Professor Simon Young appointed the Ian Davies Professor in Ethics
Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong is delighted to announce that Professor Simon Young was appointed the Ian Davies Professor in Ethics. An Endowed Professorship is one of the most significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics within the University in support of their academic and research activities. The 13th Vice-Chancellor (2000 to 2002) Professor Ian Davies left a bequest to establish a Professorship in Ethics in 2019, reflecting his life-long dedication to upholding good ethics in the workplace. Professor Simon Young is now Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty and Deputy Director for Education and Development of Research Integrity of HKU. He is well known for his academic leadership in promoting research integrity within HKU by contributing to the biannual research integrity training for new colleagues and chairing investigation committees into research misconduct. In both his academic and professional work, Professor Young has explored questions of integrity in the criminal process, particularly judicial responses to misconduct by police and prosecutors. As the Ian Davies Professor in Ethics, Professor Young will work on topics in the transnational criminal law space and examine the question of how technology transforms our traditional paradigm of criminal cooperation between countries.
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