Professor Thomas Cheng awarded the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2023
Congratulations to Professor Thomas Cheng on receiving the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2023! Professor Cheng’s article with Julian Nowag of Lund University “Algorithmic Predation and Exclusion, 28(1) University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 43-101 (2023).” won the Best Academic Articles under the category of Unilateral Conduct.
Organised by Concurrences and The George Washington University Law School’s Competition Law Center, the Antitrust Writing Awards aims to promote competition scholarship and contribute to competition advocacy. The 2023 Antitrust Writing Awards contribute to this achievement by selecting the best antitrust writings published in the past year. The Awards consist of “Best Articles” (divided into “Academic Articles” and “Business Articles”), “Best Soft Law” and “Best Student Papers”. The Jury is composed of leading antitrust enforcers, academics and counsel.
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