Speaker: Dr. Gu Weixia will present the following paper:
Title: Two Decades of the Handover and First Decade of theMainland Judgments Ordinance in Hong Kong: A Regional Conflict of Law Study
Abstract: The policy centerpiece of President Xi Jinping’s foreignstrategy, China’s Belt and Road initiative ambitiously aspires towards thegoals of expanding regional markets, promoting cross-continental connectivity,and addressing infrastructural deficits across Asia. In the context of a risingvolume of cross-border enterprises generated by the Belt and Road initiative, arobust legal framework is required not only to forge compatibility and investorconfidence in an effective commercial dispute resolution system, but to enablethe Belt and Road’s integral goal of economic integration. It is argued that inlight of the substantial levels of harmonization already existing amonginternational arbitration laws, international arbitration as a form of disputeresolution is likely to constitute a widely utilized cornerstone of such aharmonized framework necessary to facilitate the geographically wide-rangingBelt and Road initiative.
Setting the arbitration reformsof Asian Pacific jurisdiction in the context of its economic, political, andjudicial dynamic, this presentation, in connection with a recently publishedbook The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of ArbitrationReform in the Asia Pacific (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018) and some associatedpapers – provides a first-time cross-jurisdiction comparative and contextualstudy of the developing world of arbitration in the Asia Pacific. Thispresentation also aims to identify an Asia Pacific model of arbitrationmodernisation as distinct from the West.”
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