Professor Albert Chen Making the HK Law Society Roll of Honour

A big congratulation to Professor Albert Chen on his making the Roll of Honour of the Law Society of Hong Kong in recognition of his distinguished service to the Law Society and the development of the legal profession in Hong Kong.

Professor Chen was qualified to practice as a solicitor in 1984, the same year he began his academic career at The University of Hong Kong. Over the years, he has published over 200 articles or book chapters. He was the Dean of Law (1996-2002) and is currently the Cheng Chan Lan Yue Professor in Constitutional Law (from 2015) and the Chair of Constitutional Law (from 2021).

Click HERE to view the “Face To Face With The Law Society Roll Of Honour Inductees 2022, Albert H.Y. Chen GBS, SBS, JP And Huen Wong SBS, BBS, JP”.

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