Jun 13
10:00 am - 11:30 am
CCL: Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies in Tertiary Education Institutions in Hong Kong: Enforcement and Review (香港大專院校防治性騷擾的經驗及檢視)


Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies in Tertiary Education Institutions in Hong Kong: Enforcement and Review






Most of Hong Kong’s tertiary education institutions had had anti-sexual harassment policies in place. HKU’s own Equal Opportunity Officer, Ms. Fontaine Au, will share with us HKU’s anti-sexual harassment policies and offer some insights into the practical considerations in implementing these policies.

At the same time, local NGOs such as the Association for the Advancement of Feminism (AAF) has taken the initiative to regularly review the quality of such policies using a checklist of benchmarks based on Hong Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission’s policy guidance. Dr. Jue Sun, who spearheaded AAF’s review, will be presenting her team’s findings and recommendations.

How can we improve our effort in preventing and tackling sexual harassment on campuses? What guiding principles do we have to take into account? Join us for an in-depth discussion with the leading experts!



歐芳婷 女士, 香港大學平等機會事務處主任

孫珏 博士, 新婦女協進會《大專院校反性騷擾政策檢視清單(2020-2021)》研究團隊主持人; 香港浸會大學人文及創作系講師



Ms. Fontaine Au, Equal Opportunity Officer, The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Jue Sun, Lead Researcher, “Review Checklist for Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies in Tertiary Education Institutions (2020-2021)”, The Association for the Advancement of Feminism; Lecturer, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University


時間:2022年6月13日 星期一 上午10:00-11:30
語言:英語/普通話 (提供普通話同聲傳譯和中文實時字幕)

Date: 13 June, 2022 Monday 10:00 – 11:30am
Platform: Zoom
Delivered in English and Mandarin with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin and Chinese closed captions


登記連結 Registration Link : https://bit.ly/3aHKVBo


此講座由香港大學法律學院平等權項目 舉辦。如有任何查詢,請電郵至 。 This online event is organised by Equality Rights Project, Faculty of Law, HKU. For inquiries, please email .


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