Zoom Webinar Book Talk: The Politics of International Law
(OUP, 2021)
with the author – Nicole Scicluna
20 MAY 2021 (THU)
20:30-22:00 (HK TIME)
Via Zoom
What is international law? What are its possibilities and limits in a world in which rules are pervasive and deeply institutionalised and, yet, might often seems to make right?
The Politics of International Law provides an advanced introduction to the role of law in contemporary international affairs. Through a case study-driven analysis of topics such as human rights, self-determination, the use of force, global environmental governance, global trade governance, and international criminal justice, the book elucidates the interaction between international law and international politics, demonstrating that one cannot be understood without the other.
Dr Nicole Scicluna, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Politics and Public Administration, HKU
Dr Courtney Fung, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, HKU
Prof Karen J Alter, Board of Lady Managers of the Colombian Exposition Chair of of Political Science and Law, Northwestern University and Permanent Visiting Professor at the iCourts Center for Excellence, University of Copenhagen
This webinar is organized by the Centre for Comparative and Public Law, HKU and will be held via Zoom Meeting. Prior registration is required. Click here to register.
For inquiries, please email Winnie Law at .