Dr Stefan H C Lo 盧偉正博士
Principal Lecturer
Programme Director, Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law
BA/LLB (Hons I), LLM, PhD (University of Sydney)
Lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
Stefan was educated in Australia and is a graduate of the University of Sydney. Prior to joining the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong, he was a Deputy Principal Government Counsel (Ag) at the Department of Justice (DoJ), heading the team in the Civil Division responsible for advising the Government on company law reform. Previously, he had practised law as a solicitor and barrister in Sydney and had also taught law as Assistant Professor at the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong.
Stefan specialises in corporate and insolvency law. He was involved in law reform at DoJ for over 10 years, predominantly advising in connection with the Companies Ordinance Rewrite, the Corporate Insolvency Law Improvement Exercise and the Statutory Corporate Rescue Procedure. Aside from working in Government law reform, Stefan has also researched and written widely in the corporate law field. One area of research focus has been corporate accountability, including in particular the duties and liabilities of corporate controllers (directors and controlling shareholders) in respect of corporate wrongdoing. His publications in this area include In Search of Corporate Accountability: Liabilities of Corporate Participants (Cambridge Scholars, 2015). Stefan is also author of Law of Companies in Hong Kong, presently in its 4th edition (Sweet and Maxwell, 2023) and is General Editor of Company Law in Hong Kong – Vol 1 Practice and Procedure and Vol 2 Insolvency (Sweet and Maxwell) and Hong Kong Company Law – Legislation and Commentary (LexisNexis).

Research Area
- Corporate Law
- Insolvency Law

Research Area
- Corporate Law
- Insolvency Law
Selected Publications
Stefan HC Lo and Charles Z Qu, Law of Companies in Hong Kong (4th edn Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2023)
Stefan HC Lo, Privacy Law in Hong Kong (Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2020)
Stefan HC Lo, Kelvin Cheng and Wing Hong Chui, The Hong Kong Legal System (2nd edn Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2020)
Stefan HC Lo, In Search of Corporate Accountability: Liabilities of Corporate Participants (Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle on Tyne 2015)
Edited works
ELG Tyler and Stefan HC Lo (eds), Tyler and Lo’s Hong Kong Company Law – Legislation and Commentary (LexisNexis, Hong Kong) (loose-leaf)
Stefan HC Lo (ed), Company Law in Hong Kong: Practice and Procedure (Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2023)
Stefan HC Lo (ed), Company Law in Hong Kong: Insolvency (Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2023)
Journal articles
“Nature of Corporate Veil-Piercing and Revitalization of the Evasion Principle” (2023) 139 Law Quarterly Review 436
“Corporate Governance in the Context of Insolvent Companies” (2023) 10 Journal of International and Comparative Law 113
“Current Accounts and Void Dispositions After Commencement of Winding Up” [2020] Journal of Business Law 624
“Proposals for Insolvent Trading Laws in Hong Kong: A Comparative Analysis” (2020) 7 Journal of International and Comparative Law 229
“Piercing of the Corporate Veil for Evasion of Tort Obligations” (2017) 46 Common Law World Review 42
“Schemes of Arrangement: Economic Analysis of Three Issues Relating to Classification of Claims” (2017) 40 University of New South Wales Law Journal 1440 (with Charles Qu)
“Context and Purpose in Corporate Attribution: Can the ‘Directing Mind’ Be Laid to Rest?” (2017) 4 Journal of International and Comparative Law 349
“Dis-attribution Fallacy and Directors’ Tort Liabilities” (2016) 30 Australian Journal of Corporate Law 215
“A Parent Company’s Tort Liability to Employees of a Subsidiary” (2014) 1 Journal of International and Comparative Law 117
“Corporate Governance and the New Companies Ordinance in Hong Kong” (2013) 21 Asia Pacific Law Review 267
“Liability of Directors as Joint Tortfeasors” [2009] 2 Journal of Business Law 109
“Consumer Remedies for Misleading or Deceptive Marketing Practices: Reform of the Law in Hong Kong” (2008) 37 Common Law World Review 117
“Limitations in the Regulation of Unfair Marketing Practices in Hong Kong” (2008) 7 Journal of International Business and Law 77
“Courts and Corporate Governance: Development of the Common Law in Light of Policy Objectives” (2006) 14 Asia Pacific Law Review 75
“The Continuing Role of Equity in Restraining Majority Shareholder Power” (2004) 16 Australian Journal of Corporate Law 96
“Justifications for Consumer Privacy Protection on the World Wide Web” (2004) 9 Media and Arts Law Review 1
“Sentencing for Drug Offences in Hong Kong: An Overview” (2004) 34 Hong Kong Law Journal 13 (with Ian Dobinson and Wing Hong Chui)
“Application of the Lex Creationis to Cross-Border Transactions in Shares and Indirectly Held Securities” (2004) 12 Asia Pacific Law Review 95
“Expectation Damages under the Trade Practices Act s 82” (2001) 9 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 174
Book chapters
“Membership”, “Statutory Obligations of Directors” and “Enforcement of Duties and Members’ Remedies” in Stefan HC Lo (ed), Company Law in Hong Kong: Practice and Procedure (Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2023) Chs 4, 6 and 8
“Directors” in Stefan HC Lo (ed), Company Law in Hong Kong: Insolvency (Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2023) Ch 1
“Joint Ventures” in Brian Gilchrist (ed), Chitty on Contracts: Hong Kong Specific Contracts (7th edn Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong 2022) Ch 17
“Criminal Court System” in W H Chui and T Wing Lo (eds), Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong (2nd edn Routledge, London 2016) Ch 14
“Privacy” in Neville Sarony and DK Srivistava (eds), Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong (3rd edn Sweet and Maxwell 2014) Ch 31