Prof. Wilson Chow 周偉信教授

Associate Professor



Wilson Wai-shun Chow joined the Faculty in 1995 as the first full-time local teacher of Hong Kong taxation law in the Department of Professional Legal Education.  His teaching now covers Hong Kong conveyancing and probate practices, professional conduct and solicitors’ accounting, taxation systems and policies in Hong Kong and Mainland China, as well as international taxation. Mr. Chow has spearheaded the curriculum reform in and generated most, if not all, of the development proposals and evaluation reports for the HKU Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) since 2001. He is among the first few colleagues within the Faculty in developing and researching the use of experiential learning tools in professional legal education, of which the Standardized Client Interview programme is an example. His team has presented their empirical work at conferences held in Hong Kong, UK, Australia and the US and published the same in international refereed journals and edited volumes. He is also one of the contributors to the Encyclopaedia of Hong Kong Taxation, a leading text for practitioners. His recent publications include:

“The Reformed Individual Income Tax Law in China”(with Wang Jingyi) (2021) HKLJ 249.

“Simulated clients are‘live’ clients too!  Integrating standardized clients into law clinic at HKU” (with Michael Ng); (HKU Law, October 2020).

“Capital Gains Tax with Hong Kong Characteristics: Desirability, Feasibility and Design” (with Wang Jingyi) (2018) 48 HKLJ 555.

“Experientialization of Legal Education in Hong Kong – Adoption and Adaptation” (with Michael Ng and Julienne Jen), in Andrew J Harding, Hu Jiaxiang and Maartje de Visser (eds), Legal Education in Asia: From Imitation to Innovation (The Netherlands, Brill, January 2018), pp 197 – 222.

“Disintermediator or another intermediary? E-simulation platform for professional legal education at University of Hong Kong” (with Michael Ng), European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2016 (21pp);

“Legal Education without the Law – Lay Clients as Teachers and Assessors in Communication Skills” (with Michael Ng), International Journal of the Legal Profession (September 2015), DOI: 10.1080/09695958.2015.1075888.

“Adding Realism to Professional Legal Education at the University of Hong Kong”, in: Edward Phillips, Caroline Strevens and Richard Grimes (Eds.), Legal Education: Simulation in Theory and Practice, (Farnham, Ashgate, December 2014), pp 231 – 242.

“Standardized Clients in Asia – University of Hong Kong’s Experience” (with Michael Ng), in Karen Barton and Fiona Westwood (eds), The Calling of Law: The Pivotal Role of Vocational Legal Education, (Farnham, Ashgate, May 2014), pp 165 – 179.

“Too Many ‘What’s, Too Few ‘How’s” (with Firew Tiba), European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013 (40pp);

Mr. Chow was one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2018. As Head of Department of Professional Legal Education, he is one of the Faculty representatives in the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training. He is also an examiner in Head I (Conveyancing) of the Law Society’s Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examinations and a member of the Qualifying Examination Program and PRC Certified Tax Agents Committee of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong.

Research Area

  • Taxation Law and Policy
  • Law of Conveyancing
  • Teaching and learning (curriculum design and methodologies) in Professional Legal Education



Research Area

  • Taxation Law and Policy
  • Law of Conveyancing
  • Teaching and learning (curriculum design and methodologies) in Professional Legal Education