(Bio : Peng Wang is Assistant Professor atDepartment of Sociology, the University of Hong Kong. He holds an MA inCriminology and Criminal Justice and a PhD in Law from King’s College London.His research interests include organized crime and mafia, corruption andanti-corruption in China. He is the author of The Chinese Mafia: OrganizedCrime, Corruption, and Extra-Legal Protection (Oxford University Press, 2017))
Title : FromInstitutional Interaction to Institutional Integration: The NationalSupervisory Commission and China’s New Anti-corruption Model
Abstract : How does the establishment of the NationalSupervisory Commission affect China’s capacity to curb corruption? Usingpublished materials and fieldwork data, this article addresses this question bycomparing the newly-established single anti-corruption agency with the previousdual-track anti-corruption system. It firstly examines the previous dual-trackanti-corruption system by focusing on four dimensions of the interactionbetween the Commission for Discipline Inspection (CDI) and the procuratorate(4Cs): complementarity, convergence, competition and conflict. Although the CDIand the procuratorate compensated for each other’s deficiency, but competitionand conflicts between two institutions were rife, reducing the efficiency ofChina’s anti-corruption work. It then investigates the double-edged effect ofbuilding the National Supervisory Commission: on the one hand, it generatesgreater efficiency; on the other, it challenges the current political and legalsystem and brings the party-state with three types of unbalanced powerrelations (3Rs), among supervision, prosecution and trial, between central andlocal authorities, and between the state and citizens.
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