Jun 17
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Regulating Chinese Online Platforms: Challenges and Trends 中國互聯網平台監管:現狀、挑戰與趨勢

Regulating Chinese Online Platforms: Challenges and Trends



Date: June 17, 2023 (Saturday)   日期: 2023617 (星期六)
Time: 09:00 – 17:50 
: 09:00 – 17:50

Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, HKU

: 香港大學鄭裕彤教學樓 11 學術會議室

Mode: In-person

: 現場不設網上直播

此講座正在向港律師會申請 早上會議CPD 2.5分和下午會議CPD 3

We are in the process of applying 2.5 CPD points for AM session and 3 CPD points for PM session from The Law Society of Hong Kong.

 Registration: Please click here



Time Event
08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 09:10

[conducted in Mandarin]

Welcome Note

–  Hualing Fu (Warren Chan Professor in Human Rights and Responsibilities, Dean, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong)

09:10 – 09:30

[conducted in Mandarin]

Keynote Speech
–  Xiaoye Wang (Distinguished Professor of Law, Shenzhen University, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

09:30 – 10:30

[conducted in English]

Panel 1: Chinese Platforms Overseas

In recent years, Chinese companies like ByteDance, the powerhouse behind the wildly successful app TikTok, have taken the global stage by storm, amassing hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Yet, they face an increasingly complex web of legal challenges abroad. The US government is mulling over a TikTok ban, and Congress is working on legislation to impose further restrictions on the company. Similarly, EU authorities have followed the lead of many US states by banning TikTok on government devices. How have geopolitical tensions shaped the regulatory environments for Chinese platforms overseas? How will legal restrictions on Chinese platforms evolve in the United States and Europe? What strategies can Chinese firms employ to navigate these challenges? What role can diplomacy and international collaboration play in mitigating legal risks?  What does the future hold for Chinese firms in their quest to address these overseas legal challenges?



– Yanqing Hong (Professor of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology, Member, National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee)

– Samm Sacks (Senior Fellow, Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center)

– Graham Webster (Research Scholar, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University)

11:00 – 12:00

[conducted in Mandarin]

Panel 2: Antitrust in the Digital Economy

Antitrust law has taken center stage in China’s efforts to regulate Big Tech firms. Over recent years, the Chinese regulatory authorities have pursued several landmark cases, amended the Anti-Monopoly Law, and proposed updates to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law. What are the current priorities in Chinese antitrust enforcement? Will mergers and acquisitions involving Big Tech companies be subjected to greater legal scrutiny? What are the most recent updates on interoperability requirements for Chinese platforms? How will these changes impact the competitive landscape? How might these influence the competitive dynamics in China’s tech industry? Will Chinese authorities follow the lead of other jurisdictions like the EU in introducing more ex ante regulation?  How will the Anti-Unfair Competition Law evolve in the context of Big Tech regulation?



– Xiaoye Wang (Distinguished Professor of Law, Shenzhen University, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

– Jin Wang (Partner, Fangda Partners)

– Qiang Xue (Partner, Jones Day)


13:30 – 14:30

[conducted in Mandarin]

Panel 3: Workers in New Employment Forms

The rise of the platform economy has prompted unique challenges in terms of labor protections, especially for workers engaged in the sharing economy. To address these, China’s labor regulator has introduced new guidance aimed at safeguarding workers in unconventional employment forms. Concurrently, the Supreme People’s Court has considered implementing guidelines to reinforce protection for these workers in judicial practices.  What are the major obstacles to implementing recent reforms intended to bolster protection for platform workers? How can these challenges be effectively addressed? What should be the criteria used to identify labor relations in the rapidly evolving platform economy? How can regulators balance the need for robust labor protection with the economic imperative of fostering the platform economy’s growth and stabilizing employment?



– Jianbao Song (Director, Internet Justice Research Center, China Institute of Applied Jurisprudence)

– Yu Lou (Professor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law)

– Rongqing Ren (Senior Legal Expert, Alibaba Life Service)


15:00 – 16:00

[conducted in Mandarin]

Panel 4: Cross-Border Data Transfer

Amid escalating geopolitical tensions and heightened scrutiny over Big Tech, the Chinese data authority has imposed stricter requirements for outbound data flows. In recent years, three primary mechanisms have been established to ensure secure data transfers: security assessment, standard contract clauses, and security certification.  How have these institutional mechanisms been put into practice?  What are the key challenges that arise during the implementation of these data transfer mechanisms? How can companies effectively navigate these challenges to ensure compliance? What are the implications of these stricter data transfer requirements for Chinese companies operating in an increasingly complex global landscape?



– Yaohua Liu (Senior Expert, Internet Law Research Center, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology)

– Xiao Dong (Partner, Jun He Law Offices)

– Yanqing Hong (Professor of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology, Member, National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee)

– Ying Xue (Partner, GEN Law Firm)


16:30 – 17:30

[conducted in Mandarin]

Panel 5: Data Regulation & Compliance

In 2021, China took a significant step in strengthening its data protection by adopting the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), often referred to as China’s GDPR. This law imposes stringent obligations on Chinese online platforms to protect personal data and ensure privacy. Concurrently, the nation’s Cyberspace Administration (CAC) has been proactive in addressing the challenges posed by disruptive technologies, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence, by introducing a series of new regulations. What are the primary challenges faced by Chinese companies in complying with the PIPL? How are Chinese firms navigating the demanding requirements of consumer consent and data transfer under the new law? What approaches can we expect from Chinese authorities in regulating generative AI technologies? How will the trajectory of Chinese data regulation evolve in the coming years?



– Yaohua Liu (Senior Expert, Internet Law Research Center, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology)

– Yi Zhang (Partner, Fangda Partners)

– Haochen Sun (Professor of Law, The University of Hong Kong)

– Shaolin Qiu (Director of Legal Compliance, Tencent)


17:30 – 17:50

[conducted in Mandarin]

Keynote Speech
–  Yi Zhang (General Counsel, Alibaba Life Service)



08:30 – 09:00 登記

09:00 – 09:10



–  傅華玲 (香港大學法律學院陳志海基金講座教授,香港大學法律學院院長)

09:10 – 09:30


–  王曉曄 (深圳大學特聘教授,中國社會科學院法學所研究員)

09:30 – 10:30



近年來,中國公司如字節跳動在全球範圍內取得了巨大成功,吸引了數億用戶。 字節跳動旗下的應用程式TikTok更是成為一大熱門。 然而,這些公司在國外也面臨著越來越複雜的法律挑戰。 美國政府正考慮封禁TikTok,國會也在制定法案對其施加進一步限制。 與此同時,歐盟當局效仿美國,禁止在政府設備上使用TikTok。 地緣政治的緊張局勢如何影響中國平台在海外的監管環境? 美歐對中國平台的法律限制將何去何從? 中國企業又該如何應對這些挑戰? 外交和國際合作在減輕法律風險方面能發揮多大作用? 面對這些海外法律挑戰,中國企業的前景將會如何?



洪延青 (北京理工大學法學院教授,全國信息安全標準化技術委員會委員)

Samm Sacks (耶魯大學法學院蔡中曾中國中心高級研究員)

Graham Webster (斯坦福大學網絡政策中心研究學者)


11:00 – 12:00



反壟斷法在中國監管大型科技公司方面發揮著核心作用。 近年來,中國市場監管部門調查了多起具有代表性的案件,修訂了《反壟斷法》,並建議更新《反不正當競爭法》。 目前中國反壟斷執法的焦點是什麼? 科技巨頭的併購活動是否將面臨更嚴格的法律審查? 中國平台互操作性要求有哪些最新動態? 這些變化將如何影響競爭格局? 它們又將如何改變中國科技行業的競爭態勢? 中國政府是否會效仿歐盟等地區,引入更多的事前監管措施? 在科技巨頭監管背景下,《反不正當競爭法》將如何發展?



王曉曄 (深圳大學特聘教授,中國社會科學院法學所研究員)

王瑾 (方達律師事務所合夥人)

薛強 (眾達律師事務所合夥人)


13:30 – 14:30



在平台經濟蓬勃發展之際,勞動保護正面臨諸多獨特挑戰,尤其是對於投身共享經濟的工作者而言。 為應對此問題,中國勞動監管部門出台了新的指導意見,旨在維護從事非傳統就業形態的勞動者權益。 同時,最高人民法院也考慮在司法實踐中貫徹強化平台用工保護的指導建議。 這些近期改革的推進可能遇到哪些障礙? 如何有效化解這些挑戰? 在迅速演變的平台經濟中,勞動關係的認定標準應該是什麼? 監管機構又如何在保護勞動者權益與促進平台經濟增長及穩定就業之間實現平衡?



宋建寶 (中國應用法學研究所研究員,互聯網司法研究中心主任)

婁宇 (中國政法大學法學院教授)

任容慶 (阿里巴巴本地生活集團法務部高級法務專家)


15:00 – 16:00



近年來,隨著地緣政治緊張態勢不斷升級,大型科技公司面臨的審查日漸收緊,中國數據主管部門對出境數據流提出了更為嚴格的要求。 為確保數據傳輸的安全,中國建立了三大核心機制:安全評估、標準合同條款以及安全認證。 這些數據傳輸機制是如何付諸實踐的? 它們的執行帶來了哪些現實挑戰? 企業又如何巧妙應對這些挑戰,以確保合規性? 對於在日益錯綜複雜的全球環境中運營的中國公司而言,這些更為嚴格的數據傳輸要求將產生何種影響?



劉耀華 (中國信息通信研究院互聯網法律研究中心資深專家)

董瀟 (君合律師事務所合夥人)

洪延青 (北京理工大學法學院教授,全國信息安全標準化技術委員會委員)

薛穎 (己任律師事務所合夥人)


16:30 – 17:30



2021年,中國頒布了《個人信息保護法》,這一法律常被譽為中國版GDPR,為加強數據保護邁出了關鍵一步。 個保法明確了中國互聯網平台在個人信息和隱私保護方面所承擔的嚴格義務。 同時,為應對人工智慧等顛覆性技術帶來的挑戰,中國網信辦推出了一系列新法規。 中國企業在個保法合規方面遇到了哪些困難? 它們是如何遵守消費者同意以及數據傳輸的嚴格要求? 中國當局可能採取哪些措施來監管人工智慧技術? 在未來幾年,中國數據監管可能呈現何種發展趨勢?



劉耀華 (中國信息通信研究院互聯網法律研究中心資深專家)

張毅 (方達律師事務所合夥人)

孫皓琛 (香港大學法律學院教授)

邱少林 (騰訊法務合規總監)


17:30 – 17:50





Program and further details, please visit the event website: 20230617 | centrechineselaw (hku.hk).

請到以下網站以取得更多詳細會議資訊:20230617 | centrechineselaw (hku.hk).


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