Prof. Eric C. Ip 葉子暘教授
Co-Director, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law
DPhil (Oxford), MSt (Oxford), MBEth (Sydney), LLM (KCL), LLB (New England), BSocSc (Govt&Laws) (HKU)
Eric C. Ip (DPhil, University of Oxford) is a public health bioethicist and Co-Director of the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), where he is Professor of Law.
His work on the law and ethics of population health has appeared in The Lancet Public Health, The Lancet Planetary Health, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Medical Law Review, Journal of Medical Ethics, Health Economics, Policy and Law, and Public Health Ethics. He is pioneering a new paradigm of planetary health law, which helps to develop a more coherent legal regime that addresses, among other things, the implications of the climate crisis on health and human rights. He teaches global health law for the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at HKU.
Additionally, Ip is a specialist of comparative public law, with a focus on the institutional foundations of judicial review. He has published in peer-reviewed periodicals such as The American Journal of Comparative Law, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, and International Journal of Constitutional Law. He is the sole author of Hybrid Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press, 2019) and Judging Regulators (Edward Elgar, 2020), and a co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law (Oxford University Press, 2021).
Prior to joining HKU, Ip taught at University College London (UCL) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where he served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law. He has received the Young Researcher Award (2014) and Research Excellence Award (2015) from CUHK, and the Faculty Research Output Prize (2017), Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (2018), University Research Output Prize (2020), Faculty Research Output Prize (2021), and University Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2021) from HKU, in recognition of his achievements in research or teaching.
Research Area
- Public Health Law and Ethics
- Planetary Health Law and Ethics
- Comparative Administrative Law
- Comparative Constitutional Law
Research Area
- Public Health Law and Ethics
- Planetary Health Law and Ethics
- Comparative Administrative Law
- Comparative Constitutional Law
Editorship and Professional Affiliation
Select Research Grants
Books (Author)
Ip, EC. Planetary Health Law and Governance. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Under Contract.
Ip, EC. The Law and Regulation of Public Health: Hong Kong in Global Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2024.
Villalta Puig, G, Ip, EC. The Freest Market in the World: The Constitutional Logic of Economic Liberty in Hong Kong. London: Routledge, 2023.
Ip, EC. Behavioral Public Choice Economics and the Law. Singapore: Springer, 2022.
Ip, EC. Law and Justice in Hong Kong: Principles of the Legal System (4th edn). Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell, 2022.
Ip, EC. Judging Regulators: The Political Economy of Anglo-American Administrative Law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2020.
Ip, EC. Hybrid Constitutionalism: The Politics of Constitutional Review in the Chinese Special Administrative Regions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Book (Editor)
Cane, P, Hofmann, HCH, Ip, EC, Lindseth, P, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021.
Select Book Chapters
Ip, EC. Administrative Justice in Authoritarian States. In: Tomlinson, T, Thomas, R, Hertogh M, Kirkham R, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2022. DOI:
Thomson, S, Ip, EC. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China: Legal Response to Covid-19. In: King, J, Ferraz, O, eds. The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021. DOI:
Ip, EC. Comparative Constitutional Politics in the Chinese Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. In: Hirsch Ballin, EMH, van der Schyff, G, de Visser, M, Stremler M, eds. European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2020. The Hague: Springer and TMC Asser Press, 2021. DOI:
Ip, EC. Parliamentary Regimes. In: Cane, P, Hofmann, HCH, Ip, EC, Lindseth, P, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021. DOI:
Ip, EC. Legal Profession and Representation. In: Chui WH, Lo, TW, eds. Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong (2nd edn). New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.
Select Journal Publications
Ip, EC. An emergent planetary health law. International & Comparative Law Quarterly 2023; 72(4): 1047-67. DOI:
Ip EC. Harnessing legal structures of virtue for planetary health. Journal of Medical Ethics 2023; 49: 833-7. DOI:
Ip EC. From the right to a healthy planet to the planetary right to health. The Lancet Planetary Health 2023; 7(2): E104-5. DOI:
Kwok, KHF, Ip, EC, Lee, SF. The conundrums of the reasonable patient standard in English medical law. BMC Medical Ethics 2023; 24: 15. DOI:
Ip, EC, Cheung D. Mapping the legal foundations of planetary mental health. Global Mental Health 2022; 9: 206-10. DOI:
Thomson, S, Ip, EC, Lee, S. International comparisons of COVID-19 case and mortality data and the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions: A plea for reconsideration. Journal of Biosocial Science 2022; 54(5): 735-41. DOI:
Ip, EC. The natural law ethics of public health lockdowns. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 2022; 36(1): 101-24.
Ip, EC, Lee SF. The constitutional determinants of planetary health. The Lancet Planetary Health 2021; 5(6): E331-2. DOI:
Ip, EC. Law, virtue, and public health powers. Public Health Ethics 2021; 14(2): 148-60. DOI:
Ip, EC. The constitutional economics of the World Health Organization. Health Economics, Policy and Law 2021; 16(3): 325-39. DOI:
Ip, EC. The political determinants of China’s new health constitution. Medical Law Review 2021; 29(1): 3-23. DOI:
Thomson, S, Ip, EC. COVID-19 emergency measures and the impending authoritarian pandemic. Journal of Law and the Biosciences 2020; 7(1): lsaa064. DOI:
Cheung, D, Ip, EC. COVID-19 lockdowns: a public mental health ethics perspective. Asian Bioethics Review 2020; 12: 503-10. DOI:
Thomson, S, Ip, EC. COVID-19 emergency measures are hurting democracy globally. American Journal of Public Health 2020; 110(9): 1356-7. DOI:
Ip, EC, Cheung, D. Global mental health security—time for action. JAMA Health Forum 2020; 1(6): e200622. DOI:
Ip, EC. Hong Kong—The unprecedented promulgation of public health emergency regulations amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Public Law 2020; 2020(2): 580-2.
Lee, SF, Ip, EC. Preparing for the coming transnational cancer crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Cancer Causes & Control 2020; 31: 703-4. DOI:
Ip, EC. China’s new public health constitution: a cause for hope? The Lancet Public Health 2020; 5(4): e190-1. DOI:
Lee, E, Ip, EC. Judicial diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: theory and evidence from the Singapore-initiated transnational judicial insolvency network. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 20(2): 389-420. DOI:
Ip, EC. Hong Kong—constitutional limits on emergency powers amid the 2019 crisis. Public Law 2020; 2020(1): 182-5.
Ip, EC. Hong Kong—Mainland Chinese enclave in highspeed railway station held constitutional, Leung Chung Hang Sixtus v President of the Legislative Council [2019] 1 HKLRD 292. Public Law 2019; 2019(4): 792-5.
Ip, EC. The virtuous epidemiologist. Journal of Public Health 2019; 41(4): 864-9. DOI:
Ip, EC. Anorexia nervosa, advance directives, and the law: a British perspective. Bioethics 2019; 33(8): 931-6. DOI:
Ip, EC, Yap PJ. Substantive review of administrative discretion in Hong Kong: divergence between judicial rhetoric and practice. The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 2019; 7(1): 190-211. DOI:
Ip, EC, Kwok, KHF. Judicial control of local protectionism in China: antitrust enforcement against administrative monopoly on the Supreme People’s Court. Journal of Competition Law & Economics 2017; 13(3): 549-75. DOI:
Ip, EC. Debiasing regulators: the behavioral economics of US administrative law. Common Law World Review 2017; 46(3): 171-97. DOI:
Ip, EC. Interpreting interpretations: a methodology for the judicial enforcement of legislative interpretations of the Hong Kong Basic Law. Public Law 2017; 2017(4): 552-62.
Ip, EC. Comparative subnational foreign relations law in the Chinese Special Administrative Regions. International & Comparative Law Quarterly 2016; 65(4): 953-68. DOI:
Ip, EC. The politics of constitutional common law in Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty. Washington International Law Journal 2016; 25(3): 565-95.
Partlett, WE, Ip, EC. Is socialist law really dead? New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 2016; 48: 463-511.
Ip, EC. Constitutional conflict in Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2016; 8(1): 75-99. DOI:
Ip, EC. Prototype constitutional supervision in China: the lessons of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee. Asian Journal of Comparative Law 2015; 10(2): 323-42. DOI:
Ip, EC. The constitution of economic liberty in Hong Kong. Constitutional Political Economy 2015; 26(3): 307-27. DOI:
Ip, EC. Doctrinal antithesis in Anglo-American administrative law. Supreme Court Economic Review 2014; 22(1): 147-80. DOI:
Ip, EC. Constitutional competition between the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal and the Chinese National People’s Congress Standing Committee: a game theory perspective. Law & Social Inquiry 2014; 39(4): 824-48. DOI:
Ip, EC. Taking a “hard look” at “irrationality”: substantive review of administrative discretion in the US and UK Supreme Courts. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 2014; 34(3): 481-510. DOI:
Ip, EC. The democratic foundations of judicial review under authoritarianism: theory and evidence from Hong Kong. International Journal of Constitutional Law 2014; 12(2): 330-53. DOI:
Ip, EC. The high court of the people: popular constitutionalism in Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty. Law & Policy 2014; 36(3): 314-38. DOI:
Ip, EC. The judicial review of legislation in the United Kingdom: a public choice analysis. European Journal of Law and Economics 2014; 37(2): 221-47. DOI:
Ip, EC. The evolution of constitutional adjudication in the Chinese Special Administrative Regions: theory and evidence. The American Journal of Comparative Law 2013; 61(4): 799-830. DOI:
Jordan SR, Ip EC. Demystifying the hermit kingdom: the constitution and public administration in North Korea. International Review of Administrative Sciences 2013; 79(3): 544-62. DOI:
Ip, EC. The institutional foundations of Supreme Court power in Britain’s representative democracy. Representation: The Journal of Representative Democracy 2013; 49(3): 281-93. DOI:
Ip, EC. The economic structure of Hong Kong administrative law: efficiency and legality of government decision-making since China’s resumption of sovereignty. Washington University Global Studies Law Review 2013; 12(2): 227-61.
Ip, EC. Judicial review in China: a positive political economy analysis. Review of Law and Economics 2012; 8(2): 331-66. DOI:
Ip, EC, Law, MKH. Decentralization, agency costs, and the new economic constitution of China. Constitutional Political Economy 2011; 22(4): 355-72. DOI:
Ip, EC. The Supreme People’s Court and the political economy of judicial empowerment in contemporary China. Columbia Journal of Asian Law 2011; 24(2): 367-35.
Ip, EC. Globalization and the future of the law of the sovereign state. International Journal of Constitutional Law 2010; 8(3): 636-55. DOI:
Ip, EC. The idea of law in classical Chinese legalist jurisprudence. Global Jurist 2009; 9(4): 2. DOI:
Other Academic Writings
Ip, EC, Wan, TTW. The right to pursue happiness on a healthy planet is a fundamental right. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics Blog 2022; June 17, 2022.
Ip, EC. Book essay: Judging Regulators: The Political Economy of Anglo-American Administrative Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2020). British Association of Comparative Law Blog 2021; November 5, 2021.
Ip, EC. Courts, proportionality and COVID-19 lockdowns. International Association of Constitutional Law IACL-AIDC Blog, 2021; September 23, 2021.
Ip, EC, Thomson, S. COVID-19 exceptionalism and the “new normal” of authoritarian governance. Administrative Law in the Common Law World 2021; March 10, 2021.
Cheung, D, Ip, EC. What are the obligations of the state? A public mental health ethics perspective on the Covid-19 lockdowns. BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics Blog 2020; May 6, 2020.
Ip, EC. The morality of administrative law. Administrative Law Blog 2017; May 22, 2017.
Ip, EC. Judicial scrutiny of administrative statutory interpretation: a comparative perspective. American Bar Association: Administrative & Regulatory Law News 2016; 41(4): 10.
University Outstanding Young Researcher Award, The University of Hong Kong (2020-2021)
Faculty Research Output Prize, The University of Hong Kong (2021)
University Research Output Prize, The University of Hong Kong (2020)
Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong (2018)
Faculty Research Output Prize, The University of Hong Kong (2017)
Research Excellence Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2015)
Young Researcher Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2014)
Founding Convenor and Co-convenor (Constitutional Law), Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination (2014-2015)
Member, Constitutional and Human Rights Committee, Law Society of Hong Kong (2012-2016)
Member and Panel Chairman, Selection Board, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships/Scholarships, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council (2012-2014)
Supervisory Editor, Hong Kong Law Journal (2022-)
Member, Planetary Health Alliance (2022-)
Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (UK) (2020-)
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Law and Social Inquiry (2016-2018)
Associate Editor, Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (2010-2011)
Ip, Eric C. (Principal Investigator), RGC General Research Fund 2023, “Judging the Automated State: The Reformation of Administrative Law for the Coming Age of Algorithmic Government in Hong Kong under Chinese Sovereignty,” Amount: HKD 457,140.
Ip, Eric C. (Principal Investigator), RGC General Research Fund 2017, “The Constitutional Foundations of Free Markets: Economic Provisions of the Hong Kong Basic Law in Comparative Perspective,” Amount: HKD 892,484.
Ip, Eric C. (Principal Investigator), RGC Early Career Scheme 2013, “Mitigating Cross-Border Constitutional Tensions: An Economic Analysis of the Design and Performance of the Committee for the Basic Law of Hong Kong,” Amount: HKD 233,000