Zhuqing HOU
Before entering the program of phd in law at HKU Law Faculty, she finished both undergraduate (2010-2014, Law) and master (2014-2017, International Law) degrees from Beihang University. During the master studying period, she applied a second master program (2015-2016) majoring in Air and Space Law in Leiden University, International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL). As a legal intern at International Telecommunication Union (ITU), she was responsible for working on report on legal issues of harmful interference.
Proceedings of Annual Conference 2016 China Institute of Space Law (CISL) 2018, “Cybercrime and Cyber-attack to Critical Information Infrastructure: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, State Responsibility and State liability”
Proceedings of Annual Conference 2016 China Institute of Space Law (CISL) 2016 and Chinese Yearbook of Space Law 2016, “Informed Consent” Rule in Sub-Orbital Flights: Historical and Legal Overview”