The PRC Constitution and Social Transformation: A Historical Analysis of Development
⽇期時間 : 2023年6⽉5⽇ (星期一)17:30 – 19:30
Date & Time: June 5, 2023 (Monday) 17:30 – 19:30
地點: ⾹港⼤學鄭裕彤樓11樓學術會議室
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong
語⾔: 普通話
Language: Putonghua
Format: *Hybrid-mode – Online participation is available*
此講座已獲得香港律師會批准CPD 2分
2 CPD points from The Law Society of Hong Kong have been approved.
中國的制憲史已逾百年。 憲法的產⽣及其發展展現了中國法治現代化的過程和中國社會變⾰的過程。 歷史總能給⼈深刻的啟⽰,回顧中國的憲法發展史,特別是新中國成⽴以來的制憲史,可以讓我們看到中國社會主義制度如何實現規範化、如何吸取歷史的教訓⽽形成當下的⽂本形態、如何在實施中不可避免地充滿中國特⾊。 本講座將聚焦我國現⾏憲法產⽣之前的憲法發展史,特別是新中國成⽴以來⾃1949年⾄1982年的憲法史,做歷時性的分析和總結。
The constitutional history of China, spanning more than a hundred years, illustrates the nation’s path towards the modernization of its legal system and its ongoing social transformation. Historical insights often provide profound lessons, and examining China’s constitutional development—particularly since the founding of New China—offers valuable perspectives on the normalization of China’s socialist system, the evolution of its current constitution, and the distinctively Chinese characteristics embedded in the constitution’s implementation. This lecture aims to explore the history of China’s constitutional development leading up to the adoption of its current constitution, with a particular focus on the period between 1949 and 1982 after the founding of New China. A diachronic analysis and summary will be provided to further our understanding of this critical period.
任喜榮,吉林⼤學匡亞明教授,中國法學會憲法學研究會常務理事。 她主要致⼒於憲法學基本原理、中國⼈⺠代表⼤會制度、部⾨憲法學的研究。 她曾教授的科⽬包括中國憲法學、⽐較憲法學、法律思想史、港澳基本法。 代表著作有《地⽅⼈⼤監督權論》《刑官的世界:中國法律⼈職業化的歷史透視》等。
Xirong Ren, Kuang Yaming Professor of Jilin University, Executive Director of the Constitutional Law Research Association of the China Law Society. She is dedicated to researching the fundamental principles of constitutional law, the Chinese People’s Congress system, and departmental constitutional law. She has taught various subjects including Chinese Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, History of Legal Thought, and Basic Law of Hong Kong and Macau. Some of her notable works include “On the Supervisory Power of the Local People’s Congress”, “Inside the World of Criminal Justice Officials: A Historical Perspective on the Professionalization of Chinese Lawyers”.