Apr 25
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Rule of Law in China: Historical, Cultural, and Comparative Analysis Based on World Justice Project Data

Recent amendments to the ChineseConstitution have heightened concerns about rule of law in China. Thispresentation will use World Justice Project data to assess China’s progresstowards rule of law in the context of Chinese culture and in comparison toRussia. While significant progress has been made in China, which in general hasstronger rule of law scores than Russia on the factors used by the WorldJustice Project, Chinese culture is a major impediment to Western-style rule oflaw. In Chinese culture, the populace has high tolerance for centralized powerand generally puts community ahead of individual rights. Consequently, eventhough China is more law-oriented than it has been in the recent past, from aWestern perspective this tends to be more rule by law than rule of law. However,Chinese culture has a very long-term orientation, so while progress may seemslow, it is possible that someday China will achieve rule of law.

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