Conference on ‘Hong Kong Bilingual Legal System: Retrospect and Prospect’
The Conference on ‘Hong Kong Bilingual Legal System: Retrospect and Prospect’ is organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong, and is the first major international academic conference to focus on legal language of Hong Kong. The Conference aims to provide a platform for experts and legal practitioners from home and abroad to present their research and practical views, as well as to provide networking opportunities. In addition to the presentation sessions, workshops will be held on a variety of topics, covering both theoretical and practical aspects. As the Official Languages Ordinance is approaching its 50th anniversary, this Conference will review the challenges and opportunities of legal language of Hong Kong, and provide new ideas and directions to guide the further development of Hong Kong’s bilingual legal system.
Date & Time 日期及時間 :
26 August 2023 (Saturday) 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
27 August 2023 (Sunday) 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Venue 地點 :
Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
香港大學百周年校園鄭裕彤教學樓 11 樓學術研討廳
Conference Programme 會議程序表 :
Online Registration 網上報名 :
Attendance is free. Please pre-register online.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Phoenix To by email at or by phone at 39174238.