinese in Law, Law and Society, and Guided Research . He was the reviews and publications editor of the Hong Kong Law Journal in 1984-1987, general co-editor of the same journal in 1987-1990, and has served in recent years as Associate Editor of this journal. In addition to over 200 articles or chapters published in various English-language and Chinese-language journals and books, he has written the following books: Hong Kong’s Legal System and the Basic Law (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1986) (in Chinese), Human Rights and the Rule of Law: The Challenges of Hong Kong’s Transition (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1987) (in Chinese, with Professor Johannes Chan as co-author), The Workers’ Compensation System in Hong Kong: Retrospect and Prospect (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1987) (in English, with Professor Ng Sek-hong as co-author), Law and Politics in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1990) (in Chinese), I Think, I Am (Hong Kong: Breakthrough Press, 1990) (in Chinese), An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, 5th ed. 2018), The Rule of Law, Enlightenment and the Spirit of Modern Law (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 1998) (in Chinese), The World of Jurisprudence (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2003) (in Chinese), Hong Kong’s Explorations in the Rule of Law Under One Country Two Systems (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Bookstore, 2nd ed. 2014) (in Chinese), Ideals of Rule of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Democracy (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2012) (in Chinese), The World of Constitutional Law (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2014) (in Chinese) and The Changing Legal Orders in Hong Kong and Mainland China: Essays on “One Country, Two Systems” (Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2021). He is also the co-editor of The Basic Law and Hong Kong’s Future (Singapore: Butterworths, 1988), General Principles of Hong Kong Law (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 3rd ed. 2015) (in Chinese), Human Rights in Asia (London: Routledge, 2006), Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2009), Legal Reforms in China and Vietnam: A Comparison of Asian Communist Regimes (London: Routledge, 2010), Perspectives on the Hong Kong Basic Law (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2015) (in Chinese), and Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2018), and editor of Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Professor Chen served as a member of the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong in 2002-08, a member of the Committee on Review of Post-Service Outside Work for Directorate Civil Servants in 2008-09, a member of the Commission for Strategic Development of the Hong Kong Government in 2005-2012, and a member of the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China in 1997-2023. He is currently a Justice of the Peace and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He was awarded the S.P.S. in 2010 and the G.B.S. in 2021. He has been an honorary professor at the Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhongshan University, Macau University, and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of Fudan University. He is also a member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Institute of Law of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, and a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Comparative Law, Legal Studies, China Review, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, Transnational Legal Theory, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, National Taiwan University Law Review (in English), and Chengchi Law Review (in Chinese).

Research Area
- Constitutional Law
- Legal Theory / Jurisprudence
- Comparative Public Law

HKU Scholars Hub
Research Area
- Constitutional Law
- Legal Theory / Jurisprudence
- Comparative Public Law
Research Profile
Articles or book chapters
Editorials [written as editor of the Hong Kong Law Journal]
Case Comments
Book Reviews
Shorter articles in recent years
Short Article Translated into German
Professor Chen’s current research interests include constitutional law, comparative law, and legal and political philosophy. His works in recent years cover six specific areas: (1) the constitutional and legal issues arising from “one country, two systems”, the implementation of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the interface between the mainland and Hong Kong legal systems; (2) current constitutional and legal developments in China and legal thought in China; (3) current constitutional developments in Taiwan; (4) philosophy and theories of legal modernization and the relationship between the Chinese cultural tradition, liberalism and legal modernity; (5) Confucian political philosophy and its relationship with democracy and human rights; (6) comparative study of public law in East and Southeast Asia.
1. Hong Kong’s Legal System and the Basic Law (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1986. ix + 279 pp) [in Chinese]
2. The Workers’ Compensation System in Hong Kong: Retrospect and Prospect (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1987. v + 165 pp) (as first author – author of parts II-IV) (second author: Ng Sek-hong)
3. Human Rights and the Rule of Law: The Challenges of Hong Kong’s Transition (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1987. viii + 300 pp) (as first author – author of chapters 1-4, 6, 9, 11-16, 20, 23-25, 27-28) (second author: Johannes M.M. Chan) [in Chinese]
4. [book co-edited] The Basic Law and Hong Kong’s Future (Singapore: Butterworths, 1988. viii + 389 pp) (co-editor: Peter Wesley-Smith)
5. Law and Politics in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1990. vii + 116 pp) [in Chinese]
6. An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Singapore: Butterworths Asia, 1992. xiii + 291 pp)
7. The Rule of Law, Enlightenment and the Spirit of Modern Law (Beijing: Chinese University of Politics and Law Press, 1998. xvii + 367 pp) [in Chinese]
8. An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Singapore: Butterworths Asia, revised edition 1998. xv + 338 pp)
9. [book co-edited] General Principles of Hong Kong Law (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing 1999. x + 469 pp) [in Chinese]
10. The World of Jurisprudence (Beijing: Chinese University of Politics and Law Press, 2003. viii + 446 pp) [in Chinese]
11. An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: LexisNexis Butterworths, 3rd edition 2004. xix + 346 pp)
12. [book co-edited] Randall Peerenboom, Carole J. Petersen and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Human Rights in Asia (London: Routledge, 2006. xii + 529 pp)
13. [book co-edited] Tom Ginsburg and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2009. x + 384 pp)
14. [book co-edited] General Principles of Hong Kong Law (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2009. xii + 511 pp) [in Chinese]
15. Hong Kong’s Explorations in the Rule of Law Under One Country Two Systems 《一国两制下香港的法治探索》(Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Bookstore, 2010. xi + 296 pp) [in Chinese]
16. The Journey of the Rule of Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region《香港特别行政区的法治轨迹》 (Beijing: Chinese Democracy and Legal System Press, 2010. xv + 295 pp) [in Chinese] (simplified characters edition of item 15 with some revisions)
17. [book co-edited] John Gillespie and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Legal Reforms in China and Vietnam: A Comparison of Asian Communist Regimes (London: Routledge, 2010. xiv + 378 pp)
18. An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, 4th edition 2011. xxii + 454 pp)
19. Ideals of the Rule of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Democracy (法治、人權與民主憲政的理想) (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2012. iv + 265 pp) [in Chinese]
20. Albert H.Y. Chen and Tom Ginsburg (eds), Public Law in East Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. xlvii + 575 pp)
21. Rule of Law and Human Rights in Western Civilisation 《西方文明中的法治和人權》(Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2013; v +257 pp) (in Chinese)
22. The Rule of Law, Enlightenment and the Spirit of Modern Law 《法治、啟蒙與現代法的精神》(Beijing: Chinese University of Politics and Law Press, 2nd ed. 2013. xxii + 381 pp) [in Chinese]
23. The World of Jurisprudence 《法理學的世界》(Beijing: Chinese University of Politics and Law Press, 2nd ed. 2013. vi + 492 pp) [in Chinese]
24. Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Constitutional Democracy 《中國傳統文化與現代民主憲政》(Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2013; xv+335 pp) [in Chinese]
25. [book edited] Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. xv + 435 pp)
26. Hong Kong’s Explorations in the Rule of Law Under One Country Two Systems 《一國兩制下香港的法治探索》(Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Bookstore, 2nd edition 2014. xiii + 362 pp) [in Chinese]
27. The World of Constitutional Jurisprudence 《憲法學的世界》(Beijing: Chinese University of Politics and Law Press, 2014. iii +403 pp) [in Chinese][1]
28. [book co-edited] Albert H.Y. Chen and Zou Pingxue (eds), Perspectives on the Hong Kong Basic Law《香港基本法面面觀》(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, iii+ 404 pp) [in Chinese]
29. [book co-edited] Albert H.Y. Chen, Jonathan Cheung, Johannes Chan, Alice Lee (eds), General Principles of Hong Kong Law 《香港法概論》(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 3rd ed 2015. iv + 757 pp) [in Chinese]
30. Albert H.Y. Chen and Zhao Xinshu, Democracy and Elections 《民主與選舉》(Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2017. 303 pp) [in Chinese]
31. [book co-edited] Albert H.Y. Chen and Andrew Harding (eds), Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective (Cambridge U Press, 2018. xviii + 387pp)
32. An Introduction to the Chinese Legal System (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, 5th edition 2019. xxii + 445 pp)
[1] This book was selected as one of the “Ten Best Books on Rule of Law in 2014” (2014年度十大法治圖書)by the Legal Daily 《法制日報》(13 January 2015), the leading legal newspaper in China.
1. “Workmen’s Compensation: A Survey of Hong Kong Cases on the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance” (1980) 7 Justitia 6-24
2. “Industrial Accidents in Hong Kong: Prevention, Compensation, and Rehabilitation” (1980) 7 Justitia 89-156 (as first author – author of parts I-V) (second author: Ankana Livasiri)
3. “The Developing Legal System in China” (1983) 13 Hong Kong Law Journal (hereinafter abbreviated as “HKLJ”) 291-315
4. “Further Aspects of the Autonomy of Hong Kong under the PRC Constitution” (1984) 14 HKLJ 341-7
5. “The Drafting of Hong Kong’s Basic Law: Some Preliminary Considerations” in Perspectives on Basic Law (Hong Kong: Genius Publishing Co, 1984) 9-17 [in Chinese]
6. “1997: The Language of the Law in Hong Kong” (1985) 15 HKLJ 19-47
7. “Judicial Review of Immigration Tribunal Decisions”(1985) 15 HKLJ 212-221
8. “Legal Language and 1997”, in Hong Kong Affairs Society (ed), Hong Kon’s Political and Legal Systems in the Transitional Period (Hong Kong: Pai Shing, 1985) 39-47 [in Chinese]
9. “Hong Kong’s Legal System: Adaptation for 1997 and Beyond”, in Leung, Jao, Wesley-Smith and Wong (eds), Hong Kong and 1997: Strategies for the Future (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1985) 235-261
10. “The Legal System”, in Joseph Y.S. Cheng (ed), Hong Kong in Transition (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1986) chapter 4 (pp 88-119)
11. “Paving the Way for Bilingual Laws in Hong Kong” (1987) 1 Law Society of Hong Kong Gazette, no 3, 25-27
12. “Some Reflections on the ‘Film Censorship Affair'” (1987) 17 HKLJ 352-359
13. “Citizens’ Rights and Duties”, in Byron S.J. Weng, Chang Hsin (eds), Introduction to Chinese Law (Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications, 1987) chapter 3 (pp 37-48) [bilingual]
14. “The Constitutional and Legal Systems of Hong Kong”, in Joseph Y.S. Cheng (ed), The Political System and Politics of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 1987) chapter 3 (pp 44-83) [in Chinese]
15. “Civil Liberties in China: Some Preliminary Observations”, in Raymond Wacks (ed), Civil Liberties in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1988) 107-149
16. “The Relationship Between the Central Government and the SAR”, in Peter Wesley-Smith and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), The Basic Law and Hong Kong’s Future (Hong Kong: Butterworths, 1988) 107-140
17. “The Development of Official Languages Policy in Hong Kong”, in C.C. Liu (ed), Essays in Translation 1988 (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 1987) 37-47 [in Chinese]
18. “Civil Liberties in Hong Kong: Recent Controversies, Evolving Consciousness and Future Legal Protection” (1988) Journal of Chinese Law, vol 2, no 1, 137-151
19. “The Development of Immigration Law and Policy: The Hong Kong Experience” (1988) McGill Law Journal, vol 33, no 4, 631-75
20. “The Present Conditions and Prospects of Hong Kong’s Legal System”, in Joseph Y.S. Cheng (ed), Hong Kong in the Transitional Period (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1989) 67-96 [in Chinese]
21. “From Colony to Special Administrative Region: Hong Kong’s Constitutional Journey” in Raymond Wacks (ed), The Future of the Law in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1989) 76-126
22. “Law in a Foreign Language: The Case of Hong Kong”, in Kathleen Cheek-Milby and Miron Mushkat (eds), Hong Kong: The Challenge of Transformation (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1989) 212-238
23. “The Legal System”, in T.L. Tsim and Bernard H.K. Luk (eds), The Other Hong Kong Report (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1989) 29-43
24. “Hong Kong’s Basic Law from the Perspective of Comparative Constitutions”, New Zealand Law Journal, November 1989, 383-387 (re-published in Hong Kong as “Basic Law – Constitutions in Harmony or Conflict?” The New Gazette of the Law Society of Hong Kong, December 1989, pp 15-20)
25. “The Present Jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts” (1989) 33 Wuhan University Law Review 55-59 [in Chinese]
26. “Enforcement of the Bill of Rights”, in R.Wacks (ed), Hong Kong’s Bill of Rights: Problems and Prospects (Hong Kong: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 1990) 69-78
27. “The Basic Law: Implications for the Transition Period 1990-97”, in P. Wesley-Smith (ed), Hong Kong“s Basic Law: Problems and Prospects (Hong Kong: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 1990) 23-29 (reprinted in “The Basic Law: Transition 1990-97”, The New Gazette of the Law Society of Hong Kong, October 1990, pp 26-28)
28. “The Legal System”, in Richard Y.C. Wong and Joseph Y.S. Cheng (eds), The Other Hong Kong Report 1990 (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1990) 65-86
29. “Justice after 1997”, in Harold Traver and Jon Vagg (eds), Crime and Justice in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1991) 172-188
30. “Human Rights in China: A Brief Historical Review”, in Raymond Wacks (ed), Human Rights in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1992) 176-221
31. “The Basic Law and the Protection of Property Rights” (1993) 23 HKLJ 31-78
32. “Human Rights, Enlightenment, and Progress”, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, May 1993 (no 194), pp 42-50 (in Chinese)
33. “Post-1997 Extradition and Criminal Law”, New Gazette of the Law Society of Hong Kong, May 1993, pp 41-42
34. “Developing Theories of Rights and Human Rights in China”, in Raymond Wacks (ed), Hong Kong, China and 1997: Essays in Legal Theory (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1993) ch 5 (pp 123-149)
35. “Competition Law and Hong Kong” (1993) 23 HKLJ 412-421
36. “Judicial Review and Property Rights under the Basic Law”, in One Country Two Systems Economic Research Institute (ed), Hong Kong in Transition (Hong Kong, 1993) 371-394
37. “The Transition and Convergence of Hong Kong’s Legal System Before and After 1997”, (1994) 63 Wuhan University Law Review 51-59 (in Chinese)
38. “Some reflections on Hong Kong’s autonomy” (1994) 24 Hong Kong Law Journal 173-180
39. “Private Law and Public Law in Western Legal History” (1994) 26 Jurists’ Review 82-86 (in Chinese)
40. “The Path of China’s Legal Modernisation,” in Shen Leping (ed), A Complete Guide to Chinese Law (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co, 1995) pp i-viii (in Chinese)
41. “Hegal’s Legal Philosophy and Civil Society” (1993) 79 Modern Law Science(Southwestern University of Politics and Law) 95-97 (in Chinese)
42. “The Impact of the 1997 Transition on Taiwan-Hong Kong Legal Relations” (1995) 23 Hwa Kang Law Review (Chinese Cultural University, Taiwan) 57-67 (in Chinese)
43. “Western Humanistic Thought and the Spirit of Modern Law,” (1995) 68 Chinese Legal Science 108-116 (in Chinese)
44. “The Developing Theory of Law and Market Economy in Contemporary China,” in Wang Guiguo and Wei Zhenying (eds), Legal Developments in China: Market Economy and Law (Hong Kong: Sweet and Maxwell, 1996) 3-20
45. “The Developing Chinese Law and the Civil Law Tradition,” in M Brosseau, S Pepper and S K Tsang (eds), China Review 1996 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1996) 29-59 [also published in Chinese in Wang Dingding (ed), China Review 1996 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1996) 28-51 (in Chinese)]
46. “Paradigms in the Study of Hong Kong’s Transition,” (1996) 16 Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly 170-178 (in Chinese)
47. “The Rise of Rights: Some Comparative Civilizational Reflections,” [1996] 4 Foreign Legal Studies 1-12 (in Chinese)
48. “The Establishment of a New Tradition of the Rule of Law in China,” [1996] 3 Legal Science 4-5 (in Chinese)
49. “How Enterprises Should Deal with Economic Disputes in Post-1997 Hong Kong,” [1996] 2 Economic Management 30-34 (co-author: Huang Jin; in Chinese)
50. “The Provisional Legislative Council of the SAR,” (1997) 27 Hong Kong Law Journal 1-11
51. “The Legal Foundation of the Legislative Council Election 1995,” in H C Kuan et al (eds), The 1995 Legislative Council Elections in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996) ch 2 (pp 45-96)
52. “Reflections on Legal Aspects of the 1997 Hong Kong Transition,” (1997) 41 Twenty-First Century (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 138-151 (in Chinese); also published in [1997] 5 Jurists” Review 51-62
53. “Continuity of Laws in Hong Kong Before and After 1997,” [1997] China Law(Supplement for Hong Kong’s Return) 7-10 (Chinese version); 81-85 (English version)
54. “Contemporary Western Theories of Legal Interpretation,” [1997] 3 Chinese Legal Science 106-114
55. “The Philosophy of Language Rights,” (1998) 20(1) Language Sciences 45-54
56. “Hong Kong’s Re-unification and China’s Future,” in Fan Zhongxin, One Country, Two Legal Systems, and China in the Twenty-first Century (Hong Kong: Wide Angle Press, 1998) 1-11 (“Preface”) (in Chinese)
57. “Rational Law, Economic Development and the Case of China,” in Chun-tu Hsueh and Gong Pixiang (eds), The Modernization of the Legal System and China’s Economic Development (Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University Press, 1997) 210-231 (in Chinese)
58. “The Concept of Justiciability and the Jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts” [1997] 27 Hong Kong Law Journal 387-390
59. “Legal Preparation for the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Chronology and Selected Documents” [1997] 27 Hong Kong Law Journal 405-431
60. “The Rise of Rights: Some Comparative Civilizational Reflections,” (1998) 25 Journal of Chinese Philosophy 5-30
61. “The Power of Constitutional Judicial Review of the Courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,” (1998) 59 Peking University Law Journal 12-18 (in Chinese)
62. “Prosecutorial Discretion, Independence and Accountability” (1998) 28 Hong Kong Law Journal 406-411
63. “Continuity and Change in the Legal System,” in Chow and Fan (eds), The Other Hong Kong Report 1998 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1999) 29-48
64. “Employment law,” in A.H.Y. Chen et al (eds), General Principles of Hong Kong Law(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1999) 399-428 (in Chinese)
65. “Rational Law, Economic Development and the Case of China,” (1999) 8 Social and Legal Studies 97-120
66. “Hong Kong’s Legal System in Transition: 1997-99,” in Wang Gungwu and John Wong (eds), Hong Kong in China: The Challenges of Transition (Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1999) 287-320
67. “Historical and Jurisprudential Reflections on Sovereignty and Human Rights,” (1999) 55 Twenty-First Century 18-29 (in Chinese)
68. “Confucian Legal Culture and its Modern Fate,” in Raymond Wacks (ed), The New Legal Order in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1999) 505-533
69. “The Political and Legal Thought of 21st Century China,” in Fang Keli et al (eds), Chinese Culture and the 21st Century (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press, 2000) vol 2, pp 1053-1062 (also published as “Liberalism is the Only Choice for the Chinese People” [2000] 1 Ming Pao Monthly 63-66) (in Chinese)
70. “The Court of Final Appeal’s Ruling in the ‘Illegal Migrant’ Children Case: Congressional Supremacy and Judicial Review,” in Johannes M M Chan et al (eds), Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debate: Conflict over Interpretation (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000) 73-96
71. “The Court of Final Appeal’s Ruling in the ‘Illegal Migrant’ Children Case: A Critical Commentary on the Application of Article 158 of the Basic Law”, in Johannes M M Chan et al (eds), Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debate: Conflict over Interpretation (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000) 113-141
72. “Constitutional Crisis in Hong Kong: Congressional Supremacy and Judicial Review” (1999) 33 The International Lawyer 1025-1040 (a revised version of item 70 above)
73. “Toward a Legal Enlightenment: Discussions in Contemporary China on the Rule of Law” (1999) 17 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 125-165
74. “The Interaction between the Hong Kong and Mainland Legal Systems after the Re-unification: Retrospect and Prospect,” in Lau Siu-kai (ed), Blueprint for 21st Century Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2000) chap 2 (pp 37-63) (in Chinese)
75. “The Court of Final Appeal’s Ruling in the ‘Illegal Migrant’ Children Case: Congressional Supremacy and Judicial Review,” in Yash Ghai et al (eds), The Constitutional Debate Arising From the Right of Abode (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000) 71-96 (in Chinese; translation of item 70 above)
76. “The Court of Final Appeal’s Ruling in the ‘Illegal Migrant’ Children Case: A Critical Commentary on the Application of Article 158 of the Basic Law”, in Yash Ghai et al (eds), The Constitutional Debate Arising From the Right of Abode (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000) 113-143 (in Chinese; translation of item 71 above)
77. “Socialist Law, Civil Law, Common Law, and the Classification of Contemporary Chinese Law,” in J.M. Otto, M.V. Polak, J. Chen and Y. Li (eds), Law-Making in the People”s Republic of China (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000) chap 4 (pp 55-74)
78. “The Interpretation of the Basic Law: Common Law and Mainland Chinese Perspectives” (2000) 30 Hong Kong Law Journal 380-431
79. “Law, Development and the Typology of Legal Systems” (1999-2000) 4:1-2 Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law 30-49
80. “Mediation, Litigation and Justice: Confucian Reflections in a Modern Liberal Society” [2001] 3 Modern Legal Science 3-14 (in Chinese)
81. “Another Case of Conflict Between the Court of Final Appeal and the NPC Standing Committee?” (2001) 31 Hong Kong Law Journal 179-187
82. “Foucault’s Discipline and Punish and Postmodern Thought” (2001) 23 Global Law Review 333-342 (in Chinese), re-printed in Zhu Jingwen (ed), Studies in Postmodern Jurisprudence (Beijing: Law Press, 2002) 201-223 (in Chinese)
83. “The Judiciary and the Media: A Review of Leading English, American and Canadian Cases” (2002) 4 Tsinghua Law Review 54-65, also published in Human Rights Research Centre, Peking University Law School (ed), Judicial Justice and the Protection of Rights (Beijing: Chinese Legal System Press, 2001) 157-174 (in Chinese)
84. “The Political Thought of Twenty-First Century China,” in Joseph C.W. Chan and Leung Man-to (eds), Political Theory in China (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2001) chap 2 (pp 12-25) (in Chinese) [revised version of item 69 above]
85. “Historical-philosophical Reflections on Chinese Legal Modernization” [2001] 1 Renmin University Law Review 1-14 (in Chinese)
86. “Legal Education in Hong Kong,” in Han Dayuan and Ye Qiuhua (eds), China Legal Education — Striving for the World (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2001) 97-108 (co-authored with Johannes Chan and Zhang Xianchu) (bilingual version)
87. “The Pinochet Case and the Development of International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law” (2001) 13:5 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy 575-603; also published in Han Dayuan and Ye Qiuhua (eds), China Legal Education — Striving for the World (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2001) 505-516 (in Chinese)
88. “The Concept of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and its Application to Hong Kong,” in Xiao Weiyun, Yang Yunzhong and Yao Guoping (eds), Ruling Macau According to Law, Stability and Development (Macau: Macau University of Science and Technology, 2002) 326-349 (in Chinese)
89. “Chinese Philosophy of the Family and its Potential Contribution to Global Ethics” (2001) 6 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 324-333 (in Chinese)
90. “Hong Kong’s Legal System After the 1997 Handover” (2001) 35 Kobe University Law Review 49-73
91. “Hong Kong’s Legal System in the New Constitutional Order,” in Jianfu Chen, Yuwen Li and Jan Michiel Otto (eds), Implementation of Law in the People’s Republic of China (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002) 213-245
92. “A Comment on the Basic Law as the Constitutional Foundation of Hong Kong’s Economic Future,” in Say Goo, Douglas Arner and Zhongfei Zhou (eds), International Financial Sector Reform: Standard Setting and Infrastructure Development (London: Kluwer Law International, 2002) 251-256
93. “The Constitution and the Rule of Law,” in Lau Siu-kai (ed), The First Tung Che-hwa Administration: The First Five Years of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2002), chap 3 (pp 69-88)
94. “The Power of Constitutional Review of the Hong Kong Courts” [2002] 3 Public Law 84-101 (in Chinese)
95. “Ng Ka-ling and Article 158(3) of the Basic Law” (2001-2002) 5:2 Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law 222-247 [revised version of item 71 above]
96. “The Concept, Implementation and Interpretation of the Basic Law,” in Liu Kung-chung and Chen Hsin-min (eds), The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Interpretation, vol 3 (Taipei: Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, 2002) 371-426 (in Chinese)
97. “Will Our Civil Liberties Survive the Implementation of Article 23?” Hong Kong Lawyer, November 2002, pp 80-88
98. “Modern Reflections on the Legalist Tradition,” in Institute of Legal History, Central-southern University of Finance, Politics and Law (eds), Chinese and Western Legal Traditions, vol 2 (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2002) 108-134 (in Chinese)
99. “Habermas, Modernity and Modern Rule of Law,” in Gao Hongjun (ed), Tsinghua Forum on the Rule of Law, vol 3 (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002) 14-33 (in Chinese)
100. “The Concept of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and its Application to Hong Kong,” in C Stephen Hsu (ed), Understanding China’s Legal System: Essays in Honour of Jerome A Cohen (New York: New York University Press, 2003) chap 9 (pp 353-373)
101. “How Hong Kong Law will Change when Article 23 of the Basic Law is Implemented” (2003) 33 Hong Kong Law Journal 1-7
102. “Hong Kong’s Political Crisis of July 2003” (2003) 33 Hong Kong Law Journal 265-269
103. “Mediation, Litigation, and Justice: Confucian Reflections in a Modern Liberal Society,” in Daniel A Bell and Hahm Chaibong (eds), Confucianism for the Modern World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003) chap 11 (pp 257-287)
104. “Debating Rule of Law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1997-2002,” in Randall Peerenboom (ed), Asian Discourses of Rule of Law (London: Routledge, 2004) chap 8 (pp 250-285) (co-authored with Anne Cheung)
105. “Modern and Postmodern Conceptions of the Rule of Law: The Thought of Habermas and Foucault,” in Jilin University Legal Theory Research Centre (ed), The Movement of Legal Thought (Beijing: Law Press, 2003) pp 82-92 (in Chinese)
106. “The Concept of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and its Application in Hong Kong,” in Xu Chuanxi (ed), Legal Development in the Era of Transition in Chinese Society (Beijing: Law Press, 2004) pp 547-563 (in Chinese) [revised version of item 88 above]
107. “The Search for the Rule of Law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1997-2003,” in Wong Yiu-chung (ed), “One Country, Two Systems” in Crisis: Hong Kong’s Transformation Since the Handover (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2004) chap 3 (pp 61-93) (co-authored with Anne Cheung)
108. “Unity and Plurality: The Basic Laws of the Special Administrative Regions under ‘One Country, Two Systems'”, in Zhang Qianfan (ed), Constitutional Law (Beijing: Law Press, 2004) chap 12 (pp 481-525) (in Chinese)
109. “The Constitutional Controversy of Spring 2004” (2004) 34 Hong Kong Law Journal215-225
110. “Interaction between the Legal Systems of Hong Kong and the Mainland from the Perspective of Criminal Conflict of Laws”, in Renmin University Criminal Law Research Centre (eds), Explorations of Modern Criminal Law Issues, vol 1 (Beijing: Law Press, 2004) pp 390-307 (in Chinese)
111. “Socio-legal Thought and Legal Modernization in Contemporary China: A Case Study of the Jurisprudence of Zhu Suli”, in Guenther Doeker-Mach and Klaus A Ziegert (eds), Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century (Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 2004) pp 227-249
112. “The Consultation Document and the Bill: An Overview”, in Fu, Petersen and Young (eds), National Security and Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong’s Article 23 under Scrutiny (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005) chap 3 (pp 93-118)
113. “The Constitutional Amendment of 2004 and the Prospects for Chinese Constitutionalism” (2005) 88 Twenty-first Century 67-77 (in Chinese)
114. “The Traditional Chinese Philosophy of the Family and Global Ethics”, in Organising Committee for the Forum on Chinese Culture and the World in the 21st Century (eds), Cultural Self-Awareness and Social Development (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2005) pp 706-712 (in Chinese)
115. ” ‘Executive-led Government’, Strong and Weak Governments and ‘Consensus Democracy’ “, in Johannes Chan and Lison Harris (eds), Hong Kong’s Constitutional Debates (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Law Journal Ltd, 2005), chap 2 (pp 9-13)
116. “The NPCSC’s Interpretation in Spring 2005” (2005) 35 Hong Kong Law Journal 255-264
117. “Constitutional Adjudication in the Protection of Human Rights in Hong Kong”, in Sung Nak-in (ed), Constitutionalism and Constitutional Adjudication in Asia (Seoul: College of Law, Seoul National University and Korea Legislation Research Institute, 2005) pp 89-119
118. “The Revelations of Theories of Civil Society”, in Liang Zhiping (ed), State, Market and Society: Law and Development in Contemporary China (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2006) pp 34-58 (in Chinese)
119. “The Fate of the Constitutional Reform Proposal of October 2005” (2005) 35 Hong Kong Law Journal 537-543
120. “Comparative Reflections on Human Rights in Asia”, in Randall Peerenboom, Carole J. Petersen and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Human Rights in Asia (London: Routledge, 2006) chap 16 (pp 487-516)
121. “Reflections on Torture in the Past and Present of China and the West”, in Gao Hongjun (ed), Contemporary Reflections on Chinese Legal Civilisation, vol 2 (Tsinghua Forum on the Rule of Law, vol 8) pp 89-114
122. “The Role of Courts in Society: From the Perspective of Several Recent Cases in Hong Kong”, in Zhu Jingwen (ed), Chinese Jurisprudence Forum (Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2006) pp 331-345 (in Chinese)
123. “Constitutional Adjudication in Post-1997 Hong Kong” (2006) 15 Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal 627-682
124. “Ideas of Rule of Law in the West: Past and Present”, in Deng Zhenglai (ed), Annals of Research on Western Jurists (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006), pp 193-206 (in Chinese)
125. “Is Confucianism Compatible with Liberal Constitutional Democracy?” (2007) 34:2 Journal of Chinese Philosophy 195-216
126. “The Path of the Mean and the Legal Practice of One Country Two Systems” (2007) 101 Twenty-first Century 22-32 (in Chinese)
127. “Constitutional Developments in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Some Comparative Reflections” (2007) 1 Academia Sinica Law Journal 137-189 (in Chinese)
128. “The Basic Law and the Development of the Political System in Hong Kong” (2007) 15 Asia Pacific Law Review 19-40
129. “Whither Goes Chinese Jurisprudence” [2007] 10 Hebei Law Science 11-14 (in Chinese)
130. “‘One Country, Two Systems’ from a Legal Perspective”, in Yue-man Yeung (ed), The First Decade: The Hong Kong SAR in Retrospective and Introspective Perspectives (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007), chapter 8 (pp 161-188)
131. “A Tale of Two Islands: Comparative Reflections on Constitutionalism in Hong Kong and Taiwan” (2007) 37 Hong Kong Law Journal 647-688
132. “The Christian Tradition and the Origins of Modern Western Constitutionalism” [2007] 5 Pacific Journal 30-39 (in Chinese)
133. “The Legal Practice of ‘One Country Two Systems’ “, in General Office of Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of NPC Standing Committee (ed), Essays in Commemoration of Ten Years of the Implementation of the Hong Kong Basic Law (Beijing: China Democracy and Legal Press, 2007) pp 96-110
134. “A New Era in Hong Kong’s Constitutional History” (2008) 38 Hong Kong Law Journal1-13
135. “Unity and Plurality: The Basic Laws of the Special Administrative Regions under ‘One Country, Two Systems'”, in Zhang Qianfan (ed), Constitutional Law (Beijing: Law Press, 2nd ed 2008) chap 12 (pp 466-511) (in Chinese)
136. “Confucianism and Constitutional Democracy: On the 1958 Manifesto on Chinese Culture”, in Fan Ruiping (ed), Confucian Society and the Revival of the Tradition of the Dao: Dialogues with Jiang Qing (Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2008) pp 1-30
137. “The Controversial Appointment of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants in 2008” (2008) 38 Hong Kong Law Journal 325-331
138. “Reflections on Administrative Law and Judicialized Governance in East and Southeast Asia”, in Tom Ginsburg and Albert H. Y. Chen (eds), Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2009), pp 359-380
139. “Political Confucianism and Democracy” [2009] 2 Law and Social Development (法制与社会发展) 3-11 (in Chinese, 13500 characters)
140. “The Repeal of the Interpretation in the Qi Yuling Case, ‘Judicialization of the Constitution’ and the Judicial Application of the Constitution” [2009] 3 Legal Science (法学) 11-14 (in Chinese, 5500 characters)
141. “Six Decades of Legal Development in Mainland China: Review and Reflections”, in School of Law, National Taiwan University (eds), The Third Series of Herbert Ma Lectures (Taipei: Mashi sishang wenjiao jijinhui, 2009), pp 129-168 [in Chinese]
142. “Hong Kong’s Progress in the Rule of Law, Constitutionalism and Democracy: From Colony to Special Administrative Region”, in School of Law, National Taiwan University (eds), The Third Series of Herbert Ma Lectures (Taipei: Mashi sishang wenjiao jijinhui, 2009), pp 171-226 [in Chinese]
143. “Employment Law”, in Albert Chen, Johannes Chan, Alice Lee and Angelina Luk (eds), General Principles of Hong Kong Law (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2009. xii + 511 pp), chap. 14 (pp 459-490) [in Chinese]
144. “The Theory, Constitution and Practice of Autonomy: The Case of Hong Kong”, in Jorge Oliveira and Paulo Cardinal (eds), One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution (Berlin: Springer, 2009), pp 751-767
145. “Six Decades of Legal Development in Mainland China: Review and Reflections”,
in Wong Yiu-chung and Chan Hor-yung (eds), China: Sixty Years in Review
(神州六十年) (Hong Kong: Fazhu Press, 2009), pp 237-273 (in Chinese)
146. “Social Movements and the Law in Post-Colonial Hong Kong”, in Khun Eng Kuah
-Pearce and Gilles Guiheux (eds), Social Movements in China and Hong Kong: The
Expansion of Protest Space (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009),
chap 4 (pp 65-90)
147. “China’s March Towards the Rule of Law” (中国走向法治之路的回顾) (2009) 115
Twenty-First Century (二十一世纪) 4-13 (in Chinese)
148. “International Human Rights Law and Domestic Constitutional Law:
Internationalisation of Constitutional Law in Hong Kong” (2009) 4:3 National Taiwan
University Law Review 237-333
149. “Emergency Powers, Constitutionalism and Legal Transplants: the East Asian
Experience”, in Victor V. Ramraj and Arun K. Thiruvengadam (eds), Emergency Powers
in Asia: Exploring the Limits of Legality (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press,
2010), chap 3 (pp 56-88)
150. “Constitutional Developments in Autumn 2009” (2009) 39 Hong Kong Law Journal751-766
151. “Reflections on Administrative Law in China: A Hong Kong Perspective” (2010) 6:1 Harvard China Review 66-78
152. “Legal Studies in China and the Globalization and Interdisciplinarity of Legal Studies” (法学的全球化和跨学科化与中国大陆的法学)(2010) 1:1 East Asian Law Journal (东亚法学评论) (in Chinese) 141-144
153. “Hong Kong’s Constitutional Development: From Colony to Special Administrative Region” (香港的宪政发展:从殖民地到特别行政区) (2010) 12 Journal of Legal and Economic Studies (洪范评论) 154-192 (in Chinese)
154. [co-authored] John Gillespie and Albert H.Y. Chen, “Comparing Legal Development in China and Vietnam”, in John Gillespie and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Legal Reforms in China and Vietnam: A Comparison of Asian Communist Regimes (London: Routledge, 2010), chap 1 (pp 1-25)
155. “Legal Thought and Legal Development in the People’s Republic of China1949-2008”, in John Gillespie and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds), Legal Reforms in China and Vietnam: A Comparison of Asian Communist Regimes (London: Routledge, 2010), chap 3 (pp 51-77)
156. “An Unexpected Breakthrough in Hong Kong’s Constitutional Reform” (2010) 40 Hong Kong Law Journal 259-270
157. “The Law of Property and the Evolving System of Property Rights in China”, in Guanghua Yu (ed), The Development of the Chinese Legal System: Change and Challenges (London: Routledge, 2011), chap 4 (pp 81-112)
158. “The Interaction of Public Law and International Human Rights Law: The Case of Hong Kong” (公法与国际人权法的互动:香港特别行政区的个案) [2011] 1 Peking University Law Journal (中外法学) 56-80 (in Chinese)
159. “The Rule of Law under ‘One Country, Two Systems’: The Case of Hong Kong 1997-2010” (2011) 6:1 National Taiwan University Law Review 269-299
160. “Chinese Legal Developments 1949-2009: Review and Reflections” (中國大陸法制六十年(1949-2009):回顧與反思), in National Chengchi University Centre for Chinese Legal Studies (ed), The Mainland Chinese Legal System in Transition (轉型中的中國大陸法制) (Taipei: Yuanzhao, 2011), pp 93-123
161. “Pathways of Western liberal constitutional development in Asia: A comparative study of five major nations” (2010) 8 International Journal of Constitutional Law 849-884 [published in 2011]
162. “Three Political Confucianisms and Half a Century”, in Ruiping Fan (ed), The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China (Dordrecht: Springer, 2011), chapter 13 (pp 205-223)
163. “Development of Representative Government”, in Johannes Chan and C.L. Lim (eds), Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell, 2011), chap 8 (pp 215-247)
164. “The Congo Case” (2011) 41 Hong Kong Law Journal 369-376
165. “The ‘Foreign Domestic Helpers Case’: The Relevance of the NPCSC Interpretation of 1999 and the Preparatory Committee’s Opinion of 1996” (2011) 41 Hong Kong Law Journal 621-633
166. “Reflections on Administrative Law in China: A Hong Kong Perspective”, [2012] 4 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), pp.1-5 (in Chinese)
167. “Political and Constitutional Reforms in Hong Kong and Taiwan: Comparisons and Reflections”, in Wang Lei (ed), A Century of Republicanism and Chinese Constitutional Development (Beijing: Law Press, 2012), pp. 225-265 (in Chinese)
168. [co-authored:] Albert H.Y. Chen and M.P. Maduro, “The Judiciary, Constitutional Review and Constitutional Interpretation”, in Mark Tushnet, Thomas Fleiner and Cheryl Saunders (eds), Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law (Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, 2012), chap 8 (pp. 97-109)
169. “Pathways of Constitutional Development in Asia: A Comparative Study of Five Major Nations” [2013] 1 Journal of Political Science and Law (政法論叢) 3-20 (in Chinese)
170. “The Global Expansion of Constitutional Judicial Review: Some Historical and Comparative Perspectives”, in Festschrift in Honor of Professor Satoru Osanai (Tokyo: Chuo University, 2013), pp. 3-25
171. “Introduction: Constitutionalism and Constitutional Change in East and Southeast Asia: A Historical and Comparative Overview”, in Albert H.Y. Chen and Tom Ginsburg (eds), Public Law in East Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), pp. xv-xlvii
172. “Constitutionalism, Constitutional Resources and Constitutional Moments”, in Gao Hongjun (ed), Tsinghua Rule of Law Forum, vol. 17: Constitutional Systems and Constitution-Making (I) (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2013), pp. 29-50 [“憲政、憲政資源與憲政時刻”,高鴻鈞編:《清華法治論衡,第17輯:憲制與制憲(上)》,北京:清華大學出版社,2013年,頁29-50]
173. “China’s Constitutional System and the Discourse of Political Constitutionalism” (當代中國的憲法體制與政治憲法學話語) (2013) 8:1 Frontiers of Scholarship 《學術前沿》 52-62
174. “Legal and Political Considerations regarding the Election of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR by Universal Suffrage” (香港特首普選問題的法律和政治考慮) [2013] 11 Bauhinia Forum 《紫荊論壇》 2-11
175. “The Concept of ‘Datong’ in Chinese Philosophy as an Expression of the Idea of the Common Good”, in David Solomon and P.C. Lo (eds), The Common Good: Chinese and American Perspectives (Dordrecht: Springer, 2014), pp. 85-102 (chapter 5)
176. [with P.Y. Lo as co-author] “The Basic Law jurisprudence of the Court of Final Appeal”, in Simon N.M. Young and Yash Ghai (eds), Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China’s Hong Kong (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 352-390 (chapter 14)
177. “The Discourse of Political Constitutionalism in Contemporary China” (當代中國的政治憲法學話語), in Andy Chiu (趙文宗)and Xu Zhangrun (徐章潤)(eds), World Chinese Legal Philosophy Congress 2013 《2013年世界華人法哲學大會文集》 (Hong Kong: Red-Publish, 2013), pp. 18-46
178. “The Governance and Development of the HKSAR: A Middle Way that Balances ‘One Country’ with ‘Two Systems’” (香港特別行政區的管治和發展:平衡“一國”與“兩制”的中道) (2014) 17:1 Journal of Youth Studies (青年研究學報) 3-11
179. “Confucianism and Constitutionalism: The Life and Vocation of Zhang Junmai” (儒家與憲政:從張君勱先生的生平與志業談起) (2014) 1 China Law Review (中國法律評論) 127-137
180. “The achievement of constitutionalism in Asia: moving beyond ‘constitutions without constitutionalism’”, in Albert H.Y. Chen (ed), Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), chapter 1 (pp . 1-31)
181. “Western constitutionalism in Southeast Asia: Some historical and comparative observations”, in Dirk Ehlers, Henning Glaser and Kittisak Prokati (eds), Constitutionalism and Good Governance: Eastern and Western Perspectives (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014), pp. 63-80
182. “ ‘A stroke of genius’ in Kong Yunming” (2014) 44 Hong Kong Law Journal 7-24
183. “On constitutionalism” (論憲政主義), in Lin Yu-sheung (林毓生) (ed), Basic Concepts of Civil Society, vol. 1 《公民社會基本概念》(Taipei: Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2014), pp. 1-25
184. “Religions, Religious Conflicts and the Peaceful Co-existence of Religions: Insights from Tang Junyi’s Philosophy”, in Zheng Zongyi (ed), New Directions of Research in Chinese Philosophy 《中國哲學研究之新方向》(Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2014), pp. 343-353
185. “The Discourse of Political Constitutionalism in Contemporary China” (2014) 14(2) China Review 183-214
186. “Several Legal and Political Issues relating to the Second Round of Consultation on the Model for the Election of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR by Universal Suffrage” (香港特首普選模式第二輪諮詢的幾個法律和政治問題), (March 2015) 20 Hong Kong and Macau Affairs《紫荊論壇》 32-41
187. Albert H.Y. Chen and P. Y. Lo, “The Basic Law Jurisprudence of the Court of Final Appeal”, in Albert H.Y. Chen and Zou Pingxue (eds), Perspectives on the Hong Kong Basic Law《香港基本法面面觀》(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2015), pp. 54-94 [in Chinese]
188. Albert H.Y. Chen, “The Executive and the Legislature in the Political System of the HKSAR”, in Albert H.Y. Chen and Zou Pingxue (eds), Perspectives on the Hong Kong Basic Law《香港基本法面面觀》(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2015), pp. 273-286 [in Chinese]
189. Albert H.Y. Chen and P.J. Yap, “The Globalization of Public Law: The Case of Hong Kong Human Rights Law”, in Albert H.Y. Chen and Zou Pingxue (eds), Perspectives on the Hong Kong Basic Law《香港基本法面面觀》(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2015), pp. 352-378 [in Chinese]
190. “Constitutions and Values in Three Chinese Societies”, in Dennis Davis, Alan Richter and Cheryl Saunders (eds), An Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values: Through the Lens of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015), chapter 5 (pp. 119-154)
191. “Unity and Plurality: The Basic Laws of the Special Administrative Regions under ‘One Country, Two Systems’”, in Zhang Qianfan (張千帆)(ed), Constitutional Law 《憲法學》(Beijing: Law Press, 3rd ed 2015) chap 12 (pp 480-527) (in Chinese)
192. “Development of Representative Government”, in Johannes Chan and C.L. Lim (eds), Law of the Hong Kong Constitution (Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd ed 2015), chap 8 (pp 245-289)
193. “The Law and Politics of the Struggle for Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong, 2013-15” (2016) 3 Asian Journal of Law and Society 189-207
194. “China’s Long March Towards Rule of Law or China’s Turn against Law?” (2016) 4 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 1-35
195. Albert H.Y. Chen and P.Y. Lo, “The Case Law of the Court of Final Appeal on the Hong Kong Basic Law”“(香港終審法院關於《基本法》的司法判例評析”),[2015] 3 China Law Review (Zhongguo falu pinglun)《中國法律評論》,2015年第3期(總第7期), 75-98
196. “Constitutional judicial review: historical, comparative and theoretical reflections” (2016) 1 Beihang Jurisprudence《北航法學》,2016年第1卷,67-80
197. “Constitutional change in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the late twentieth century: A comparative perspective”, in Chang-fa Lo, Nigel N.T. Li and Tsai-yu Lin (eds), Legal Thoughts between the East and the West (Singapore: Springer, 2016) chapter 8 (pp 105-125)
198. “The Hong Kong Basic Law and the Limits of Democratization Under ‘One Country Two Systems’ ” (2017) 50 The International Lawyer 69-85
199. Albert H.Y. Chen, Michael Ng and Christopher Munn, “Hong Kong’s legal system and judiciary in the colonial era” (“殖民地時代香港的法制與司法”) , in Wang Gungwu (王賡武) (ed), Hong Kong History: New Perspectives (香港史新編), volume 1 (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2017), chapter 10 (pp 445-482)
200. “Constitutions, constitutional practice and constitutionalism in East Asia”, in Christoph Antons (ed), Routledge Handbook of Asian Law (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 75-93
201. “The Implementation of the Basic Law and ‘One Country, Two Systems’: Review and Reflections” (“《基本法》與‘一國兩制’實施的回顧與反思”) (2017) 34:1 Shenzhen University Journal (Humanities and Social Sciences)《深圳大學學報(人民社會科學版)》, pp. 31-36
202. “The law and politics of constitutional reform and democratization in Hong Kong”, in Brian Christopher Jones (ed), Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017), chapter 4 (pp. 65-82)
203. Albert H.Y. Chen, P.Y. Lo and Yang Xiaonan, “Constitutional review and proportionality analysis in the courts of the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions: A comparative study” (“香港及澳門特別行政區法院合憲性司法審查與比例原則適用之比較研究”) [2017] 1《港澳研究》(Hong Kong and Macau Studies) , 2017年第1期, 26-45; also published in Zhu Guobin (ed), A Study of the Political System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《香港特區政治體制研究》(Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), chapter 11 (pp 185-221)
204. “Social movements and the law: The case of Hong Kong”, in Michael H.K. Ng and John D. Wong (eds), Civil Unrest and Governance in Hong Kong: Law and Order from Historical and Cultural Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2017), chapter 7 (pp. 117-140)
205. Zhu Han and Albert H.Y. Chen, “The Hong Kong Legislative Council election of 2016 and the oath-taking incident: A legal analysis from the perspectives of history and comparative law” (“2016年香港立法會選舉及宣誓風波法律評析:歷史和比較法的視角”) [2017] 4 Law Review《法學評論》24-37
206. Albert H.Y. Chen and P.Y. Lo, “Hong Kong’s Judiciary under ‘One Country, Two Systems’, in H.P. Lee and Marilyn Pittard (eds), Asia-Pacific Judiciaries: Independence, Impartiality and Integrity (Cambridge: Cambridge U Press, 2018) 131-168 (chap. 7)
207. Albert H.Y. Chen and P.Y. Lo, “The Constitutional Orders of ‘One Country, Two Systems’: A Comparative Study of the Visible and Invisible Basis of Constitutional Review and Proportionality Analysis in the Chinese Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau”, in Rosalind Dixon and Adrienne Stone (eds), The Invisible Constitution in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2018 forthcoming) chapter 5
208. “The autonomy of Hong Kong under ‘One Country, Two Systems’”, in Tai-lok Lui, Stephen W.K. Chiu and Ray Yep (eds), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Hong Kong (Routledge, 2019) 33-51
209. “Constitutional Courts in Asia: Western Origins and Asian Practice”, in Albert H.Y. Chen and Andrew Harding (eds), Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective (Cambridge U Press, 2018), 1-31
210. Y. Lo and Albert H.Y. Chen, “The judicial perspective of ‘separation of powers’ in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China” (2018) 5(2) Journal of International and Comparative Law 337-362
211. Han Zhu and Albert H.Y. Chen, “The oath-taking cases and the NPCSC interpretation of 2016” (2019) HKLJ 381-415
212. “A Commentary on the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (published on 3 May 2019) <>
213. “A Perfect Storm: Hong Kong-Mainland Rendition of Fugitive Offenders” (2019) 49 HKLJ 419-429 (revised version of article “A Perfect Storm: How the Proposed Law on Hong Kong-Mainland China Rendition was Aborted”, originally published at (19 June 2019)
“214. [also piece in Economist, “Hong Kong’s internal contradiction of ‘one country, two systems’”, 11 Oct 2019, “
1. “A disappointing draft of Hong Kong’s bill of rights” (1987) 17 Hong Kong Law Journal(hereafter “HKLJ”) 133-136
2. “Legal aid in Hong Kong: the way ahead” (1988) 18 HKLJ 1-5
3. “The Carrian trial: the aftermath” (1988) 18 HKLJ 10-13 (co-authors: Henry Litton, William Clarke)
4. “The new Chief Justice” (1988) 18 HKLJ 177-178
5. “The Basic Law: issues for the legal profession” (1988) 18 HKLJ 178-182
6. “The future of the Judicial Service Commission” (1988) 18 HKLJ 364-369
7. “Civil liberties in Hong Kong: Freedoms of expression and association” (1989) 19 HKLJ4-9
8. “The suppression of China’s democracy movement and Hong Kong’s future” (1989) 19 HKLJ 283-289
9. “The powers and accountability of the Attorney General” (1990) 20 HKLJ 6-12
10.”The Basic Law, the Bill of Rights and the British citizenship scheme” (1990) 20 HKLJ145-149
11.”The bilingual legal system in Hong Kong: a gloomy future” (1991) 21 HKLJ 14-18
12. “Hong Kong’s constitutional moment of 2014” (2013) 3 HKLJ 791-793
1. Note and comment on Golden Chance (Hang Cheong) Properties Ltd v The Incorporated Owners of Gold Mine Building (1984) 14 HKLJ 252-7
2. Note and comment on Quarry Bay Developments Ltd v The Chartered Bank (1984) 14 HKLJ 358-63
3. Note and comment on Tung Shui-bun v Gammon Building Construction Ltd (1986) 16 HKLJ 106-112
1. Book review on James P. Brady, Justice and Politics in People’s China: Legal Order or Continuing Revolution, in (1984) XIX Journal of Asian and African Studies 304-5
2. Book review on R.B. Seidman et al (eds), Legislative Drafting for Market Reform: Some Lessons from China, in (1998) XIII China Information 191-92
3. Book review on Jiang Jinsong, The National People’s Congress of China, in (2004) 34 Hong Kong Law Journal 419-422
4. Book review on McIlwain, Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern, in (2005) 1 ChinaBook Review 58-69 (in Chinese)
5. Book review on Bin Liang, The Changing Chinese Legal System, in (2008) 196 The China Quarterly 948-950
6. Book review on Doh Chull Shin, Confucianism and Democratization in East Asia, in (2013) 75:4 Review of Politics 673-676
7. Book review on Tong Zhiwei, The Reform and Renewal of China’s Constitutional System, in (2018) 16:2 International Journal of Constitutional Law 728-730
1. Review essay on McIlwain, Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern, in (2005) 1 ChinaBook Review 58-69 (in Chinese)
2. “Living up to the Dignity and Glory of the Legal Profession” (2007) 1 China Law Review 169-173 (in Chinese)
3. “Constitutionalism: A Demand in the Revival of the Chinese Nation” [2009] 1 Yanhuang chunqiu 2-3 (in Chinese)
4. “Hong Kong’s internal contradiction of ‘one country, two systems’”, 11 Oct 2019,
1. “Menschenrechte made in China”, Kulturaustausch, Ausgabe II/2006, pp 51-53
1. Hong Kong People’s Association (ed), Eighteen Lectures in Hong Kong Law (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 1987) (in Chinese) 36-156, 314-423 (translated from the English original with the assistance of students in the language department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic)
[Short articles in newspapers in English and Chinese are not listed here]