2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | Jul | Jun | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2023-12-8: China’s Short-Sighted AI Regulation
2023-12-18: 精神科自願變強制入院 指引沒提「暴力」 料因避修例 學者憂收緊標準病人感受騙
2023-12-22: 中國律所跟隨企業腳步擴大“出海”
2023-12-29: 律政司網頁列國安法煽動罪「釋義」 附106案摘要「推國安教育」
2023-12-31: 行政長官委任港大法律學系主任莊邁豪為法改會新任成員 接替傅華伶
2023-11-6: 港大法學院創新實驗室獲教育科技英雄獎
2023-11-7: 法改會前委員張達明促落實 保安局:正研究建議
2023-11-14: 競委會強調中原舉報換取不被控告非放生 消費者仍可追討損失
2023-11-16: AI To Enhance Central Banks’ Supervision: Deutsche Bundesbank
2023-11-21: Chinese law firms on the rise due to geopolitics and slowing economy
2023-11-24: Binance US guilty plea complicates Hong Kong affiliate’s crypto licence application
2023-11-30: OpenAI’s ongoing uncertainty is a gift to the company’s rivals
2023-10-01: Face to Face with Dean Fu Hualing Dean of the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
2023-10-17: Esperanza’s EdTech Month Summit explores advancements in education technology that unleash human potential
2023-10-20: 金管局建立央行數碼貨幣專家小組 五間本地大學學者參與研究
2023-10-23: Hong Kong’s illegal wildlife trade flourishing despite tougher enforcement powers
2023-10-24: Angela Zhang on why the West should pay more attention to Chinese antitrust law
2023-10-31: China-U.S. tech rivalry is making it harder to contain AI risks
2023-09-01: ‘Long overdue’: China’s new Foreign State Immunity Law will align it with Western practices
2023-09-05: Hong Kong Must Have Framework to Recognize Same-Sex Unions, Court Rules
2023-09-09: 覆核有條件出院令5年僅兩成獲批 醫生稱需作平衡決定
2023-09-18: 港大舉行海牙會議亞太周 李家超:香港在促進亞太等地司法公正發揮作用
2023-09-19: China Aims To Replicate Human Brain in Bid To Dominate Global AI
2023-09-20: 國家所需·香港所長法律服務篇|跨境仲裁調解 助力內企「出海」
2023-08-14: 有條件釋放|病人自白:憂自願入院變失醫療自主 醫、患、學者想什麼?
2023-08-26: In Beijing, New Counterterror Regulations Give Authorities More Power Over Tech Sector
2023-08-30: 鄧桂思案|港大教授指公眾利益或為撤控理由 中大專家憂未釋疑慮
2023-07-11: China to Lay Down AI Rules with Emphasis on Content Control
2023-07-12: Hong Kong prosecutors gain new powers in national security trials
2023-07-26: 有條件釋放|收緊或擴闊明討論 學者質疑成效 醫生指助病人治療
2023-07-28: Court dismisses government bid to ban protest song ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, questions effectiveness of move
2023-06-04: 《香港國安法》的實施
2023-06-06: 性侵兒童 · 二|港英性罪行條例67年不變 是警示還是指示犯罪?
2023-06-06: 戴啟思料判決不影響查冊外刑事案 「真誠定義針對假扮記者的人」
2023-06-07: 兩岸三地歷史 皆有歌曲被禁
2023-06-08: 性侵兒童 · 三|香港性罪行改革緩慢? 法改會成員:比中東進步
2023-06-19: 研引社區治療令 學者:外地未見效
2023-05-04: When communists became Confucians
2023-05-10: 專訪│陳弘毅:修訂法律執業者條例維護國安 無損香港普通法制度優勢
2023-05-10: 法律執業者條例修訂 陳文敏:變相假設海外律師不准參與國安案
2023-05-18: Increasing support for same-sex couple rights and gay marriage
2023-05-30: Tech Wars and Anti-Trust Laws: How Great Power Competition Is Reshaping Regulation
2023-04-10: 中國有能力實現基礎研究突破性進展
2023-04-11: China’s internet watchdog proposes rules, security assessment for AI tools similar to ChatGPT
2023-04-13: 陳弘毅:覆核現實意義不大 湯家驊:港無權覆核國安委
2023-04-21: 高院國安案脫罪 倡可上訴翻案 修例賦權律政司「案件呈述」 原只能就法律爭議上訴
2023-03-03: At China political meeting, internet bosses are out, chip execs are in
2023-03-17: Dog poisoning cases in HK
2023-03-18: 學者料或加條款 需黎案再申認許
2023-03-24: 陳弘毅論外狀接案:特首證明書可判斷不利國安否
2023-03-27: Alibaba founder Jack Ma returns to China to discuss impact of artificial intelligence on education
2023-02-01: China’s removal of criminal sanctions for spreading Covid-19 prompts calls for previous cases to be reviewed
2023-02-05: 醫專港大研討醫療誤殺 醫生:未釋業界刑責疑慮
2023-02-06: Hong Kong’s top court rules surgery is not needed to register gender change
2023-02-20: 教育要聞|港大生教長者「擬遺囑」防騙
2023-02-20: What does China plan to do with mountain of personal health code data amassed during zero-Covid?
2023-01-02: China Big Tech in 2023: China’s low profile tech bosses may become more visible and vocal in the coming year
2023-01-03: Law & More: The Boase Cohen & Collins Podcast
2023-01-17: 張舉能:國安範疇 政府國家考慮的事 大律師公會促特首國安委克制行使國安法權力
2023-01-17: Medical Liability