Jan 24
5:30 pm - 7:35 pm
Hong Kong’s Common Law System under “One Country, Two Systems”: History and Development 「一國兩制」下的香港普通法制度:歷史與發展




Hong Kong’s Common Law System under “One Country, Two Systems”: History and Development  


日期時間 : 2024124 (星期三)17:30 – 19:35
Date & Time: 24 January 2024 (Wednesday) 17:30 – 19:35
地點: 香港大學鄭裕彤教學樓11樓 學術會議室  (網上同步直播)
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong (Live via Zoom)

Language: Mandarin


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主要從《中英聯合聲明》談判、《香港基本法》制定歷史出發,介紹「一國兩制」下《香港基本法》對原有普通法制度的保留。 從《香港基本法》居民基本權利保障的視角,闡述香港特區法院在回歸後對普通法制度的發展。 進而,在國家「十四五」規劃和粵港澳大灣區建設背景下,探討如何持續利用香港普通法優勢,融入國家發展大局。


This lecture presents the preservation of the original common law system by the Hong Kong Basic Law under “One Country, Two Systems,” primarily by exploring the historical context of the Sino-British Joint Declaration negotiations and the formulation of the Hong Kong Basic Law. From the perspective of safeguarding residents’ basic rights under the Hong Kong Basic Law, this lecture will elucidate the evolution of the common law system as upheld by the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) following the handover. Moreover, within the context of China’s “14th Five-Year Plan” and the burgeoning construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, this lecture will investigate ways to maintain the benefits of Hong Kong’s common law system while integrating it into China’s broader progress.

楊曉楠,中山大學法學院教授,中山大學粵港澳發展研究院教授,香港大學法學博士(2009)。 兼任中國法學會憲法學研究會常務理事、副秘書長,中國法學會香港基本法澳門基本法研究會常務理事、副秘書長,中華司法研究會理事。 主要研究領域:憲法學、港澳基本法。 曾在《Hong Kong Law Journal》《法學家》《法學評論》《港澳研究》等中英文期刊發表論文四十餘篇,在《人民日報》《經濟日報》《大公報》《文匯報》等報紙發表評論文章多篇。



Xiaonan Yang is a Professor of Law at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Institute within Sun Yat-sen University. She obtained her Doctor of Laws degree from The University of Hong Kong in 2009. Currently, she holds positions as the Executive Director and Deputy Secretary-General of both the Constitutional Studies Research Association and the Hong Kong Basic Law and Macao Basic Law Research Association of the China Law Society. Additionally, she serves as the Director of the China Judicial Research Association. Her primary research interests include Constitutional Law, as well as the Basic Law of Hong Kong and Macao. Professor Yang has an extensive publication record, with over 40 papers appearing in esteemed Chinese and English journals, including the Hong Kong Law Journal, The Jurist, Law Review, and Hong Kong and Macao Journal. Additionally, she has written numerous commentaries for well-known publications such as People’s Daily, Economic Daily, Ta Kung Pao, and Wen Wei Po.


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