LGBTQ+ Rights Webinar Series
Legislating Against Conversion Therapy in Hong Kong and Taiwan
Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), colloquially known as “conversion therapy”, refers to any form of treatment that aims to change a person’s sexual orientation. Such treatment is predicated upon the assumption that being LGBTQ+ is a condition that can be “cured”. Those that are treated may therefore encounter physical, psychological and sexual abuse, including cruel and inhumane treatments like electric shocks, forced medication or surgery, isolation and humiliation. “Conversion therapy” is generally regarded as discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation. It is not only a serious violation of human rights of LGBTQ+ persons, but also a public health crisis.
In 2016, Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that they are drafting an amendment bill to outlaw “conversion therapy”, which was met with strong resistance from local anti-LGBTQ+ groups. They eventually achieved the ban via a letter of interpretation in 2018 – those who provides such treatment can receive up to 3 years of sentence. Meanwhile, Hong Kong is still very much behind on any discussion of a legislative ban. This webinar will involve LGBTQ+ advocates and medical professionals to explore the basis and strategies of legislating against “conversion therapy”.
THE SOCIETY OF TRUE LIGHT is a Hong Kong-based NGO advocating for self-acceptance among the LGBTQ+ community. Their representatives, Dino Wong and Joann Yeung, will present the findings of their pioneering study on the state of “conversion therapy” in Hong Kong, from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives.
DR. HSU CHIH-YUN is a clinical psychiatrist who runs an LGBT consultation clinic at the National Taiwan University Hospital. He previously served as the Director of the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, and has written extensively about LGBTQ+ rights and their intersections with his professional medical experiences.
Date & Time: March 14, 2023 (Tuesday) at 19:30-21:30 (Hong Kong time)
Language: Delivered in English and Mandarin, with Mandarin and English interpretations
Platform: Online (Zoom Meeting)
LGBTQ+ 權利講座系列
性向試改(sexual orientation change efforts, SOCE),俗稱「扭轉治療」或「拗直治療」,是指為改變人的性取向而進行的治療。這種「治療」方式建立在此種認知之上:即非異性戀的性傾向或非順性別的性別認同是可被「治癒」的疾病。被「治療」者因而可能遭遇身體、心理和性的虐待,包括被電擊、強制用藥或手術、隔離、羞辱等殘忍和非人道的對待。「扭轉治療」被普遍認為是基於性傾向的歧視及暴力,既嚴重侵犯了性別小眾的人權,也是一場公共衛生危機。
講座時間:2023年3月14日(星期二)19:30-21:30 (香港時間)
Registration Link 報名連結:
This webinar is organized by Equality Rights Project, Faculty of Law, HKU. For inquiries, please email us at . 此講座由香港大學法律學院平等權項目 舉辦。如有任何查詢,請致信 。