Prof. Anne Cheung 張善喻教授

Emeritus Professor


Anne S.Y. Cheung  obtained her legal education from the University of Hong Kong (LLB), the University of Toronto (JD), University of London (LLM), and Stanford University (JSD). During her tenure at HKU, she taught mainly Media Law and Law and Society and served as co-Director of the Law and Technology Centre from 2007 to 2013 and again from 2020 to 2021. Professor Cheung was also the principal investigator of the online projects for the Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) and the Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC), which aimed to provide legal knowledge to the general public.

Her research interests primarily focus on the challenges that technology poses to the legal field, specifically in the areas of free speech and privacy. She is also interested in children’s rights and language rights.

Professor Cheung has served as a member of the Academic Advisory Council for the Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society in Berlin, Germany. She currently serves as the Secretary for the Asian Privacy Scholars Network and is a member of the professional committee of Against Child Abuse. Additionally, she sits on the editorial board of several journals, including Privacy Studies Journal, Journal of Media Law, International Journal of Law in Context, and Media & Arts Law Review.

Professor Cheung took early retirement in 2024. In addition to her legal research, she is also interested in Chinese literary writing and has published books in prose. She contributes regularly to the Chinese newspaper, Ming Pao.

Selected Publications
