The Foundations of Constitutional Review in China
日期時間 : 2023年9月26日 (星期二)16:30 – 17:30
Date & Time: September 26, 2023 (Tuesday) 16:30 – 17:30
地點: 香港大學鄭裕彤樓7樓723室 (網上同步直播)
Venue: Room 723, 7/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong (Live via Zoom)
Language: Mandarin
中國憲制的最大特徵之一是採取了“人民代表大會制”的政體,由此,合憲性審查的兩種常見制度模式——美國的司法審查模式與歐陸國家流行的憲法法院模式——都被中國的主流理論所拒絕。 但是,立憲主義思想對中國的影響仍然很大,國內學者也普遍主張中國的現行憲法(也稱“八二憲法”)屬於“成文憲法”類型、並且擁有最高的法律地位。 那麼,在中國憲制之下,憲法究竟如何實施呢? 在本講之中,黃明濤教授會對當代中國憲制的基本結構與特徵作介紹,並重點談談合憲性審查在中國的制度基礎。
The Chinese constitutional system features itself with the “People’s Congress” form of government, which results in the rejection of both the American model of judicial review of constitutionality and the European model of constitutional court-based review of constitutionality. While on the other hand, constitutionalism is not alien to China and the leading theory is that the Chinese Constitution(1982) is a “written constitution” with entrenched status. So, how to enforce the constitutional law? In this lecture, I will explain the contemporary constitutional structure and the foundations of constitutional review in China.
黃明濤是武漢大學法學院教授,法學博士學位。 他目前在香港大學法律學院黃乾亨中國法中心擔任Leslie Wright訪問學者。 他曾經在中國人民大學從事博士後研究工作,也曾是美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜校區訪問學者。 黃教授是中國法學會憲法學研究會理事、秘書處副秘書長,也是香港基本法澳門基本法研究會理事、秘書處副秘書長; 黃教授也擔任香港城市大學公法與人權論壇的聯席研究員。黃明濤教授主要研究領域是中國憲法、香港基本法、比較憲法。 他已出版專著3部,主編文集2部,發表法學期刊論文40餘篇,曾榮獲錢端升法學研究成果獎。 他較近期的代表作有:《香港國家安全法:法理與實踐》(香港三聯書店有限公司,2021年); 《形式主義憲法觀及其修正》,載於《中國法律評論》2022年。
Mingtao Huang is a professor from Wuhan University Law School, China. He is currently a Leslie Wright Fellow to the Philip K.H. Wong Centre for Chinese Law, HKU. He graduated from Wuhan University (B.S., Master in law and PhD in Law). He was a post-doctoral research fellow in Renmin University of China and a visiting scholar to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.. He serves as the deputy-secretary of both the Constitutional Law Division and the Hong Kong Basic Law & Macau Basic Law Division of the China Law Society. He is an associate member of the Public Law and Human Rights Forum of the City University of Hong Kong. Prof. Huang writes in Chinese constitutional law, the Hong Kong Basic Law and comparative constitutional law. His recent publications include “The National Security Law of Hong Kong: Theory and Practice” and “The Growing Constitutional Regime: A Study of Hong Kong Basic Law”(Joint Publishing Hong Kong). He also has many top journal publications in China with subjects ranging from the Chinese congressional government, the Chinese constitutional history, constitutional review, cultural rights, judicial review in Hong Kong and constitutional relations between Mainland China and Hong Kong.