Prof. Shahla Ali 安夏蘭教授
Associate Dean (International Affairs)
Director, LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
Arbitrator (UN Funds & Programs, HKIAC, THAC, AIAC, CIETAC, SCIA, FINRA) / Mediator (Energy Community Panel, HKMAAL) / State Bar CA / FCIArb
BA (Stanford), MA (Landegg), SAIS, Hopkins-Nanjing University, JD (UC Berkeley), PhD (UC Berkeley)
Shahla Ali is Professor of Law and Associate Dean (International) at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and Director of the LLM Program in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Her work centers on questions of governance, sustainable development and cross-border dispute resolution in the Asia Pacific region. She serves as a bilingual arbitrator (English/Chinese) with HKIAC, LCIA, CIETAC, KCAB and SIAC.
Shahla has been engaged in dispute resolution reform at the regional and global levels including with USAID, IFC/World Bank, ADB, AIIB and the United Nations on issues pertaining to access to justice, peace process negotiation training, financial dispute resolution and land use conflict resolution. She has served on the UN Funds and Programs Ombuds roster, the IFC/CAO Asian community mediation team, the Academic Council of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, UNCITRAL Working Group II, the International Task Force on Mixed Mode Dispute Resolution, IBA’s Investor-State Mediation Rules drafting committee and is chair of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Non-Proliferation and Arms Control group. Regionally, she has served as a member of the Department of Justice’s (HK) Mediation Regulatory Framework Sub-Committee, the HK Financial Dispute Resolution Appointments Committee, HKIAC’s Women in International Arbitration Committee, the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) China Committee, and the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Mediation Forum.
Dr. Ali’s work highlights the role of devolved participation, legal harmonisation and regional diversity in the design of cross border dispute resolution systems. Her recent books including Forming Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms (Elgar, 2021), The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (Cambridge, 2020), Court Mediation Reform (Elgar, 2018), Governing Disasters (Cambridge, 2016), Consumer Financial Dispute Resolution in a Comparative Context (Cambridge, 2013) and Resolving Disputes in the Asia Pacific (Routledge, 2010), have informed legal developments in the Asia Pacific and contributed to the emergence of a growing body of work examining comparative dispute resolution systems from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Before joining HKU, Shahla worked as an attorney in the international trade group with Baker & McKenzie in its San Francisco office. She holds a BA from Stanford University in International Relations and Chinese language, and a JD and PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy from the University of California at Berkeley. She has held visiting academic positions with the National University of Singapore, NYU, Science Po, UCLA, Renmin University, Duke, UC Berkeley, Max Plank and Stanford.
Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Law and Development in East Asia
- Globalization of Law
HKU Scholars Hub
Faculty Interview
HKU Scholars Hub
Faculty Interview
Research Area
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Law and Development in East Asia
- Globalization of Law
- Ali, S. (2021) Forming Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms: Soft Law and The Role of UNCITRAL’s Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (Edward Elgar)
- Bantekas, I., Ortolani, P., Ali, S., Gomez, M., and Polkinghorne, M. [authors], (2020) The UNICTRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: A Commentary (Cambridge University Press).
- Ali, S. (2018) Court Mediation Reform: Efficiency, Confidence and Perceptions of Justice (Edward Elgar).
- Ali, S. (2016) Governing Disasters: Engaging Local Populations in Humanitarian Relief (Cambridge University Press).
- Ali, S. (2013). Consumer Financial Dispute Resolution in a Comparative Context: Principles, Systems and Practice (Cambridge University Press)
- Ali, S. (2010). Resolving Disputes in the Asia Pacific: International Mediation and Arbitration in East Asia and the West (Routledge).
Edited Volume
- Ali, S., Ed. (2023) Comparative and Transnational Dispute Resolution (Routledge).
- Ali, S., Balcerzak, F., Colombo, G., Karton, J., (2022) Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It (Edward Elgar).
- Ali, S., Jetin, B., Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2020) New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (Kluwer Law).
- Ginsburg, T. & Ali, S. (2013) International Commercial Arbitration in Asia, 3rd Edition (Juris Publishers).
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
- Ali, S. (2024) The Seeming Paradox of Prevention: Dispute Mitigation by Multilateral Development Banks. 43 C.J.Q Issue 2, 142-168.
- Ali, S. (2023) Decentralized Global Legal Ordering, Michigan State Law Review. Vol. 2023, No. 2.
- Ali, S. (2020) ICA and ISDS Developments in Hong Kong in the Context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Civil Justice Quarterly, 39 C.J.Q Issue 3.
- Ali, S. and Komolo, E., (2020) UNCITRAL’s Engagement in African and Latin American Dispute Resolution and Reform, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol. 35, No. 3.
- Ali, S. (2019) The Power of Reflection – Advancing Transnational Dispute Systems through Devolved Reflection and Shared Knowledge Generation, Journal of Baha’i Studies.
- Ali, S., (2019) Civil Mediation Reform: Balancing the Scales of Procedural and Substantive Justice, Civil Justice Quarterly, (2018) 37(4) CJQ.
- Ali, S., (2018) Practitioners Perceptions of Court-Connected Mediation in Five Regions: An Empirical Study, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 51, Issue 1, Fall 2018.
- Ali, S., (2018) Nudging Civil Justice: Examining Voluntary and Mandatory Court Mediation Experience in Diverse Regions, Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 269-288.
- Ali, S., (2016) The Legal Framework for Med-Arb Developments in China: Recent Cases, Institutional Rules and Opportunities, Dispute Resolution International, DRI 119. pp. 119-132.
- Ali, S. and Repousis, O. (2016) Investor-State Mediation and the Rise of Transparency in International Investment Law: Opportunity or Threat? Denver Journal of Int’l Law and Policy, Vol. 44:2, pp. 225-249.
- Ali, S. (2016) Mass Claims Mediation in China, Journal of Comparative Law, Vol 10-2, pp. 142-157(Eds. Palmer, M. & Hualing, F.)
- Rubino-Sammartano, M. and Ali, S. (2015) Winds of Change as to Intra-Arbitration Appellate Proceedings Have Reached Asia (Part I and Part II), Asian Dispute Review, vol. 17 (2015), issue 2, pp. 72-76 and Issue 3, pp. 143-149.
- Ali, S and Kabau, T. (2015) A Human Rights Based Approach to the Global Regulation of Humanitarian Relief: The Emerging Obligation to Incorporate Local Participation, Brooklyn Journal of International Law
- Ali, S. (2015) Asian Disasters, Global Impact: Japan’s Fukushima Disaster and Prospects of Utilizing Investor-State Mediation and UNCITRAL Transparency Rules for Polycentric Environmental Disaster-Related Disputes, Asian Dispute Review
- Ali, S. (2015) Toward Peer Presence in Post-Disaster Governance: An Empirical Study, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
- Ali, S and Kabau, T. (2014) Non-State Actors and the Evolution of Humanitarian Norms: Implications of the Sphere Charter in Health and Nutrition Relief, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, Brill/Nijhoff.
- Ali, S (2014). Crowd Sourced Governance in a Post Disaster Context, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Cambridge University Press.
- Ali, S. and Kabau, T. (2014). Self Governance by Humanitarian Non-State Actors in Health and Nutrition Relief, Depaul Journal of Health Law.
- Ali, S., (2013). The Jurisprudence of Responsive Mediation: An Empirical Examination of Chinese Peoples Mediation in Action, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, Routledge. 1-22.
- Ali, S., (2013). Globalization and Financial Dispute Resolution: Examining Areas of Convergence and Informed Divergence in Financial ADR, Journal of Dispute Resolution, (Fall 2013).
- Ali, S. (2013). Lessons for the US System of Financial Arbitration: A Responsive Empirical Exploration of Arbitration and Ombudsman Services, Frontiers of Law in China, Vol. 4.
- Ali, S. and Huang, H. R. (2012). Financial Dispute Resolution in China: Arbitration or Court Litigation? Arbitration International.
- Ali, S. and DaRoza, A. (2012). Alternative Dispute Resolution Design in Financial Markets – Some More Equal than Others: Hong Kong’s Proposed Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in the Context of Experience in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Singapore, Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal.
- Huang, H.R., and Ali, S. (2012). Governing Financial Disputes in China: What Have we Learned from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008? East Asia Law Review.
- Ali, S. and Mak, S.P. (2012). Exploring Effective Financial Dispute Resolution Design Models through a Learning Orientation; Experiences from East Asia, Beijing Arbitration Quarterly.
- Noguchi, L. & Ali, S. (2011). Women, Decision Making and Sustainability: Exploring the Experience of the Badi Foundation in China, Hastings Women’s Law Journal.
- Ali, S. & Lee, F. (2011). Resolving Financial Disputes in the Context of Australian and Canadian Civil Justice Reforms, Australian Dispute Resolution Journal.
- Ali, S. & Wang, J. K. (2011). After Lehman: International Response to Financial Disputes – A Focus on Hong Kong, Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business.
- Ali, S., Davis, W. E. & Lee, J. (2010). Multi-Stakeholder Dispute Resolution: Building Social Capital Through Access to Justice at the Community Level, Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal.
- Ali, S. (2010). The Morality of Conciliation: An Empirical Examination of Arbitrator Role Moralities in East Asia and the West, Harvard Negotiation Law Review.
- Ali. S. (2010). Measuring Success in Devolved Collaboration, Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law.
- Ali, S. (2010). Barricades and Checkered Flags: Examining Perceptions of the Roadblocks and Facilitators of Settlement among Arbitration Practitioners in East Asia and the West, Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal.
- Ali, S. (2009). Approaching the Global Arbitration Table: Comparing the Advantages of Arbitration as Seen by Practitioners in East Asia and the West, The Review of Litigation.
- Ali, S., Davis, B. & Katbeh, L. (2005). Developing Commercial Dispute Resolution Centers in the West Bank/Gaza, Dispute Resolution Journal.
Invited Book Chapters
- Ali, S. (2024) Comparative International Arbitration Law in Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law (Yap, P,J. and Siems, M. Eds). Cambridge University Press.
- Ali, S. and Neuhaus, S. (2023) The Emergence of Soft Law as an Applicable Source of Procedural and Substantive Law in Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (A. Bjorklund, F. Ferrari and S. Kroll, Eds.) Cambridge University Press.
- Ali, S. (2023) Advancing Research and Practice in the Governance of Dispute Resolution Institutions through Inclusive Devolved Reflection in Comparative and Transnational Dispute Resolution (Ali, S., Ed.) Routledge.
- Ali, S. (2023) Introduction: Comparative and Transnational Dispute Resolution in Comparative and Transnational Dispute Resolution (Ali, S., Ed) Routledge.
- Colombo, G. F., Ali, S., Balcerzak, F,., Karton, J. (2022) Introduction: Reaching Sustainable Diversity in International Arbitration, in Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It (Colombo, G. F., Ali, S., Balcerzak, F,., Karton, J. Eds) Edward Elgar.
- Ali, S., (2022) Fluidity of Culture: Convergence and Informed Divergence in Cross Border Arbitrationin Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It (Colombo, G. F., Ali, S., Balcerzak, F,., Karton, J. Eds) Edward Elgar.
- Ali, S., (2021) Expanding Asia-Pacific Frontiers for International Dispute Resolution: Conclusions and Recommendations in New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution: (Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., and Teramura, N. Eds.) Kluwer Law.
- Ali, S. (2021) New Frontiers in Hong Kong’s Resolution of ‘One Belt One Road’ International Commercial and Investor State Disputesin New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution: (Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., and Teramura, N. Eds.) Kluwer Law.
- Ali, S., (2021) Transnational Commercial Law of Arbitration: Developments and Controversies in Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Peer Zumbansen Ed, forthcoming). Oxford University Press.
- Ali, S. (2020) The Application of Non-State Based Standards in International Arbitration in Oxford Handbook on Global Legal Pluralism (P. S. Berman, Ed.) Oxford University Press.
- Ali, S. (2020) Chapters:
Article 6: Court or Other Authority for Certain Functions of Arbitration Assistance and Supervision (with O. Repousis)
Article 9: Arbitration Agreement and Interim Measures by Court (with O. Repousis)
Article 11: Appointment of Arbitrators (with O. Repousis)
Article 17A: Conditions for Granting Interim Measures (with T. Kabau)
Article 17G: Costs and Damages (with T. Kabau)
Article 17I: Grounds for Refusing Recognition or Enforcement (with T. Kabau)
Article 21: Commencement of Arbitral Proceedings (with T. Kabau)
Article 23: Statements of Claim and Defence (with T. Kabau)
Article 27: Court Assistance in Taking Evidence (with O. Repousis)
in Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (Ali, S, I. Bantekas, M. Gomez, P. Ortolani, Eds.) Cambridge: UK, Cambridge University Press. - Ali, S. (2018) Dispute Resolution in International and Bilateral Investment Agreements, in IP as Property, Kluwer Law.
- Ali, S. (2018) Hong Kong’s Adoption of the UNICTRAL Model Law in The UNCITRAL Model Law and Asian Arbitration Laws (Gary Bell Ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 9-28.
- Ali, S. (2019) Transnational Law and Global Dispute Resolutionin The Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup’s Bold Proposal, (P. Zumbansen, Ed.) Cambridge University Press, p. 224-239.
- Ali, S. (2017) Harmonizing UNCITRAL Conciliation and State Mediation Law: Developments in Civil Mediation Reform in UNCITRAL Conciliation in Asia (M.P. Ramaswamy Ed.) UNCITRAL Commission on International Trade Law RCAP (CLJP New Zealand Association of Comparative Law).
- Ali, S. (2017) Balancing Procedural and Substantive Arbitration Reforms: Advancing International Arbitration Practice in Hong Kong in The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, Bloomsbury Publishing (A. Reyes and W. Gu Eds.) pp. 39-65.
- Ali, S. (2013) Post-Disaster Mediation in China in MEDIATION AND THE RULE OF LAW IN CHINA (Fu Hualing and Gu Weixia, Eds.) Forthcoming.
- Ali, S. and Koo, A. (2013) Mediation in Hong Kong in MEDIATION IN A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (Klewer Law).
- Ali, S. (2013). Arbitration in Asia in a Comparative Perspective: Examining the Role of the Arbitrator in Facilitating Settlement in INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION IN ASIA (Juris Publishers). Ch. 1.
- Ali, S., Kang R., Emery A., Ta-Wei, C., and Matz, D. (2013) Innovations and Pitfalls in Chinese ADR Pedagogy: Experiences from the Field in EDUCATING NEGOTIATORS FOR A CONNECTED WORLD (RETHINKING NEGOTIATION TEACHING SERIES, VOL. 4) (DRI Press). 145-170.
- Delicado, N., Falcao, H., Deason, E., Press, S., Ali, S., Blanchot, E., Chamoun-Nicolas, H. (2012). Assessing Negotiation Competitions in Assessing Our Students: Assessing Ourselves (Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Series, Vol. 3) (DRI Press)
- Ali, S., Kang R., Emery A., Ta-Wei, C., and Matz, D. (forthcoming) Innovations and Pitfalls in Chinese ADR Pedagogy: Experiences from the Field in Educating Negotiators for a Connected World (Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Series, Vol. 4) (DRI Press)
- Ali, S. (2010). The Arbitrators Perspective: Cultural Issues in International Arbitration in International Arbitration Practice in the 21st Century, (Lexis Nexis)
- Ali, S. (2008). Negotiation Preparation in Peace Process Negotiations Briefing Book, (Public International Law and Policy Group/USAID)
- Ali, S. (2003). Foreign Service Act in Major Acts of Congress, (Macmillan)
- Ali, S. (2003). International Education and Exchange Act in Major Acts of Congress, (Macmillan)
- Ali, S. (1998, 2001). Global Crime, Global Enforcement: A Case for International Legal Jurisdiction over Acts of Terrorism in Terrorism: The Global Perspective (ed. A.S. Narang and P. Srivastava, New Delhi: Kanishka)
Book Reviews, Policy Papers and Other Publications
- Ali, S., (2012) Globalization and Financial Dispute Resolution: Examining Areas of Convergence and Informed Divergence in Financial ADR (January 11, 2012). Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) 3rd Young Scholars Workshop.
- Ali, S., (2011) Facilitating Settlement at the Arbitration Table: Comparing Views on Settlement Practice Among Arbitration Practitioners in East Asia and the West. Onati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 1, No. 6.
- Ali, S. (2007). Book Review: The Culture of Flushing: A Social and Legal History of Sewage by Jamie Benidickson, Law and Politics Book Review.
- Ali, S. (2007). The International Negotiations Handbook: Success through Preparation, Strategy and Planning. (Baket & McKenzie and the Public International Law and Policy Group). (Contributor).
- Ali, S. (2006). Review of Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn’s Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation, Law and Politics Book Review.
- Ali, S. (2004). Research Review: Overcoming the Roots of Prejudice and Inequality, Center for the Development of Peace and WEllbeing (CDPW Research, UC Berkeley).
- Ali, S. (2001). 张文显主编,《法律学》北京:高等教育出版社, 1999 (2001重印 全国高等学校法学专业和新课程教材 (Zhang Wen Xian, Jurisprudence, Beijing Higher Education Press, 1999 (2001) Sections on: Legal Research & Legal Education; The Nature of Law; The Forms and Validity of Law; The Principles of Law; The Nature of Rights; The Rule of Law and the State Ruled by Law; The Spirit of the Rule of Law. )
Courses: Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
- GRSC 6029: Research Ethics for Graduate Students in Law, Economics, Social Sciences
- LLAW 6138: Arbitration Law
- LLAW 6196: Preventative Law
- LLAW 6022: Advanced Research Methodology
- LLAW 6163: Negotiation: Settlement and Advocacy
- LLAW 6161: Mediation
- LLAW 6158: Contract Law
- LLAW 3159: Negotiation Theory and Practice
- LLAW 2016: Legal Research & Writing V (tutor)
- LLAW 1001: Law of Contract I (tutor)
- LLAW 1002: Law of Contract II (tutor)
- LLAW 6014: Dissertation
Other Institutions:
- National University of Singapore, Singapore International Arbitration Academy, Arbitration Law, Singapore
- Peiking University (STL), Pearl River Delta Academy, Investor State Dispute Resolution, Macau SAR
- Duke University/University of Hong Kong Institute in Transnational Law, International Arbitration Law, Hong Kong SAR
- Santa Clara Summer Program, Public International Law of Investor-State Arbitration, University of Hong Kong, HK
- HKU School for Professional & Continuing Education, HK Company Law & Anti-Bribery Ordinance (Putonghua), Hong Kong SAR
- Stanford Program for Gifted Youth, Cross Cultural Dispute Resolution in a Global Environment, Beijing, PRC
- UN Office of Human Resource Management/QED Consulting, Collaborative Negotiation; Mediation, NY, NY
- UC Berkeley, Education for Social Change (Instructor); Law and Society in China (GSI), Berkeley, CA
- German Legal Institute, Corporations, Nanjing, PR China
External Research Grants Awarded – PI
- 2022-2025: Government of Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), “Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?: Assessing the Development of Dispute Prevention Mechanisms Along the Belt and Road” (PI; HK$780,059/US$99,850)
- 2018 : Government of Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), “Soft Law from the Ground Up: The Role of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific in the Formation of Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms” (PI; HK$688,080/US$87,706)
- 2015 : Government of Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC), General Research Fund (GRF), “Balancing the Scales of Procedural and Substantive Justice: Assessing the Efficacy of Civil Mediation Reform” (PI; HK$627,500/ US$80,967)
- 2012 : Government of Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC), Early Career Scheme Grant (ECS), “New Governance and Humanitarian Aid: The Relationship between Law, Globalization and New Forms of Decision Making to Address Humanitarian Health and Nutrition Relief Efforts in East and West” (PI; HK$ 706,886/US$91,121)
- 2010 : Government of Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC), Public Policy Research Grant (PPR), “Promoting Economic Integrity through Institutional Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Law and Policy Perspective” (PI; HK$372,000/US$47,952)
- 2020 : University Research Output Prize, University of Hong Kong
- 2019 : University Knowledge Exchange Award
- 2018 : University Outstanding Teaching Award
- 2018 : Women in Education Leadership Award, World Education Congress
- 2017 : Faculty of Law, Knowledge Exchange RAE Case Study Impact Award
- 2015 : University Outstanding Young Researcher Award, University of Hong Kong
- 2015 : University Research Output Prize, University of Hong Kong
- 2014 : Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Hong Kong
- 2014 : Visiting Scholar, Renmin University School of Law
- 2013 : Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Law and Society
- 2013 : Member, Academic Council, Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- 2013 : University Research Output Prize, University of Hong Kong
- 2012 : Overseas Fellowship Award, University of Hong Kong
- 2011 : Faculty Research Output Prize, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
- 2010 : HKU Incentive Grant (University Research Committee)
- 2007 : UC Berkeley Deans Normative Time Fellowship
- 2006 : UC Berkeley Boalt Hall Fellowship
- 2005 : Selznick Fellowship, Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, UC Berkeley
- 2005 : Graduate Fellowship in East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley East Asian Institute
- 2005 : Graduate Fellowship, Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program, UC Berkeley
- 2003 : Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, US Department of Education
- 2002 : Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, US Department of Education
- 2001 : Stephen Hassenfeld Fellowship, Hopkins-Nanjing Center
- 1998 : Departmental Honors/University Distinction, Stanford University
- 1998 : Firestone Medal for Excellence in Research, Stanford University
- 1997 : Stanford University Barbie Fields Memorial Scholarship for International Relations Research
- 1996 : Outstanding Contribution, Institute for Int. Mediation and Conflict Resolution (IIMCR)
- 1995 : Building a Better World Public Service Grant
- 1994 : California Scholarship Federation
Editorial Boards
- Law and Social Inquiry, Editorial Board
- Hong Kong Law Journal, Articles Editor
- International Journal of Law in Context, Guest Editor
- World Arbitration and Mediation Review, Advisory Board
- Sociologia del Derrito
- African Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, Int. Advisory Board
- Dong-A Journal of International Business Transactions Law
- Berkeley Journal of International Law, Articles Editor
- Oxford University Press
- Cambridge University Press
- Routledge: Taylor & Francis
- Kluwer Law
- Juxta Publishing
Journal Articles:
- Civil Justice Quarterly
- Law and Society Review
- Law and Social Inquiry
- Hong Kong Law Journal
- Asia Pacific Law Review
- Chinese Journal of International Law
- Politics and Governance
- Mediation Theory and Practice
- Asian Journal of International Law
- Disasters Journal
- Journal on Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Asian Journal of Criminology
學士(史丹福)、證書 (南京大學),碩士(蘭德格)、法律碩士(加州大學伯克利分校)、哲學博士(加州大學伯克萊分校)、仲裁員 (CIETAC, HKIAC, SCIA, FINRA) / 調解員 (HKMAAL) / 加州大律師資格
安夏蘭教授的工作強調了權力下放參與、法律協調和區域多樣性在跨境爭議解決系統設計中的作用。她最近的著作包括《Forming Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms 》(Elgar, 2021年) 、《《法院調解改革》(Elgar,2018 年)、《治理災難》(Cambridge,2016 年)、《比較背景下的消費者金融糾紛解決》(Cambridge,2013 年)《和解決亞太地區的糾紛》(Routledge,2010 年)。她的著作闡釋亞太地區的發展,並促成了更多從跨學科角度研究比較爭議解決系統的研究出版。
在加入香港大學之前,安夏蘭教授曾在 Baker & McKenzie 的國際貿易集團擔任律師。她擁有史丹福大學國際關係和中文學士學位,以及加州大學伯克利分校的法律碩士學位和哲學博士(法學和社會政策)學位。她曾在新加坡國立大學、紐約大學、加州大學洛杉磯分校、中國人民大學、杜克大學、加州大學伯克利分校和史丹福大學擔任訪問學人的職位。
- 仲裁及排解爭端
- 東亞地區的法律與可持續發展
- 法律全球化