Prof. Alec Stone Sweet


PhD, University of Washington (1990);
MA, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (1984);
BA, Western Washington University (1982);
Honorary M.A. degrees: Oxford University (1998), Yale University (2005)


Alec Stone Sweet works in the fields of comparative and international politics, comparative and international law, international arbitration and human rights. Prior to moving to HKU, he was the Saw Swee Hock Centennial Professorship at NUS, and held chaired professorships at the Yale Law School, the Yale Department of Political Science, and Nuffield College, Oxford. He has also held visiting appointments at the Columbia Law School, as well as at universities in Aix-en-Provence, Bologna, Florence, Hong Kong, Leiden, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Santiniketan, Stockholm, Sydney, and Vienna, among others.

Stone Sweet has published thirteen books, eleven with Oxford University Press, including the most recent: The Law and Politics of International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness (2024); Proportionality Balancing and Constitutional Governance: A Comparative and Global Approach (2019); A Cosmopolitan Legal Order: Kant, Constitutional Justice, and the European Convention on Human Rights (2018); and The Evolution of International Arbitration: Judicialization, Governance, Legitimacy (2017).  He publishes regularly in peer-reviewed journals, including the American Journal of Sociology, the American Political Science Review, the Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Comparative Political Studies, the European Journal of International Law, the German Law Journal, Governance, the International Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law (ICON), the Journal of Common Market Studies, the Journal of Global Constitutionalism, the Journal of European Public Policy, the Journal of Law and Courts, and West European Politics, among others.